Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

Thanks man, I just dropped them (BB and WR) in water today to see what sinks. A couple dropped right away. No I hadn't read that BB needs to be topped but you ought to know my style by now. I top everything. lol

Whats does it mean if they sink ?

If they drop, they're good.

Clipped from a site:
To test your seed quality, take the selected seeds you intend to plant and drop them into a pan or bowl with distilled water in it. The healthy seeds will usually have enough mass to cause them to sink (it is recommended that this test be performed just prior to planting because the seeds must be kept dry until ready to germinate).
Hmmmm - I don't think I would call that test very accurate, since I've learned how to properly germinate, all my seeds have germinated, but they're roughly 50/50 as far as sinking and not sinking.
I've never done it myself. I just wet one paper towel, drop the seeds on it, wet another paper towel and put it on top. Had near 100% results.
Yeah I was doing it that way before, but found I got even better results (for me) if I soak the seed for 12-24hrs beforehand.
Yea I heard about it about a year ago and just started doing it.

I read to soak the seeds for eight to tewelve hours and the seeds that sunk were able to get water inside. The seeds that didnt sink were not able to get water inside and wont germinate. The seeds that dont sink you can rough up the edges a bit and try again.
So that way you know it will germinate instead of turning to mush.
I must've had great luck with my seeds. I've only ordered from highgrade-seeds.com. 100% germ rate so far. The only ones I've ever had that didn't germ were bagseed.
Well, all ten sunk so I put them in damp paper towels and kept them warm by sitting the plate on my DVR. Today I have nine sprouts. They are all going into rooter cubes as soon as I can warm up the cubes. Cubes were in storage and about 50° (its winter here)
Well, all ten sunk so I put them in damp paper towels and kept them warm by sitting the plate on my DVR. Today I have nine sprouts. They are all going into rooter cubes as soon as I can warm up the cubes. Cubes were in storage and about 50° (its winter here)
50 and you say it's winter... Lucky dog! lol It's winter here, and more like 10! I would love some 50 weather!
I JUST WANT WINTER TO BE OVER, so the lady can go out side, and start growing to be monsters. 40 here
yea but still to cold for the ladys. im thinking 2-3 weeks before they can go out there. yea and i would have my binoculars watching you:-P hehehe
OK, Heres a shot from the other day of the sprouts.


I like to take the sprout and split the rooter cube so the tap root points down and just the top of the seed is in the hole. Then I pick off a piece of the cube from the bottom and fill the hole.





The two clones in the upper corners are PK cuttings taken in week 5 of flower. It will take a while to re-veg and root properly but this way I can keep the strain alive. (yea, I dont think the one on the right is gonna make it either)

I got them in the rooter cubes yesterday and today a few popped up.


I been keeping them around 75°

I just realised I watered these girls with my clone solution. Not good. I usually use just RO so I just checked it and it is only 250ppms so I should be ok.
Nice germination tutorial there! Yay babies!
Ha, Yea nothing like new life in the grow. Soon they will have there wings. (the first set of leaves make them look like birds on a stick) I just dont get the same feeling with clones.

you didnt trim those leave on them clones, why?
Naw man, I dont cut the small leaf. Its not really needed because there is not much surface area for photosynthesis to take place and the stored nutrients are needed to grow roots. Clones with large leaves I cut them back to reduce the surface area... Well, thats how I figure it.
Next Day


Once they break the surface I put that piece back in the hole to keep the new stalk damp and give it support.


The first week or so is the tricky part, gotta maintain temps and moisture in the cubes while at the same time give them just enough light to grow. I got two 20w HO t5's over them at about 12 inches. Once they grow there first set of leaves I drop the light. (or raise the plants) Under the tray is a seedling heat mat and I keep the temps as close to 75° as I can.​
monster hawaiian snow buds all one plant. all so look at this big bud and she got4- 5 weeks to go. i think its going to be the biggest plant, with the most bud, iv grown as far as the amount of bud ill yield off her.
Hum, I went out and got some new 1500ppm reference solution to calibrate my meter cause I was running low. Turns out the old solution was at about 1000ppms so my shit has been off. After properly calibrating my meter I found I have been running about 900ppms on this purple kush grow. Not 6 to 700. Plants look fine though. I'll get some pics.

What I am wondering is did I flush my last grow that Train wreck enough. Its still curring and I havent touched it yet. Oh well, I will find out in about 2 weeks.