How often do I flush for nute burn? *pics*


so ive got small plants with nute burn and i was wondering how often should i flush them, without doing even more damage? thanks for the future help


Well-Known Member
so ive got small plants with nute burn and i was wondering how often should i flush them, without doing even more damage? thanks for the future help
you shouldn't be feeding them nutes yet too young. just give them plain water for the next few months. then wate till they get there 4th or 5th node befor feeding nutes again at 1/4 of the amount stated on the nutes your using(ie) if it calls for 1tsp. per gallon of water use 1/4 tsp per gallon. then give plain water every other watering.


Howd u burn them? With what? Looks def to me. Whats ur story?...
yea i was having problems with them and a few people on here thought i had a nitrogen problem so i added blood meal to give them a boost unfortunately it wasnt a nute problem, i was over watering, thus no i have nute burn, ive stopped feeding nutes and have treid to scrap out as much as i could now im trying to flsuh the rest of the nutes out, im just wondering how often should i do it? once a day? once every few days? help me put please, thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
its very hard to burn w/ organics.if your problem was overwatering,flushing will only make it worse.get a moisture meter & let them dry out.


well there was no problem color wise or leaves dying untill i added the fert so its got to be that my plants have burn, the leaves are turning yellow and then brown spots then DEATH so it must be due to to much nitrogen, so far i havent really gotten the answer im looking for as far as "how many times do i flush plants with water?" hopfully some experienced growers who have had this issue can help me out.


Active Member
hey bud,im no pro but from reading on riu i believe they say you should flush with 3 x the amount of your plant pot,so if your planters a 1 galoon pot you flush with 3 gallons,then feed water for a week after,not sure if thats your problem


Well-Known Member
well there was no problem color wise or leaves dying untill i added the fert so its got to be that my plants have burn, the leaves are turning yellow and then brown spots then DEATH so it must be due to to much nitrogen, so far i havent really gotten the answer im looking for as far as "how many times do i flush plants with water?" hopfully some experienced growers who have had this issue can help me out.
since you have decided to keep adding water till they die,flush them daily till dead then start over. or, as I already said,it is very hard to burn w/ organics,let them dry out! yellow leaves are not a sign of nitrogen overdose

from the growfaqs
Nitrogen Toxicity:
Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage. If excess is severe, leaves will dry and begin to fall off. Root system will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit and flower set will be inhibited or deformed.
With breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake. Stress resistance is drastically diminished.


since you have decided to keep adding water till they die,flush them daily till dead then start over. or, as I already said,it is very hard to burn w/ organics,let them dry out! yellow leaves are not a sign of nitrogen overdose

from the growfaqs

fuck it, ill go with your advice an dry them out, its my first grow an i never expected to go through with no problems so no worries. if this doesnt work ill just start over and learn from my mistakes, thanks for the help everyone, ill keep y'all posted


Well-Known Member
any results yet? it will take time & the damaged leaves wont get better soon but the soil should be drying out after 4 days & nothing more should be turning yellow.

Indoor Don

Active Member
fuck it, ill go with your advice an dry them out, its my first grow an i never expected to go through with no problems so no worries. if this doesnt work ill just start over and learn from my mistakes, thanks for the help everyone, ill keep y'all posted

smart move!


Active Member
You need to wait till the soil dries out again, then put those guys in the sink and just run gallons and gallons of water through the soil then let it drain.

This should clean the soil of any nutrients.

And yeah you need to transplant them as soon as you can into their final pots. Id do it now and then flush as soon as the soil dries.

And cut off the damaged leaves so the plant doesn't waste energy trying to make them work.

This whole process will probably be very stressful, but just give it some time and your plants will come back. Pot plants are very hearty.