Northern California Guerilla grow. Input greatly appreciated

This is my first grow. I have selected the strains that im going to use
-Nirvana Northern Lights
-Dutch Passion Durban Poison

I am planting in an area with shrubs and trees, the area i have selected for now is on a hill with around 9 hours of sunlight, 30 yards from a small stream but still has a hiking path 80 yards away in both direction. One of which is visible from the grow spot, this has been a concern to me but i dont know if its that vital to disregarding the spot.

The spot has large, medium trees with prickly bushes around and for sure hard to get to. ( I had to crawl over/under 10 yards of shrubs to get there )

I am going to buy an unknown number of CFL lights, 26w 6500k lights for around a few weeks of veg before i transplant my girls into the wild.

I feel like i have a lot of it planned but i have no idea what to do with soil. Im going to be getting a pH meter to test out the pH of the area but dont know what to do after that (What soil to buy, how to mix, what to mix with) etc.

Im going to be digging holes from 3-4 ft deep and putting grow bags inside the hole. I think thats a good idea but not too sure.

Let me know what you guys think, this is pretty serious to me considering i need the grow to go well to get me into college. Im looking for a good yeild and for this not to get busted!

Btw: anyone policeman/fed looking to find my crop, good luck :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
when you said you need the grow to go well to get you into college, do you mean so it can help pay toward your schooling? I ask 'cause that's a pretty lofty goal for your first grow. goodluck.
when you said you need the grow to go well to get you into college, do you mean so it can help pay toward your schooling? I ask 'cause that's a pretty lofty goal for your first grow. goodluck.
Got drug tested randomly at my job, fired, i need a few more thousand to get my into my UC!



Active Member
Got drug tested randomly at my job, fired, i need a few more thousand to get my into my UC!

...a cupple tips, if I was u id say its f me cause police are more inclined to look for ur crop if ur selling,that's alor of money for thwe state if ur siting in jail 989here a day,
its better to keep ur info to urself,


My mix thi year is
Peat moss buy it at lowes, $9.98, id say 60gallons
Vermiculite lowes/walmart, $4.98
Pearlite, same as vermiculite
cow shit, 50lb bag,$1.45,1 ½ gallons
Blood meal one bag goes a long!!!!!way. $10
bone meal same as blood
Fish guts go to a fish market with 2 5 galln buckets tell them ur going cat fishing, free...

Mix every thing except dor the peat moss, put
into a heavy duty Bag

Ur holes put unearthed soil on a tarp drop into stream, or mix 25% natural soil with 75% ur soil,don't clear little trees or bushes they help from the sky,
Don't clear to many medium size trees,but when / if u do cut at the base then cut into moveable pieces, drop into creek preferably when its raining. ...

Buy fishing line make a perimeter around ur crop(keeps large animals away)
Buy wolf/coyote piss and soak in a sock and hang from a spot that will get wind but no moisture,

Id say the most important thing is to tell no!one what so ever,ever...keep it a secret....cause today he or she may be ur best friend intill something happens,
what if u beat his ass and is mad and the only way he can get back is snitching, off to prison another thing if u feel like somethings wrong just leave, best thing for u to do...

Got drug tested randomly at my job, fired, i need a few more thousand to get my into my UC!

...a cupple tips, if I was u id say its f me cause police are more inclined to look for ur crop if ur selling,that's alor of money for thwe state if ur siting in jail 989here a day,
its better to keep ur info to urself,


My mix thi year is
Peat moss buy it at lowes, $9.98, id say 60gallons
Vermiculite lowes/walmart, $4.98
Pearlite, same as vermiculite
cow shit, 50lb bag,$1.45,1 ½ gallons
Blood meal one bag goes a long!!!!!way. $10
bone meal same as blood
Fish guts go to a fish market with 2 5 galln buckets tell them ur going cat fishing, free...

Mix every thing except dor the peat moss, put
into a heavy duty Bag

Ur holes put unearthed soil on a tarp drop into stream, or mix 25% natural soil with 75% ur soil,don't clear little trees or bushes they help from the sky,
Don't clear to many medium size trees,but when / if u do cut at the base then cut into moveable pieces, drop into creek preferably when its raining. ...

Buy fishing line make a perimeter around ur crop(keeps large animals away)
Buy wolf/coyote piss and soak in a sock and hang from a spot that will get wind but no moisture,

Id say the most important thing is to tell no!one what so ever,ever...keep it a secret....cause today he or she may be ur best friend intill something happens,
what if u beat his ass and is mad and the only way he can get back is snitching, off to prison another thing if u feel like somethings wrong just leave, best thing for u to do...

Well sorrrry to be a dick but nobody responds when i say its for myself so i just put that up there so people would help. WHICH YOU DID! Ha i would never actually sell weed, seen too many friends get busted with that shit