Diph Trip Info?

im looking to try out the diph trip tonight. I was looking at 300 mg but i only have 200mg in pills and the rest would be in syrup. Is this a good idea? Anybody have exp with the pill and syrup combo. Will i be able to control myself?


Well-Known Member
im looking to try out the diph trip tonight. I was looking at 300 mg but i only have 200mg in pills and the rest would be in syrup. Is this a good idea? Anybody have exp with the pill and syrup combo. Will i be able to control myself?
I don't wanna sound like a dumbass or anything... but what in the world is DIPH?

I very well know what DPT, DIPT is... but DIPH?
Ive heard everything from lucid dreams to actual figures talking to you depending on the dosage of course Ive been very bored lately and the town has been dry for 2 weeks on weed and everything else. Im just lookin for a good time and have some diph :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ive heard everything from lucid dreams to actual figures talking to you depending on the dosage of course Ive been very bored lately and the town has been dry for 2 weeks on weed and everything else. Im just lookin for a good time and have some diph :lol:
hmmmmm... anything treacherous like DXM cough syrup?


I do diphenhydramine all the time, and its crazy... In high does, If u do it right. 300mg wont do shit. Maybe just barely but not much. I like to do about 700mg but sometimes less and sometimes more. I can tell you almost everything you need to or want to know about it. But its to much to decribe all at the same time. One things for sure, u wont be able to control urself. In high doses anyway. Ive done it enough that i feel kind of comforable doing it with my parents home. But if i had to say more than 3 sentaces to them and i was tripping high doses of this shit id be fucked. Seriously, u make no since on this stuff. But it really just depends how much u take. If u want info about the high and any tips pm me.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Diphenhydramine sucks, not to mention it is not too great for you in high dosages. I would avoid at all costs, sobriety beats the fucks out of dph.


Active Member
Ive heard everything from lucid dreams to actual figures talking to you depending on the dosage of course Ive been very bored lately and the town has been dry for 2 weeks on weed and everything else. Im just lookin for a good time and have some diph :lol:
I haven't tripped on Diphenhydramine, but I have on Diphenhydranate, I've heard they're pretty much the same though. Definitely not a cool trip dude, not worth it. You hear conversations that aren't there, you see people that aren't there, and you see lots of bugs all over you. Not cool.


Well-Known Member
Haha, old post but how did your trip go? I remember tripping on that a few times.. If it didn't make you feel like suck shit it would be kinda fun honestly.. I never really freaked out, once I had a conversation with my dad about how he tried meth on the 4th of july........ >.> This was a couple years ago when I still lived with them, I was 19? Anyways, lol he was talking to me, and he randomly goes, "Yeah so I tried meth for the first time on the 4th.." And then I started talking about how I have sped a lot before but never that far, and how I did x a few times.. And I remember his face was about to explode with laughter.. Then it did.. Anyways, yeah there is no control a buddy of mine did this:

He went to school on 700mg. First he dosed at around 10PM, then stayed up all night, he said that his cat came down and ate a benadryl pill, and he watched it puke its guts out, then later he thought all of the clocks in his house said 7:45AM, which is what time he needed to go to school(This was a kid that I sold too in highschool, lol I wasn't a drug dealer, but I dealt just enough to pay for my stoner ways ;)) so, he has a conversations with his mom about how the cat has died, and he walks out the door, proceeding to talk to his sister at the bus stop for an hour he said. Then finally bus came, and picked him up, the dude was like COME ON! Because john was just standing there(His name really is john) so he walked onto the bus. NOW, really it was only 5 when he went outside and he got picked up by the highschool bus lol no joke at all. I would know. It was MY bus BAHAHAAAAA!!! Anyways, so he sat next to me, in the back, and he thought he was talking to Tanner? I dunno who the fuck tanner is, but I kept telling him that I was me, and he kept screaming at me like "NO YOU TANNER I SEE YOUR FACE!! STOP FUCKING WITH ME YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP I AM I JUST WANT THIS TO BE THE FUCK OVER WITH!" So I was just like 'whatever john your faking your balls off..' but then we get to school and he gets off the bus, looks around, and wanders around aimlessly, I try to help him into the school, but didn't know how to help him out he was just fucked it was a terrible situation.. By then I knew he wasn't lying... I mean he was in middle school and he was at my highschool... Finally this assistant principle comes to the table I took him to in the cafeteria, and I told him, just walk around NEVER walk by this place again because this is where the officers hang out, just try to 'poop' all day.. We will fix it later.. So then she finally gets too us, and she goes to john, and asks what he is doing bumping into everyone and if he was alright because his head was down.. You know what he says? you know what the fuck john says to the principle?!?!?!?!!? He says, "UHH NO IM NOT SICK IM SORRY UHH WASNT LIKE HALF THE MIDDLE SCHOOL ON THE BUS AND HALF THE HIGHSCHOOL ON THE BUS FIOR THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!!!?!??!!?" And he said it all like he was out of breath and shitfaced.. And then she looks at him closer and goes.. 'uhhhhhhhh.....' and then gets the officer, and then me and him both get questioned and searched... I just told them the situation of how I was trying to help him out for his own good and how he only took 200mg.. phh yeah right.. Lol but anyways he got way with it, no detention nothing.. The fucking officers were PISSED though.. how could they be such assholes? they were frantically looking through our shit.. ripping it apart almost, and muttering shit under their breath.. What the fuck? Anyways, he was fine, they took him to the hospital made a big scene, apparently he thought that he was playing xbox on a glass tv while we were in the cafe.. I guess thats when his head was down because I know shit like that happens to me on it.. I told him not on a school night.. You don't feel good when its over.. you feel like really bad.. It pretty much dehydrates the FUCK outa you..

Sorry for the length, but I haven't shared that story in awhile and its a good one haha but its a crazy trip, brace yourself.. better with weed. I watched carrots sprout out of my ground and like rainbows become drawn on my walls when I smoked on it.. I didn't feel bad either.. I ate a lot and drank water and tea the whole time, it was pretty nice!


Well-Known Member
If you eat about 300mg it does the opposite to put you to sleep and just makes you very drowsy and disoriented wishing you could go to sleep but you can't so your stuck awake feeling like your a sleep but your actually awake and want to go to sleep... you'll also probably talk to yourself and inanimate objects around you a lot ;)