Intelligent Design


Well-Known Member
Monkeys have no need to steal, we may partake in criminal activity due to the rush of adaption when entering ever changing society. I've heard that our minds are infact improving at a faster rate now due to busy, stressful, over-crowded lives, but are they changing in the right direction, or just becoming more ruthless, careless and greedy?
Society cannot suit everyones personal character, which is where religions did generally help to adhere citizens to their cultural conformity. We are forever evolving into the way of life forced upon us, just like any primate will to be socially successful and survive.

As for the evidence (actually, more possibility) of alien visitors look into early North African and Central American cultures, the reasons for their structures, images of their artwork and advanced methods for all aspects of life. In (as far as memory allows me) Ethiopia, people used to praise Sirius, this in the area where hominin life is thought to have began.

To evolve, a creature requires challenge, yet how is it that primates (like many creatures) seem to eventually slow/stop?

Man o' the green

Active Member
Intelligent design is simply another "reason" to explain that some type of god exists. It has no merit as science or logical foundation. The concept of god is about faith. You don't have to find excuses and adopt it as "science". You only need to determine if your concept of god is compatible with all of your other sources of information and logic. Supporting ridiculous theories to legitimize religion and trying to prove that god exists through evidence is futile, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
So God/the creator/whatever is fitting for you, was the very first organism in the planets oceans? We're all its children, I imagine :D

As for "the meaning of life", it seems it is our quest to get as many answers as possible, but actually understanding every answer could be too much. The entirity of humanity might just become chronicly depressed in knowing that the real challenge of life is over.... Not claiming there actually is a "meaning to being" however.


New Member
These certainly aren't scientific theories. Whose 'theories' are they?

At what point exactly do these 'theories' imply that the extra-terrestrial man appeared?

Our skeletal structure, which has much in common with all other mammals.
Our eyes, which are functionally and physiologically similar to many species.
Our physical resemblance to hominids and primates and the fossils which show the transition from ancestral ape to modern man.
You can follow the settlement patterns of human civilization back to before they could even be considered human.

Even if you eliminate the phenotype, the genotype is so similar between us and other species you can trace it back to non-human ancestors which were infected with retroviruses which permanently modified the DNA strand. Each modification in the ancestral tree can be used to identify which lineage continued toward us and which diverged.

So what if our way of living is different from other animals? Dolphins and termites have substantially different ways of life as well.
I'll find the links for you, but there are actual scientists and respected professionals that believe it's very possible we were created by very intelligent extra-terrestrials, some are sure. As I said, the others I found were doing research on alien abductions and experiences with them. There were several different people who I researched and watched videos on that said they were either told or saw a similar thing, that aliens created us. With one of them they said the aliens took them to different places in space and time and showed them different things. One of the places was where humans were created, there were primates that had their DNA structure slightly changed and kept in a separate area to breed together and eventually advance into what we are today. I'm not saying this is proven at all but it is realistic and it's coming from many different sources.

Obviously our features will be somewhat similar to other mammals since we are part them and we are adapting and evolving in the same type of environment. Yes there are animals with different ways of life and large differences but none nearly as large as humans to the rest. It's been a few years since I researched this but I remember there being an obvious difference in the chromosomes. Humans are so far advanced especially intelligence/mentally compared to other animals on the planet I would actually be very surprised if we just evolved naturally with no intelligent intervention. I have no religion, I'm not talking god I'm speaking of extra-terrestrials and they could possibly be seen as god to some. There are even programs and documentaries explaining how most biblical could be attributed to extra-terrestrials. There are UFOs in paintings made around the 1st century. In the future we should find more and more evidence for this.


I'll find the links for you, but there are actual scientists and respected professionals that believe it's very possible we were created by very intelligent extra-terrestrials, some are sure. As I said, the others I found were doing research on alien abductions and experiences with them. There were several different people who I researched and watched videos on that said they were either told or saw a similar thing, that aliens created us. With one of them they said the aliens took them to different places in space and time and showed them different things. One of the places was where humans were created, there were primates that had their DNA structure slightly changed and kept in a separate area to breed together and eventually advance into what we are today. I'm not saying this is proven at all but it is realistic and it's coming from many different sources.

Obviously our features will be somewhat similar to other mammals since we are part them and we are adapting and evolving in the same type of environment. Yes there are animals with different ways of life and large differences but none nearly as large as humans to the rest. It's been a few years since I researched this but I remember there being an obvious difference in the chromosomes. Humans are so far advanced especially intelligence/mentally compared to other animals on the planet I would actually be very surprised if we just evolved naturally with no intelligent intervention. I have no religion, I'm not talking god I'm speaking of extra-terrestrials and they could possibly be seen as god to some. There are even programs and documentaries explaining how most biblical could be attributed to extra-terrestrials. There are UFOs in paintings made around the 1st century. In the future we should find more and more evidence for this.

Dude, where is the evidence to support this. What are you basing this on?

I'm not jumping on anything until I see some evidence.


Well-Known Member
I'll find the links for you, but there are actual scientists and respected professionals that believe it's very possible we were created by very intelligent extra-terrestrials, some are sure.
It's one thing to refer to panspermia, and another entirely to say that aliens came along and plunked us here a short time ago or that different races on earth come from different planets.

You also have to consider the loose use of the term "scientist". Not only is it abused by con men and charlatans, but sometimes a genuine scientist in one field will speak out on another field in which they have no expertise.

Hawking was chastised in the last year or two by biologists for making a statement about the biological sciences which he had no background in. It can happen to anyone.

But it's always important to consider the source relative to the subject.

A person claiming different races come from different planets would need to be able to account for why we all share common modifications to our DNA which were caused by retroviruses in primate (and earlier) ancestors .

Even a basic understanding of genetics will do much to wash away the nonsensical statements of those who just make stuff up as they go along to sell books and get web site hits.


New Member
What if aliens left just black monoliths and did no mating?

How would that propagate their genetic material?

How else can genetic information be propagated other than via DNA?


Please listen to the words.

IT is packed with substance



Well-Known Member
so then the question would still be how did the first life begin....where the..??aliens? came from or maybe theirs never a begining or end?

Man o' the green

Active Member
so then the question would still be how did the first life begin....where the..??aliens? came from or maybe theirs never a begining or end?
Given enough time in the presence of resources and a moderate environment, it is inevitable that some form of life will arise from basic elements.
Probability would show that for all practical purposes, it must happen.
The result of life becoming intelligent is also inevitable, given enough time.

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem


so then the question would still be how did the first life begin....where the..??aliens? came from or maybe theirs never a begining or end?
I believe there was a beginning to our universe. All the current evidence supports this.

I think life itself is very common. Our perception of it being so difficult is because we've only seen it happen once. Life could be any number of things, the definition of what life is, it's definitely not confined to the carbon element or planet Earth.


Active Member
All this reminds me of the end scene in Men In Black....aliens...galaxies in marbles....playing actual marbles....u never know...why bust ur dome over it? we'll never know in our lifetime


Well-Known Member
There is no one answer as to how "life" arrived in the universe. There are many ways to define "life".

When a star ends it's "life", it spews out the elementary particles necessary for intelligent life to begin on planets one day. Therefore, this 'cycle of evolution' (also called God, to some); the constant changing which leads to unpredictably complex organisms who display intelligence, and one day, consciousness, can itself be called life.

Therefore, long story short, life is a naturally occurring event in this universe, given each of the elements on our periodic table's specific properties allow them to react to each other in near infinite variety.

So, there is no one answer as to how "life" arrived in our universe. To paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park: In this universe, 'life finds a way.'

However, there may yet, one day, be enough evidence to quantify a probability factor of how life specifically arrived on our planet. Until then, it is pure speculation. (The God hypothesis, as described by most religions today, has a probability of near zero.)


Well-Known Member
All this reminds me of the end scene in Men In Black....aliens...galaxies in marbles....playing actual marbles....u never know...why bust ur dome over it? we'll never know in our lifetime
If we didn't think and probe the mechanisms of the universe we wouldn't know anything in anyones lifetimes.

We'd still be standing around in the desert waiting for Sky-god Crankypants feed us.