Too many brownies
I agree 100% as well.I agree with email - If only it were legal we would have tons of truly scientific evidence and sharing of information reviewed by qualified people instead of all these armchair quarterback threads which amount to nothing more than a battle of superstitions and egos.....
but if you look at my post there has been scientific evidence that many species of plants sex is effected by environmental stressors.
Id also like to say that environmental stress will not make a plant completely change sex and that is not what he or anyone else is trying to say. We are trying to figure out whether or not the future sex of a plant while in the vegetative stage is effected by environmental stress.
I think its crazy that skunk thinks he is the man to go around saying its complete bullshit, but I also think its crazy for someone to say that its a fact that stress can effect sex. That is until the man come along with good scientific evidence.
I say you should stop creating all these threads just for the sake of argument which you made very clear by saying you cant wait for people to come in and argue. This is not the point im trying to make point is that you should not go around calling this information bullshit, that is just going around spreading unproven information which is exactly why you are arguing this information in the first place...yeah?