Help please......


Active Member
Ok so I was just playing around and found some good organic soil and I found a seed. I put it in a planter and saw what happened..... It popped up. Know I don't know what to do. I found two clamp lights and two 125w spiral CFLs (that are actually 30watt) and I was just curious if they would help it grow?? I want to do it inside my closet. I don't have much money but I have been a smoker for years and have some knowledge of what I need to do HPS light but want to maybe do one cheap crop to pay for better set up.
Thank you to any response.


Well-Known Member
check what spectrum the lights are. it is measured in kelvin. check for 6500k(full spectrum-has blue tint-better for veg-more like metal halide), 5000k(midrange-cool blue), or 2300k(warm white-has red spectrum-better for flowering-more like hps).

the full spectrum bulbs should be used in veg. try to have 80 or more watts per 1 ft plant. plants usually will double in height when they finish so you should finish them with at least 160 watts if it is 2 ft. a 3ft plant will need 240watts. veg with 6500k-full spectrum

when flowering you can mix the spectrums up. instead of using full spectrum in flowering, use coll blues for flowering along with the warm whites, just use less of the cool blues. if you plan to finish a 2 ft plant have 2cool blues, and 4 warm white.(considering the bulbs are 30 watts each)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I was just playing around and found some good organic soil and I found a seed. I put it in a planter and saw what happened.. It popped up. Know I don't know what to do. I found two clamp lights and two 125w spiral CFLs (that are actually 30watt) and I was just curious if they would help it grow?? I want to do it inside my closet. I don't have much money but I have been a smoker for years and have some knowledge of what I need to do HPS light but want to maybe do one cheap crop to pay for better set up.
Thank you to any response.
i hope you grow and it terns out good set your self free and grow your weed.:peace:


Active Member
Well I have them in a miracle grow organic potting soil. It says it's good for two months. What do you recomend??


Well-Known Member
If you want a good not to expensive light check out I a real nice 105w 400w equivalent, color temp 5000, 6200 lumens cfl. It's a medium screw so it'll fit any house hold lamp. All for 29.95. As far as soil, I'm using fox farm organic planting mix with bat guano and worm castings, and my young plants seem to love it. Hope some of this helps. Good luck brother


Well-Known Member
the miracle grow organic is a mixed bag...

sometimes it works, sometimes it burns seedlings.

if you planted it, and a week later they're fine, they're ok.

but if you plant, and the next day they're all dry and burnt, it's the soil.

it has too much nutrients. but some swear by it. i tried it twice, worked once, failed once.

Fox Farm Ocean Forest is the shit. if you can, use this, if not, then get a bag of perlite and mix it in with the MGO at a ratio of 3 parts dirt, two parts perlite, that'll make the MG a lil better....