Need some help FAST! look at pics

First off I am about 6 weeks into flowering and everything was going great. First i started to see some of the fan leaves turning yellow with yellow spotting and and it has progressed from there. I have ideas of what or where i may have gone wrong but could really use your help. As you can see i included alot of pics to give you a good idea of what i have going on for not only help with my flowering plants that seem to by dying and stunted but sugestions in regards to anything in my process as i am really new to this.

As you can see the leaves are basically turning yellow with spots drying up and dying (crunchy). Most seem to be pointing upward.

I only use foxfarm usually ocean forest and i have used age old and since i have been flowering i have used the flowering age old floral nectar and even soul synthetics for uptake "i guess" since my friend recommended even though it seems strange since it shows it is high in nito i think.

It is now around 78-80 degrees dry air pH around 6.5 and it looks like i am still high in nitro according to the little soil test kit but overall not sure if i have a nute problem or a different one that i have created. In flower room i have 2 1000watt and in veg 1 1000watt and floresents. have a little room for starters and for cloning as you see in pic.

My guess at posiable problem:

1. i sprayed them a hr or 2 before the lights went out with the same nutes that i water with. Is this ok or would this kill the leaves? i thought it would be fine but maybe only straight ph water is good?

2. i finally saw some spider mites that were starting to do there thing. It was not bad but i knew i needed to act. I sprayed every plant one by one with water with a dish soap in it and sprayed mostly on the underside of all leaves trying to avoid hiting any bud best i could. It worked well. Even though it didn't kill them all it sure got rid of most. However i did not rinse them after. it wasnt like they were all soapy or anything but maybe this created a film over all leaves that is now killing all my girls???

3. as you can see in the pics i have show you my ventilation system. I have a inline fan that is pulling out but before i connected the ducting from light to light to the inline fan it was getting very hot. Up to 90-95 % and i dont know the humidity. once i got them all connected so it was pulling the heat right from the lights it went down to what it is know ....right below 80%. Also i had turned off the inline for 2 days to keep it very humid while i figured out what to do with the mites. The funny thing is even though it was hot weeks earlier and before the mites they were doing great. all super dark green and no yellow at all or sign of burning???

So I am not sure what to do. The soil is getting really dry and i should have watered tonight but i wanted to wait one more night to see if i could get any suggestions before i start tomorrow. Since i fear it may possible be over nutes even though i don't see how i figured i would just go with Ph water for know just in case. What do you think? Can lack of nutes cause this kind of problem like if there not getting enough they might be draining all the leaves of nutes to make the sticky?

P.s the veg room (the one with the floresents against the walls) seems to be doing great so far and i am spraying to make sure after i completely sanitize the flower room that i will have no bugs only perfect conditions and i have a purple kush strain blue Dream and AK47 in veg so if all else fails on this one my best plants i have going are around the corner. However if i can rebound on with what i have that would be even better. Please let me know what i have done wrong in flowering and maybe any sugestions from what you see about where im going. THX ...smoke ya later.



First off I am about 6 weeks into flowering and everything was going great. First i started to see some of the fan leaves turning yellow with yellow spotting and and it has progressed from there. I have ideas of what or where i may have gone wrong but could really use your help. As you can see i included alot of pics to give you a good idea of what i have going on for not only help with my flowering plants that seem to by dying and stunted but sugestions in regards to anything in my process as i am really new to this.

As you can see the leaves are basically turning yellow with spots drying up and dying (crunchy). Most seem to be pointing upward.

I only use foxfarm usually ocean forest and i have used age old and since i have been flowering i have used the flowering age old floral nectar and even soul synthetics for uptake "i guess" since my friend recommended even though it seems strange since it shows it is high in nito i think.

It is now around 78-80 degrees dry air pH around 6.5 and it looks like i am still high in nitro according to the little soil test kit but overall not sure if i have a nute problem or a different one that i have created. In flower room i have 2 1000watt and in veg 1 1000watt and floresents. have a little room for starters and for cloning as you see in pic.

My guess at posiable problem:

1. i sprayed them a hr or 2 before the lights went out with the same nutes that i water with. Is this ok or would this kill the leaves? i thought it would be fine but maybe only straight ph water is good?

2. i finally saw some spider mites that were starting to do there thing. It was not bad but i knew i needed to act. I sprayed every plant one by one with water with a dish soap in it and sprayed mostly on the underside of all leaves trying to avoid hiting any bud best i could. It worked well. Even though it didn't kill them all it sure got rid of most. However i did not rinse them after. it wasnt like they were all soapy or anything but maybe this created a film over all leaves that is now killing all my girls???

3. as you can see in the pics i have show you my ventilation system. I have a inline fan that is pulling out but before i connected the ducting from light to light to the inline fan it was getting very hot. Up to 90-95 % and i dont know the humidity. once i got them all connected so it was pulling the heat right from the lights it went down to what it is know ....right below 80%. Also i had turned off the inline for 2 days to keep it very humid while i figured out what to do with the mites. The funny thing is even though it was hot weeks earlier and before the mites they were doing great. all super dark green and no yellow at all or sign of burning???

So I am not sure what to do. The soil is getting really dry and i should have watered tonight but i wanted to wait one more night to see if i could get any suggestions before i start tomorrow. Since i fear it may possible be over nutes even though i don't see how i figured i would just go with Ph water for know just in case. What do you think? Can lack of nutes cause this kind of problem like if there not getting enough they might be draining all the leaves of nutes to make the sticky?

P.s the veg room (the one with the floresents against the walls) seems to be doing great so far and i am spraying to make sure after i completely sanitize the flower room that i will have no bugs only perfect conditions and i have a purple kush strain blue Dream and AK47 in veg so if all else fails on this one my best plants i have going are around the corner. However if i can rebound on with what i have that would be even better. Please let me know what i have done wrong in flowering and maybe any sugestions from what you see about where im going. THX ...smoke ya later.

when spraying with dish soap rasie te light s abit right after also dish soap does work but i suggest neem oil extract