Alternative to Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus


In the UK, its really difficult to buy Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus at reasonable price or amounts.

I was wondering if anyone found any alternative products?

At the moment I'm grinding up a couple of Dolomite vitamin tablets, but I'm tempted to look in a health store for some liquid supplement. Would that be the best way to go?, or are the CAl-Mag levels different for nutrients for the body?

Any help would be most + rep'able


Well-Known Member
In the UK, its really difficult to buy Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus at reasonable price or amounts.

I was wondering if anyone found any alternative products?

At the moment I'm grinding up a couple of Dolomite vitamin tablets, but I'm tempted to look in a health store for some liquid supplement. Would that be the best way to go?, or are the CAl-Mag levels different for nutrients for the body?

Any help would be most + rep'able
Techniflora makes a product called MagiCal. Grotek makes a product called Cal-Max. Those are the only 2 that I'm aware of. They are basically the same thing as cal-mag (calcium, magnesium and iron supplements with little bit of N). bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dolomite vitamin tablets - oh my goodness!

Go to a gardening shop and get some real "Dolomite Lime" or "Gardening Lime", it's not expensive and it will give you all the Calcium and Magnesium you want.

Epsom Salts are a cheap source for Sulphur and Magnesium. Get it at your local Drug Store or Pharmacy (Chemist).


For the record, it's called Garden Lime in the UK. Here's a B&Q link. :){9372012}/categories%3C{9372020}/categories%3C{9372095}/specificationsProductType=plant_care/specificationsSpecificProductType=plant___vegetable_food&tmcampid=4&tmad=c&ecamp=cse_go&CAWELAID=482681500