harvest what you think????


Well-Known Member
hi all just about to cut one of my plants this has been in flower for 8 weeks and a few days, under a 400w hps light i was told it was a afgan??? how much do you think i will get?? got a few more plants go get the chop in a few weeks thanks happy days :weed:


Active Member
hi all just about to cut one of my plants this has been in flower for 8 weeks and a few days, under a 400w hps light i was told it was a afgan??? how much do you think i will get?? got a few more plants go get the chop in a few weeks thanks happy days :weed:
if you cut all the buds off and weigh them wet what ever the wet weight is deduct 70% as that 70% is water/moister, so for an example if it weighed 1 once wet it will weigh a 1/4 ounce dry approximatly


Well-Known Member
i gotta say for your first grow you did a great job. most newbs are usually impatient and pick to early. it has a good harvest it looks like. make sure you flushed. but if you didnt it might be a lil late for that. remember one of the most important parts to growing is drying and curing properly. good luck plus rep newbie


Well-Known Member
must say i only took the leafs off to take this pic 2 hours before it was full of leafs! does it look like a afgan i would love to grow this one again thanks