Getting your crop high

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hey, has anyone tried smoking their grow out? If you like being high, i bet your plant would like to be high too.
lol, i've been told that it can be beneficial, the smoke that is, in starting up their fight or flight responses, but your logic seems warped. that is kinda like saying i enjoy beef so surely cows enjoy beef? :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
CrackerJack said:
I'm an outdoor guy, but I also blow smoke on my plants, but not weed smoke but tobacco. Insects don't like tobacco at all. I'm not religious about it, but if I happen to be there and be smoking a cig...I'll float it through the grow area.

Science has found that smoke triggers some plants survival mode....which makes sense.... where's there's smoke there's fire. Your plants don't know it's just you smoking a cig....they think a fire is nearby. I have no idea if/what weed response to smoke is, but it is possible.
so yeah, i can understand the anti-pest, similar to just pulling out your shlong and going wild (urine :P)

but yeah, who knows how the fight or flight actually works int erms of it's growth.

another thing, if i grew every day and then suddenly sonmeone got me very high and told me to continue, i'd probably forget i was a girl and grow bollocks or sommat :P so as said, who knows what it does for the plant


Well-Known Member
well when the forest fire happend here in my state all the outdoor crops were ruinned do to smoke from the fires miles and miles away, the bud smelt taste like the smoke and was really harsh also stopped growth for awhile, all smoke is bad and i have heard ciggerate smoke is the worst

drew k.420

Active Member
smoke clogs the stomata on the under side of leaves and the plant cant photosynthesize no...plants hate getting high!
It would be interesting to see a study done with clones, to see if there is any effect. I suppose since you you exhale you produce CO2, but a Co2 generator I think would be far more efficient.


Well-Known Member
smoke clogs the stomata on the under side of leaves and the plant cant photosynthesize no...plants hate getting high!
It does clog the stomata and if this happens your plants cant transpire or breath. I know i wouldnt last long if i couldnt breath. And cigarette smoke is bad but so is touching your plants after you smoke. This spreads diseases to your plants.


Well-Known Member
You would think like fish bowling your car or a small room. After a wile it would get smoke stains on it. smoke damage could clog the pores and suffocate the plant. just my opinion