food sticks?


Well-Known Member
If you mix the soil right, there's no need to do such a thing. Nute stick are OK on outside plants where they can be 1-2 feet away from the stem so they won't burn the roots


Active Member
i was wondering if using food the ones you stick in the soil...would be anygood?
Have you found an answer for this one? Sometimes i'm on a very tight budget and can only afford those cheap food sticks instead of buying the good liquid stuff.


Well-Known Member
I've always heard bad things about them. but i've also heard bad things about miracle grow and i know that some growers use it. Peace


Well-Known Member
i dont assume crushing the sticks and diluting like REALLY FUCKING DILUTING and using it the same as liquid would work would it? I ask because i cant afford good nutes and was looking at some i had for a bonsai i murdered :cry: that i got for my bday last year. I was going to start a thread and saw this one.


Active Member
I was in that situation once to, I didn't use alot of the stick depending on the size of your pot maybe 1/8 or 1/16 of the stick not very much and it worked pretty good for my budget and plant. just DON'T overdo it


Well-Known Member
so basically, the Jobe Spikes say change every 60 days so if i water in the hempy bucket like once a week, that would be 1/8th roughly of the spike and that would be too much??


Active Member
It really depends on the amount of soil and how far you can place it from the plant any smaller than like 1-1/2 to 2 gal pot use less than 1/8th to start and get a feel for it. Also I dont know if those spikes have all the nutes you need, I would check that out too I vaguely remember having some deficiencys

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
i'll be using the hempy bucket method with 100% perlite so if its over nuted i should just have to flush with plain water.