My first grow let me know please


Active Member
best thing about cfl's, near any will do :P but just try and get 20w -40w for your size grow, you dont wanna under/over do it :) Just try and get the right kelvin rating for the stage your in :) cool white = veg, warm white or summin like that = flowering :)

Yu dont HAVE to check your water mate, im sure yu cud do it without but if its gonna benefit your grow and cost you minimal then you might aswell check it :) look up on google what the optimal temperature is for the water, i aint got a clue no more it was ages ago! :P

Best of luck buddy :)
Ok, will do now, shopping is only fun when its got todo with your grow lol.

I am gonna switch to a HPS bulb for flowering i have a MH now its the hortilux.

And hell yea ima find out what the temp needs to be and fix it lol. Gots to do it right.


Well-Known Member
good to see someone with such determination :D
and good move with the HPS :) menna be good at flowering, you'll pull of a nice amount. :)
never used one but i'm sure it'll do you well, just consider the heat it produces, you will need some sorta ventilation if yu get a HPS (to my knowledge)


Active Member
I have all the stuff to vent it already, 6inch duct crap all over down stairs, old lady hates it haha. Just didnt

run any yet b/c my room is big and needed the heat from the reflector. I will still try and wanna say it again, just try to run

with the hps and no venting but dont think will work, gonna get to hot, just thinking being winter and in the basement, i

have to run a oil heater now to keep it warm, hope just shut that off and all will be well. hey it wishfull thinking. The only

reason i dont wanna run the duct is b/c im building a room down below, 2x4 walls, insulated, drywall, the hole deal. but will

do what i gotta do.


Well-Known Member
very nice mate :) temp of the water is fine i think :)

1 more thing, those 2 empty netted pots you have, they're letting light into the tank, light into the tank can cause algae :) and lights on the roots effect them aswell, so try and let as little light as possible into that tank :)


Active Member
damn, you are the man, YOUR the MAN lol, gonna go fix that now haha. if i could give you more +rep i would lol.


Well-Known Member
damn, you are the man, YOUR the MAN lol, gonna go fix that now haha. if i could give you more +rep i would lol.
haha mate, if i know im helping someone i'm fine with it :)
The more light resistance that tank is the better, any light getting in is bad :) I dunno if that blue tank is light proof if it aint just wrap it in some light tight duct-tape or summin, i unno :) You'll come up with something.

I wanna see yu succeed mate :joint:


Active Member
I dont think the tubs are light resistant just some cheep setup i bought off ebay lol. got biger better airstones, pumps,

rocks and cubes, so pretty much only bought the damn thing for a layout lol. I change the water out every two weeks but

still am gonna rap them in something ima thinking. AHHH i got it lol, i got a bunch of heat resistant foil tape. I just bet i

could cover the tops of my tubs and would help keep my water cool hrrrmmmmm think the light hitting the tape would do

harm, it is heat foil tape. I just know that wouldnt let any heat get to the water, thus keeping it cooler and would put light

on the bottom of the plants. whatcha think?


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Ok that took a little longer than i planned. Guess i should have smoked after not during lol. heres some pics of what i did.

I think it looks awesome, still having some humidity probs. gonna go shoping on the way home from work, roads are shity

still :(.



Well-Known Member
24% humidity?! And you have a humidifier in there? That is one dry basement man. Wow. Be nice later in flower though. They will raise the RH all on their own (as they get bigger), hopefully you wont have to worry about lowering it later since it is that dry down there.

Tape looks good. Should def help.


Active Member
24% humidity?! And you have a humidifier in there? That is one dry basement man. Wow. Be nice later in flower though. They will raise the RH all on their own (as they get bigger), hopefully you wont have to worry about lowering it later since it is that dry down there.

Tape looks good. Should def help.
I know right WTF, if i do need to lower i have a dehumidifier already, think i should get another humidifier


Well-Known Member
mate, that looks sick :) good job. Wish i had some meds to smoke me up right now, waiting on my girls, hopefully in the next week or two :) Make sure yu dont get smoke on them btw :P toxic to em. Wots your humidity sitting at atm? (24%) I've never really considered humidity to be a problem, low humidity is good.
Only stage where high humidity is good is during the prop stage (when your sowing the seeds in the rockwool). Otherwise its just gonna help contribute toward mold and shit like that, i would love my humidity to sit around 20-40%, at least you know you wont get any mold.

I wouldn't worry about it, pretty weird tho, seeing as you have those big tubs full of water and the humidity is so low, impressive insulation tho, must be doing the job well :)

p.s. those babies shud grow better aswell now because light will reflect back up from the tubs :) (hardly noticable but every lil' helps)


Active Member
Great well looks like i can take it easy and let them be. More good advise, you said dont smoke with them well, im an idiot,

everyday b4 i go to work i smoke a cig and hang with them, and when i get home, plus every single time i go down there,

wich seems to be 100 times a day lol. That stops umm now, thanks for yet again........ More great advise