What is "little leaf"?


So I have a few plants going. One got root bound and overwatered and s still droopy. It's growth was stunted for about a week and now it's growing but it looks kind of like a midget. The leaves are real miniature. Is this little leaf ?


Active Member
I've never heard of that in the context of cannabis. I think you're overanalyzing your plants. The real problem is likely much simpler. Pictures would help us diagnose it.


I've never heard of that in the context of cannabis. I think you're overanalyzing your plants. The real problem is likely much simpler. Pictures would help us diagnose it.
Pic attached. You can see the plant on the left is droppy and has small deformed leaves....Both plants are in the SAME exact conditions: light, water, nutes, soil...All the same! It's like a midget and its odd because it started out as the bigger plant. Both are 13 days old in that pic.

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Well-Known Member
yeah man, your stressing your self more than those little plants

i second the notion that they need to be transplanted, and agree about the zinc def

its completely normal for one plant to be bigger than its sisters, so dont frett, fix it and have a good grow


First of all you need to get them out of those small ass cups,and they look like they have a zinc defeciency. If you repot them in a bigger container they should snap out of it. Check this link out and find the zinc defeciency part: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/157345-have-plant-problem-check-here.html
sorry I should have stated that I transplanted right after that pic. However it is still a retarded mutant of a plant lol. Gonna start flowering soon. Thanks for all the help and the place I read about little leaf syndrome was in the plant problems guide under zinc deficiencies but it didn't go into detail which Is odd


Well-Known Member
I agree with the other guys, the transplant was a good idea. Just remember to not take any clones from that midget, or you'll end up with more midgets.LOL


Well-Known Member
It is going to take a little bit to start looking better when growing in soil. It should start looking alot better in about a week, just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get any worse.


Active Member
One of my plants in my current grow did that, it just looked really weird. It kept getting more lopsided and the leaves were strange and asymmetrical. It was just a fluke, the thing died eventually. Never got more than 8" tall, even when the rest of the plants were hitting the 4' mark.


Active Member
13 days from seed?! that's no deficiency man.
You said 'same nutes' up there. what are you feeding them? anything at all is too much for babies. I think they are just a bit toasted and probably could use a flush if they have had any food.