My Power Bill (1000w HPS)


Well-Known Member
hey guys

My power company just added a feature on their website that shows your power consumption by month.

Well, 2.5 months ago I started my first grow. I'm running:

1000w HPS (Digital ballast)
Vortex Fan (449 CFM)
Regular oscillating fan

I ran 18/6 during Veg - 12/12 during flower

See the graph below..



Well-Known Member
Hey does your elec providers website also show you the average temp for that month too? Because mine does. My bill is allways more in the winter than the summer.

All you have to say if someone asks is you use space heaters.


Active Member
Yup -
the next one will drop a bit as you are now flowering.

1.2Kw X 18 hours @ day = 21.6Kw @ day increase in power consumption
1.2Kw X 12 hours @ day = 14.4Kw @ day increase in power consumption

Not sure what your paying per KwH but if it's around .14 per Kwh then your paying around $3 @ day to run the room to veg and about $2 @ day when flowering.
Veg for 2 weeks = $42 and flower for 9 weeks = $126
so in total it's about $170 for power alone then add in ferts and medium and .....time.....
Harvesting and smoking your own herb = priceless


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses guys

I basically posted the graph to show others the type of jumps to expect when adding a similar setup (1000w HPS). The jump was a bit more then I expected - but still worth the money. A 1000w setup can generate enough profit to justify the jump :)


Active Member
Thanks for the responses guys

I basically posted the graph to show others the type of jumps to expect when adding a similar setup (1000w HPS). The jump was a bit more then I expected - but still worth the money. A 1000w setup can generate enough profit to justify the jump :)
It's good info to know. Thanks for sharing.

I've seen the bar hit the roof when adding 3000w+ before! good to know what to expect. rep+