GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Active Member
smells that much? hope thats not what mine are, lol
Honestly the two of them stunk! :lol:
Although, since i've chopped the right hand girl down, the smell has gone down slightly..:mrgreen:
Don't get me wrong the smell was lovely... to me...but not to the rest! :lol:
The girl i have up at the moment smells very peachy...:weed:
The one i chopped smelt very skunky, real strong, now the drying buds smell really sweet... :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Honestly the two of them stunk! :lol:
Although, since i've chopped the right hand girl down, the smell has gone down slightly..:mrgreen:
Don't get me wrong the smell was lovely... to me...but not to the rest! :lol:
The girl i have up at the moment smells very peachy...:weed:
The one i chopped smelt very skunky, real strong, now the drying buds smell really sweet... :mrgreen:

howd the stuff from the girl with bananas turn out? imsure youv said but im too high to backtrackbongsmilie


Active Member
howd the stuff from the girl with bananas turn out? imsure youv said but im too high to backtrackbongsmilie
I know how you feel man :lol:, been smoking some blue cheese this week, well nice flavour..propa nice smoke... :eyesmoke:

So far so good, it eventually gave up i guess, i havent noticed anything other than on a few buds i cut off. A few little buds that were right at the bottom when i harvested the cola and found a couple of 'bananas clusters' lurking underneath a few of them... just pulled them off..saying that i did find a seed that i forgot to say about, really healthy looking too, dark brown and with the tiger stripes.. :mrgreen: it was basically falling out when i had a look at one of those small buds... can't remember where I put it though.. :lol:
I got lucky! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
I know how you feel man :lol:, been smoking some blue cheese this week, well nice flavour..propa nice smoke... :eyesmoke:

So far so good, it eventually gave up i guess, i havent noticed anything other than on a few buds i cut off. A few little buds that were right at the bottom when i harvested the cola and found a couple of 'bananas clusters' lurking underneath a few of them... just pulled them off..saying that i did find a seed that i forgot to say about, really healthy looking too, dark brown and with the tiger stripes.. :mrgreen: it was basically falling out when i had a look at one of those small buds... can't remember where I put it though.. :lol:
I got lucky! :eyesmoke:

awesome man, good to hear, u should definetly plant that seed if u can find it might be some hellish shit:bigjoint:


Active Member
Definatly man.. :joint:
It will turn up eventually, i know i would of put it somewhere safe, but the missus likes to clear s**t up and put it in different places on a regs so i can never be too sure where all my stuff is! :lol:



Well-Known Member
Definatly man.. :joint:
It will turn up eventually, i know i would of put it somewhere safe, but the missus likes to clear s**t up and put it in different places on a regs so i can never be too sure where all my stuff is! :lol:

trust me i know what you mean. lol,she is still hanging my work shirts in my grow closet:shock:


Well-Known Member
i just replied to you on my journal... by the way we also thought we had hermies!! and were just as desperate as you!!! those are some motherfing big calixes hahaha


Active Member
I love how healthy it looks :-) You did very well Joe! :weed:
Thanks Weedy... :joint:
Looking forward to seeing some of your Satori nuggets! :mrgreen:


i just replied to you on my journal... by the way we also thought we had hermies!! and were just as desperate as you!!! those are some motherfing big calixes hahaha
Those hermie scares will be the death of me one day.. :lol:
When the plants are nearing the end of their life, the hairs should start to receed back into the calyxes which should then swell up with resin... Hmmmmm..... Resin.. arggghhhh... :eyesmoke: ... :mrgreen:



Active Member
71 days since the swiaaatch.. :mgreen:
Everyting is good.. :mrgreen:
The buds are curing nicely and the hanging buds are drying nice and slow..:weed:...
The lady still growing is really packing on the resin as she nears the end of her journey.. :lol:.. and since having the light vertical, some of the buds that were lower down have popped up out of the canopy and have beefed up loads! :mrgreen: She smells very sweet, very peachy still.. :eyesmoke:

I'm in a reasonably good mood, considering the crap half oz of Armeggedon me and my bruv went halves on..£100 gold nuggets for a bag full of farty little buds and stalk! :neutral: ..don't get me wrong its a f*****g good bit of smoke... just not impressed with the deal... 13.9grams...13 grams after we took out the little cut up bits of stalk... :neutral:...I'm pretty sure '14 grams there man' was his exact phrase as he handed me a rolled up baggie full of green.. :neutral:..i know its only a gram but its the small take the piss buds that really gets to me... but hey, what can ya do...:mrgreen:..Just makes me wanna not share my smoke with anyone even more! :lol:




Well-Known Member
Hello mate have to say what a nice grow. Buds look sweet, This strain is a Medical strain so be ready for the Munchys man :spew:

I am waiting on 10 Big Bang Fem seeds from GHS & 10 Cheese Fem seeds from Big Buddha, email says they are in post so hopefully in the mext day or two i should be ready.

Think i will Veg for a bit Longer than you am really going for yeild on this one and might upp the potts but apart from that you really done a great job, Think i saw a post from you sayin you have only grown a few times but if not then it must be the smoke effecting me to much so never mind bongsmilie

My Grow Equip will be;

2 x 400w HPS lights
2 x 125w Cool CFL lights
20lt or 25lt Potts (if i can get 25lt)
CoCo Soil
Canna Veg, Canna Flower, Canna boost, PK 13/14

Keep us all updated with the grow m8 and let us all in on the Wet and Dry weight. Im guessin 4oz :weed:


Active Member
Day 72 today.. :weed:
She is doing very well and doesn't seem to want to stop growing! :lol:
The buds are getting big and sticky and smell delicious.. :mrgreen:

I went ahead and trimmed a few more of the hanging buds and placed them in jars.. :mrgreen:..i'm trying hard not to sample any but i want to have it all jarred before the smoke begins.. :eyesmoke:

I underestimated who many jars I needed and i'm running out! :lol: I had to go to the shop and buy a jar of coffee, (the good king with the 'pop' lid :mrgreen: )..empty the contents into a bowl, cleaned out the jar and now its ready for some green :mrgreen:
Gunna have to get a couple of big 420 jars... :lol:
I'm going to jar the rest tomorow, they feel like another night should do...can't wait to get it all on the scales! :mrgreen:




Active Member
Hello mate have to say what a nice grow. Buds look sweet, This strain is a Medical strain so be ready for the Munchys man :spew:

I am waiting on 10 Big Bang Fem seeds from GHS & 10 Cheese Fem seeds from Big Buddha, email says they are in post so hopefully in the mext day or two i should be ready.

Think i will Veg for a bit Longer than you am really going for yeild on this one and might upp the potts but apart from that you really done a great job, Think i saw a post from you sayin you have only grown a few times but if not then it must be the smoke effecting me to much so never mind bongsmilie

My Grow Equip will be;

2 x 400w HPS lights
2 x 125w Cool CFL lights
20lt or 25lt Potts (if i can get 25lt)
CoCo Soil
Canna Veg, Canna Flower, Canna boost, PK 13/14

Keep us all updated with the grow m8 and let us all in on the Wet and Dry weight. Im guessin 4oz :weed:
Hey Primz.. :joint:
Thanks man...
Yea this is my 2nd grow...the first went great, this one even better... I can only hope for good things with the next.. :mrgreen:
Good luck with your batch of seeds man.. :jont:
I should be weighing one plant tomorow.. or maybe wednesday.. not sure yet... :eyesmoke: ...but i'll be updating daily anyway.. :mrgreen:
Is that guess both plants or one? :lol:

I've seen some great results on here from plants grown using coco, makes me wanna give it a try one day... but for now, i'm going to stick with biobizz light....and 2x400w babies, you should get some great buds and a heavy yield.. :weed:
What will you be growing in, tent, cupboard?
Post up a link if you're strarting a journal man.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
A couple of pics of my buds in there new home.. :eyesmoke:
There is still more to come from the lady I harvested....lets hope the two jars I found and the one i bought will be enough.. :lol:




Active Member
Just finished trimming and jarring my buds.. :mrgreen:

Managed to squeeze it all in the jars, i had to break a few of the big buds up to fit em' in.. :mrgreen:

Drum roll please........................................................:lol:

83.2 Grams dry weight... result... :mrgreen: and i've still got the lady still growing to come down yet and her buds are freakin huge! :lol:
I did think for a second that I wasn't going to hit my 80g target but I guess I was wrong! :mrgreen:
My fingers are sticky as hell and the smell of sweet sweet weed has filled my house once again....Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. :eyesmoke:
can't wait to sample some! :bongsmilie:

The pics don't do the buds any justice.. :lol: I gotta get a better cam for some close up cure pics very soon... :mrgreen:
And i need to get some bigger jars!




Active Member
Hope you need more jars!!! :clap: :clap:
Definatly going to need more for the next girl! :mrgreen:
Probably get a couple of 48gram 420 jars.. :hump:


yea that girl on the left looks a little shy of a QP, ill say 110 grams for a guess

u smoke a joint yet? how is she
I'm going to say 100grams.... :shock:
:lol: although the small buds right at the bottom of the plant are still very airy.. :neutral: the buds at the top are big.. :eyesmoke:
I haven't smoked any, yet... probably going to have a blunt before bedtime and give it a few more days to cure up abit before smoking anymore.. :mrgreen:
