Does She Exist?(prob not)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone knows of a woman that fits these certain set of qualities and what qualities you perfect woman or man would posses. Not just turn ons but little things that would make a big difference.
anyway mine would be a woman that smokes the green(duh) but not cigarettes, would sit on her laptop while im on mine and discuss the different things we are reading and learning about, she would enjoy findind exotic recipes and cooking together in the kitchen, and most of all she would love growing all types of beautiful plants from all over the world. These are just a few things that would make a big difference for me.


Well-Known Member
find a stoner at starfucks with a laptop.
My perfect girls would have to know how to make O:s
Red Hair green eyes and a BOOTY


Well-Known Member
na she has to be real no starfucks whores. ive been on that drama filled out of control train ride from hell. lol long story and no offense to any women out there that enjoy starbucks. by the way i make much better coffee and its free when you wake up in my bed.


Well-Known Member
I tried eharmony wouldnt let me do shit except fill out all that b.s. In the end it told me basically to f off because im married. Well i tried to figure out how to tell them shes a cheatin whore but i couldnt find that option. lol


Well-Known Member
I quote Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting: "You're not perfect. And let me save you the mystery; this woman you like isn't perfect either. The question isn't 'Is she perfect', but 'Is she perfect FOR YOU."

The only way to be sure if someone is perfect for you is to date them for a loooooong time. Because people change over time or rather, some people take a long time ot let you in to their real self.

'She' does exist. But you might just walk past her without speaking because you've committed yourself to 'close-enough'. My uncle used to say: "You can live with a lot of people; but you marry the one you can't live without." -Nah. As a rule, don't marry until the day you want children. That way, either of you is free to walk out the door.


Well-Known Member
I quote Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting: "You're not perfect. And let me save you the mystery; this woman you like isn't perfect either. The question isn't 'Is she perfect', but 'Is she perfect FOR YOU."

The only way to be sure if someone is perfect for you is to date them for a loooooong time. Because people change over time or rather, some people take a long time ot let you in to their real self.

'She' does exist. But you might just walk past her without speaking because you've committed yourself to 'close-enough'. My uncle used to say: "You can live with a lot of people; but you marry the one you can't live without." -Nah. As a rule, don't marry until the day you want children. That way, either of you is free to walk out the door.
Exactly,Exactly.....Life makes a little more sense now thankyou. rep++:clap::hump::D


Active Member
I quote Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting: "You're not perfect. And let me save you the mystery; this woman you like isn't perfect either. The question isn't 'Is she perfect', but 'Is she perfect FOR YOU."

The only way to be sure if someone is perfect for you is to date them for a loooooong time. Because people change over time or rather, some people take a long time ot let you in to their real self.

'She' does exist. But you might just walk past her without speaking because you've committed yourself to 'close-enough'. My uncle used to say: "You can live with a lot of people; but you marry the one you can't live without." -Nah. As a rule, don't marry until the day you want children. That way, either of you is free to walk out the door.
nice! +reps


Active Member
theres all types of women out there OP. all you have to do is...NOT LOOK. I swear if you look its like you're jinxing yourself.

I almost have a perfect woman...5'9. Latina thick lips...gorgeous face. a monster ass...honest, caring, faithful. cant ask for more lol

with the way people are in society today and the need for shows like cheaters i feel really good about this girl.

i first met her when i was a freshman in high school (13 going on 14 that year) and we started as friends...she didnt date anyone but i went out with others.

somewhere down the line i became single and we started messing around a little bit (she wasn't experienced sexually at the time..and i had some experience but was a virgin too).

we ended up messing around more and more and eventually we lost our virginity to each other in a parking garage downtown. yes its true...and it was sav style...anal doggystyle (w/ a condom...cuz otherwise yea...thats gross)

even after all this we remained single friends and i went on to other relationships and i always had the though t in my mind that she might be for me but i ignored it until one day i couldnt and here we are.

i've known her over 7 years and shes been nothing but honest n caring...really sweet. pretty much my bestfriend (corny as it sounds) and freaky in bed! best part sexually is there hasnt been anyone else. so everything she knows was from me...

and if you're talking sex that is the luckiest position to be in. training is better than dealing with the trained. lmao.

keep searching out there...shes right under your nose.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey that's me and my old man! We even compete against each other in casino tournaments!
I was wondering if anyone knows of a woman that fits these certain set of qualities and what qualities you perfect woman or man would posses. Not just turn ons but little things that would make a big difference.
anyway mine would be a woman that smokes the green(duh) but not cigarettes, would sit on her laptop while im on mine and discuss the different things we are reading and learning about, she would enjoy findind exotic recipes and cooking together in the kitchen, and most of all she would love growing all types of beautiful plants from all over the world. These are just a few things that would make a big difference for me.


Active Member
I quote Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting: "You're not perfect. And let me save you the mystery; this woman you like isn't perfect either. The question isn't 'Is she perfect', but 'Is she perfect FOR YOU."

The only way to be sure if someone is perfect for you is to date them for a loooooong time. Because people change over time or rather, some people take a long time ot let you in to their real self.

'She' does exist. But you might just walk past her without speaking because you've committed yourself to 'close-enough'. My uncle used to say: "You can live with a lot of people; but you marry the one you can't live without." -Nah. As a rule, don't marry until the day you want children. That way, either of you is free to walk out the door.

Right here is my answer. She is out there dude, just dont try to impress or fake anyone out. Be real, be true, honest, and speak your mind. Be courteous.

Remember, you cannot expect to be able to love someone before you can love yourself. I am not talking greed, I am talking that if you feel you are a sucky person or your life is bad, figure out how to fix it. If it is finances, downsize your life. You dont need a lot of the shit you have. Smaller makes you feel more cozy too. Do what you need for yourself and you will meet someone who is enjoying that same thing. If your hobby doesnt lead you outside... maybe you should find a new hobby if you want to find a chick eh? It takes some amount of effort, but remember its always a matter of chance so be yourself, ask a girl out if you like her the worst she can say is no. There is roughly 6.8 billion inhabitants on this Earth, of which more than 3.3 billion (2008 estimate) are women. Any encounter with a woman is a 50/50 chance, with the odds increasing the more you increase your self understanding and psychological maturation.

Do things for yourself. You will inevitably find someone in the path of doig something that you LIKE> and if you have like interests, it is not everything, but it is a good start.

Dont expect anything from anyone, anytime. PERIOD. Be grateful for every good moment, and try to shrug off the bad. Just because a person is cute, but only meets 2 of your list of 10 necessary thigs in a man/woman, doesnt mean you need to try to hammer a square peg into a round hole with a 6lb sledge. Accept everyone at face value, prima facie.

Improve yourself. Look at yourself and improve those things you find necessary. Find someone who is blunt who will tell you what your problems are, theres plenty of them around.

I have been, sexually, with over 116 women and 6 men, have had relationships with more than 20 women from varying ages between when I was 13 until present (under 30) and thought all women were nutjobs, having dated more than 20 of them.

Until I gave up trying and started doing things for myself, regardless of what ANYONE thinks. I stopped giving a flat fuck what anyone thinks, and told most of my "closet skeletons" to people at work, parties, etc. It was liberating. And ironically, because I can divulge such "sensitive" information in the open public, people find me to be honest, loyal, trustworthy, etc. Its amazing. I have people twice my age asking for advise or more research for natural medicine for crohns or whatever... I have developed myself since I have discovered this quest for understanding. I suggest you try to seek to understand yourself from the inner depths. Perhaps try

Trichocereus Peruvianis

But be mindful. Ask your God(or lack thereof) for insight into your inner soul, and for a connection to knowledge and understanding of everything around you. You will discover your faults. Fix them. Then worry about fining someone else.

They will come to you before you are ever ready to go and find them.



Active Member
Ya she is mine and in my bedroom telling me to get off rollitup, and to come to bed.............;) time to go make sexy time lol good luck with your search.
Not just turn ons but little things that would make a big difference.
anyway mine would be a woman that smokes the green(duh) but not cigarettes, would sit on her laptop while im on mine and discuss the different things we are reading and learning about, she would enjoy findind exotic recipes and cooking together in the kitchen, and most of all she would love growing all types of beautiful plants from all over the world.
lol yes there has to be tons like that, i know i am one. Love the ganja and do not care for tobacco products and i aspire to be a chef on the side and an arboriculturist / horticulturist which is pretty much growing plants lol

my ideal male would smoke bud, not tobacco and would enjoy talking philosophy with me, share my spiritual beliefs to some extent (which to some may seem odd) and just someone that can hold a conversation with intelligence and someone who would not criticize or mind all my little projects (like all of a sudden wanting to write this philosophy book i am doing)


Active Member
I think for me, she'd have to most definitely be a sweet girl with motherly features (As a sure sign she'd want to have kids) The ability to cook--cause i'm tired of dating girls are culinary challenged...that shit is sad. Petit, shorter than me (roughly 5'0 and 5'6) thick hips, a good ass to tit ratio. (tho' to have more tit than ass is ok) sexually uninhibited--cause it's 2010 if you not suckin no dick--then bitch you need to find another man. That being said, smart, college oriented, fun to be around, smell nice too lord knows that shit makes one hell of a difference. I'm not gonna post everything cause then it'd be like i'm writing a book.

The Potologist

Active Member
In the words of billy corgan......AND YES I AM MARRIED, FOR 8 years now,....." Love is suicide....nothing but pure misery"

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
I tried eharmony wouldnt let me do shit except fill out all that b.s. In the end it told me basically to f off because im married. Well i tried to figure out how to tell them shes a cheatin whore but i couldnt find that option. lol

that's hilarious