A Pro Palin thread


Well-Known Member
That Chris Wallace interview was very interesting.
She does not mince words. It was the best interview I have seen her give yet.

She will have lots of practise in front of the camera in the next few years.

We will see who has the last laugh regarding her future.
In the fullness of time, strange (unpredictable) things can and do happen.
Be forewarned:leaf:

jeff f

New Member
We will see who has the last laugh regarding her future.
In the fullness of time, strange (unpredictable) things can and do happen.
Be forewarned:leaf:
you evil bastard.... (pinky in corner of mouth) hahaha, hahahahhaha, hahahhhahahhahahhahaah cough cough...;-)


New Member
The country has buyers remorse....that's for sure. Palin may yet come off the shelf and into our carts.

At least we'll all save money on high tech teleprompters.... she uses her hand.

Illegal Smile

Palin will not be a candidate, but she will be able to deliver more votes to more candidates than any individual in recent memory. That will make her rich and famous for a long time to come.


I hear u there. Sarah Palin is a joke. freakin waste of time and who cares about Anything about her. This thread is one waste of time. I thought this site was for discusions about marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I also believed that if Palin ran for the Repub nomination that she would have zero chance...now I am not so certain.

Obama seems to be doing his best to insure her viability as a candidate!

We will see how this plays out.
It is certainly going to provide hours of amusement watching this drama unfold in the next few years.
Great entertainment.bongsmilie


New Member
The Democrats sure do care about her....where do you think all the negativity is coming from?

They fear her greatly, as well they should.


Well-Known Member
I hear u there. Sarah Palin is a joke. freakin waste of time and who cares about Anything about her. This thread is one waste of time. I thought this site was for discusions about marijuana.
as you post in the POLITICS SECTION of the CANNABIS CAFE. :clap:


Well-Known Member
It funny how when you think someone is a joke and make fun of them other say that you are afraid of them because of this...I'm not afraid of Palin I think the chick is an airhead...The only people Sarah attracts are your everyday trailer trash, uneducated people, retarded folks ( she down with the cause), perverts, and those who are just plain stupid.. Please bring on Palin in 2012 easy win for Obama, but I would rather see you guys put up someone with some kind of intelligence so we the people can have a real conversation ( and not one written on your hand).


Well-Known Member
It funny how when you think someone is a joke and make fun of them other say that you are afraid of them because of this...I'm not afraid of Palin I think the chick is an airhead...The only people Sarah attracts are your everyday trailer trash, uneducated people, retarded folks ( she down with the cause), perverts, and those who are just plain stupid.. Please bring on Palin in 2012 easy win for Obama, but :rolleyes: I would rather see you guys put up someone with some kind of intelligence so we the people can have a real conversation :rolleyes:( and not one written on your hand).


Well-Known Member
do you think she ever just takes a deep breath, steps back and stops for a minute? with the whole "you bethca", smiley, smiley, let me pinch your cheeks and tell you you're a button; drama BS? or is she so caught up in it all she has really become a crazy person?


Well-Known Member
do you think she ever just takes a deep breath, steps back and stops for a minute? with the whole "you bethca", smiley, smiley, let me pinch your cheeks and tell you you're a button; drama BS? or is she so caught up in it all she has really become a crazy person?
So it's happy people that scare you. You must have a real peach of a "L"ife...


Well-Known Member
So it's happy people that scare you. You must have a real peach of a "L"ife...
everybody in my life is happy and none of them "act" that way. if you don't see it you're as dumb as she is. "gotcha". :lol:
it's as PHONEY as the easter bunny.
who said i was scared?


Well-Known Member
ok then, you suck your thumb and sleep with a teddy bear.

the broad is an airhead. i have yet to see it PROVEN otherwise.