what happens if i harvest 2 weeks late?


Well-Known Member
not sure if they are ready right now but i still have 2 weeks of nutes(overdrive) and a week to flush so what will happen if i don't harvest in time?


Well-Known Member
if the trichomes on your plant are amber its time, you might want to start flushing if they are a milky/translucent color. otherwise the thc decrease and the weed starts to lose potency


Well-Known Member
the best thing that could happen is the buds will be more potent (more amber trichomes) and a more couchlock high

the worst (least likely)would be if the plant literally died and got a little rot

but why not start your flush now(or when the soil or whatever dries) and flush for the next week or two

the real way to know when to chop is by trich color and and your personal preference, not by how many days theve been flowering


Active Member
You want to harvest when they are turning amber but aren't a majorty amber. Trichs should still be standing straight up and down. When they start bending and the trichs are almost all amber you are running the risk of degrading potency. The longer you wait the higher the CBD which will make you feel a bit more stoney...


Active Member
One other thing. As far as flushing goes I would flush for 1 week before you planned on harvesting. Maybe 10 days depending on your nutrients. Just an opinion..


The THC will start degrading, this starts once the trichs turn brown, so don't let it go that far. How long have they been flowering?


Well-Known Member
they will be at 8 weeks on the 17th i don't have a 30x mag i guess i'll go get one today but i'm looking for more weight they just look to me like they could use 2-3 more weeks but last feed they got 100ppm overdrive i want to give them 200ppm 2 times then plain water 2 times before i cut them down. i'll post pics later but there about 6-7 ft tall in 5 gal promix. the bud feels light and fluffy i want it to bulk up.


it will lose thc potency but u will gain difrent type of cannabaniod which make the high a heavy couch lock stone

hcouch lock


Active Member
Your shit could come out tasting so bad.Its unsmokable did it once.Had to toss two plants.DON'T DO IT cut those bitches


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown anything that was done in 8 weeks, usually 9 - 11 weeks. Are your hairs white or are they turning brown and curling up? If there 5 - 6 feet tall they probably have a good bit of sativa in them. I would lean towards 11 weeks total with the limited info I'm guesstimating with.


Well-Known Member
Yes, don't use the overdrive... if you think they are ready start to flush... If they go too long after their peak, the stone will start to get really heavy... I let one go really long one time... the bud gave me a bad headache.

Also they can go hermie! That's also how some people get hermie pollen to make feminized seeds.


Active Member
What strain are you growing and under what type of light? 6ft tall is a big plant for indoors.. Sativa buds (sounds like a Sativa at 6 ft) are usually lighter and fluffier compared to the compact denser buds you see in most Indica strains. Or, you don't have enough light on it. Not enough light = low photosynthesis = low carb production = wimpy buds lacking density and size.


Well-Known Member
i have a 1000w eye hortilux super hps on them. they are bag seed and the hairs are white and light brown..this is the best pic i can get with the light on >>SEE PIC'S <<



Well-Known Member
Looks good, but you really need to go get a scope or even a strong eye glass, how long has it been on 12/12? The only real way to tell, especially with strains your not familiar with, is to check out the trich's like the above posts have stated. I can see what your saying and just by those pictures I would venture to say they probably do need couple weeks or so, give or take, but if thats the case you need to start flushing. Typically the last few weeks the bud's swell up quite a bit, so all you can do is grow her till her trichs are where you want them, she'll give you what she can, but by all means dont delay harvest trying to get weight, you'll be sorry come smoke time. How long did you vegg? how long 12/12?


Well-Known Member
they will be at 8 weeks on the 17th i don't have a 30x mag i guess i'll go get one today but i'm looking for more weight they just look to me like they could use 2-3 more weeks but last feed they got 100ppm overdrive i want to give them 200ppm 2 times then plain water 2 times before i cut them down. i'll post pics later but there about 6-7 ft tall in 5 gal promix. the bud feels light and fluffy i want it to bulk up.
What type of lights are they under? Its all about the lights when it come too bud density.