yellow leaves...and flushing question


Well-Known Member
hello all. Im 8 weeks into flowering and alot of my fan leaves keep turning running out of them... i wonder whats going on? is this normal? Im feeding it fox farm tiger bloom and big bloom.
i was planning on flushing soon, can i just put it in the bath tub and set the water on low and kinda have the water not too cold but like a room temp water, and flush it that way???





Well-Known Member
yea just keep the temp of the water decent and you can flush like that... what strain we looking at here!? you know?


New Member
the yellowing of the leaves is normal especially 8 weeks into flower........I guess you could flush it that way but you might shock her if your temps arnt right....


Well-Known Member
the yellowing of the leaves is normal especially 8 weeks into flower........I guess you could flush it that way but you might shock her if your temps arnt right....
its just so big its hard for me to move it around, i figured putting it in th bathtub might be the easiest way, and ill make sure the water is somewhat cold.
After i run about 10-20 gallon through it, should i then poor about 2 gallons of distilled water in there???? thats what ive been using the whole time mixed with nutes


Well-Known Member
You can flush them in the bathtub but DO NOT USE WATER FROM THE HOT TAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calcified lime=a VERY BAD THING!!!!!!!!! And your plant looks like it overwatered/overfed or possibly even root bound. And I love the lamp hanging upside down, DIY at its best baby! Thats what it is all about. Nice grow. And dosent the Haze take like 11 or 12 weeks to finish?


Well-Known Member
yea its normal to see them yellowin that late!! just feed it water tha last 2 weeks and you sould be good!


Well-Known Member
You can flush them in the bathtub but DO NOT USE WATER FROM THE HOT TAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calcified lime=a VERY BAD THING!!!!!!!!! And your plant looks like it overwatered/overfed or possibly even root bound. And I love the lamp hanging upside down, DIY at its best baby! Thats what it is all about. Nice grow. And dosent the Haze take like 11 or 12 weeks to finish?
ya i think i will do it for 10 weeks, maybe 11 at the most, so i shouldnt use any of the hot water??? i was gonna do mainly cold water with a little hot, cause if i do cold by itself, its realllly cold. I wanted to put another 68 watt cfl on that side but i was tired of speding more and more money lol so i got the lamp


Well-Known Member
when yur ready to flush just fill up some milk jugs and let it stand open for at least 24 hrs and then apply as necessary