Seed Predisposition


Too many brownies
I agree with email - If only it were legal we would have tons of truly scientific evidence and sharing of information reviewed by qualified people instead of all these armchair quarterback threads which amount to nothing more than a battle of superstitions and egos.....
I agree 100% as well.

but if you look at my post there has been scientific evidence that many species of plants sex is effected by environmental stressors. :peace:

Id also like to say that environmental stress will not make a plant completely change sex and that is not what he or anyone else is trying to say. We are trying to figure out whether or not the future sex of a plant while in the vegetative stage is effected by environmental stress.

I think its crazy that skunk thinks he is the man to go around saying its complete bullshit, but I also think its crazy for someone to say that its a fact that stress can effect sex. That is until the man come along with good scientific evidence.

I say you should stop creating all these threads just for the sake of argument which you made very clear by saying you cant wait for people to come in and argue. This is not the point im trying to make point is that you should not go around calling this information bullshit, that is just going around spreading unproven information which is exactly why you are arguing this information in the first place...yeah?


Well-Known Member
Nice thread skunk, this is a good topic to debate about

Only thing I see why a plant would be male or female, is because males tend to grow faster, so perhaps if the enviroment is bad, the plant somehow knows that a female plant wouldnt have the time to finish, so it shows male flowers?

Not really sure, I kind of believe a seed is what it is, but theres so many myths and such, hard to know whats real.

I think KP posted a long thread about this, ill look for it, and post what she said = )

Lets debate, but keep the peace <3


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by billybob88
i always thought u could never tell sex at seed, thats very interesting. heres some info from the Dutch Passion website on how to gain more females. I quote "From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:
  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.
It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions."

dp's got some typos in that list; i've been in this one several times....

higher PHOSPHOROUS will give more males. k is not known to have an influence

24 HOUR LIGHTING will result in more females.

other than that, yep :mrgreen:


New Member
Nice thread skunk, this is a good topic to debate about

Only thing I see why a plant would be male or female, is because males tend to grow faster, so perhaps if the enviroment is bad, the plant somehow knows that a female plant wouldnt have the time to finish, so it shows male flowers?

Not really sure, I kind of believe a seed is what it is, but theres so many myths and such, hard to know whats real.

I think KP posted a long thread about this, ill look for it, and post what she said = )

Lets debate, but keep the peace <3
Cool, I have a lot of respect for KP.
I sense a lot of animosity from nowstopwhining (as is getting the norm, lately), it doesn't help matters that he isn't too bright. So arguing with him has little value, as most of what I say goes completely over his head.


Too many brownies
Cool, I have a lot of respect for KP.
I sense a lot of animosity from nowstopwhining (as is getting the norm, lately), it doesn't help matters that he isn't too bright. So arguing with him has little value, as most of what I say goes completely over his head.
obviously what im saying goes right over your head because you cant even respond to it. :peace:

I have no animosity towards you sorry there was not even the slightest bit of anger in any of my responses here.

I am just trying to have a obviously hold a grudge far to long.

Wheres the proof that im not too bright....your genius response was "dick"

I really dont want to argue...what I would like and appreciate is a thoughtful response towards my thoughts and opinions as I have given yours.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, this happens everytime, instead of this thread turning into an educational debate, it turns into name calling, and noone learns anything.

Keep the peace guys, we are all here to learn <3


New Member

Originally Posted by billybob88
i always thought u could never tell sex at seed, thats very interesting. heres some info from the Dutch Passion website on how to gain more females. I quote &quot;From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:
  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.
It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.&quot;

dp's got some typos in that list; i've been in this one several times....

higher PHOSPHOROUS will give more males. k is not known to have an influence

24 HOUR LIGHTING will result in more females.

other than that, yep :mrgreen:
Yes, this is the info' I was talking about. They were actually talking about feminised seed... not ordinary seed. That article was misinterpreted and cut n pasted across every forum on the web. DP were talking about feminised seed, and how to produce less males with feminised seed. NOT NORMAL SEED.

To suggest that a plant can complete a full sex reversal in veg' does not sound logical. More likely the plant would hermie, as is its wont.


Too many brownies
Come on guys, this happens everytime, instead of this thread turning into a educational debate, it turns into name calling, and noone learns anything.

Keep the peace guys, we are all here to learn <3
theres only one person name calling and that is usual.


Well-Known Member
I see, well atleast we got that straitened out.

Well Im pretty sure I saw another thread where KP talks about this subject, I couldnt find it though.

FDD has a chart as well, Ill post that, get all the information in here, so we can learn more


Too many brownies
Yes, this is the info' I was talking about. They were actually talking about feminised seed... not ordinary seed. That article was misinterpreted and cut n pasted across every forum on the web. DP were talking about feminised seed, and how to produce less males with feminised seed. NOT NORMAL SEED.

To suggest that a plant can complete a full sex reversal in veg' does not sound logical. More likely the plant would hermie, as is its wont.
there is no reversal going on...

As the theory goes the plants sex is NOT determined until it shows and until then neither sex is actually dominant. So as I said before there is no actual sex reversal....If you even bothered to read my posts you would have read that.


Well-Known Member
FDD posted this. The title of the thread it is posted in is, determining seed gender if you would like to look at the thread.



Well-Known Member
there is no reversal going on...

As the theory goes the plants sex is NOT determined until it shows and until then neither sex is actually dominant. So as I said before there is no actual sex reversal....If you even bothered to read my posts you would have read that.

I am not trying to argue with you, just stateing something. If a plant isnt a sex until it shows flower, then why is it, that we see the same traits with male plants, and the same traits with female plants? Male plants growing faster, and taller, female plants growing a bit slower and bushier.


New Member
I am not trying to argue with you, just stateing something. If a plant isnt a sex until it shows flower, then why is it, that we see the same traits with male plants, and the same traits with female plants? Male plants growing faster, and taller, female plants growing a bit slower and bushier.

This is what I mean, I'd give up if I were you JITB... I've said all this much earler in the thread already.


Well-Known Member
Well that was posted again by FDD 11-20, 2007, so I dont think he would repost it, if he didnt think it true.

But as it says, only 1 in 10 seeds will meet the criteria, for the female seed, but yet theres a 50/50 chance of a plant being male or female. I think if you find a seed as described in the picture, its a gureenteed female, but the rest still have a chance of being female?

But if you can find a seed like that, and you know 100% its goign to be female, then wouldnt that seeds sex, already be predisposed, which backs up that theory?


Well-Known Member
This just got posted

From literature it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. For growers who are well experienced, percentage of female plants is 60% - 90% female, but less experienced growers can end up with 100% male plants. The environmental factors that, according to literature, influence gender are:
- a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a higher potassium concentration will give more males (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a higher humidity will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a lower temperature will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- more blue light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- Fewer hours of light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- In later stage, as you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males. Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality.
- Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females.
- Spray dilute Fish Emulsion ( 1 tablespoon per gallon ). When the plants have three sets of true leaves, plus the top sprout, give them a wetting spray of Fish Emulsion. Do it once a day for three of four days. Top and bottom of the leaves.
- To achieve 100% female plants is to expose young seedlings for several hours to an atmosphere of Carbon Monoxide. It doesn't hurt the plants, but it could kill you.
- Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.
- When hempseed is treated with the female hormone estrogen, percentage of females that are produced will increase by about 10%. Dissolve a birth control pill in water and soak the seeds overnight in the solution. After the initial soaking, continue to treat the seeds by sprouting them on a paper towel soaked in the solution.


New Member
I read the WHOLE article. Videoman first posted that link on this site, and he posted that part of the article. The very title of the article told you it was for fem' seed on the DP website. Yet VM, because they made a new paragraph assumed they had started talking about normal seed, they hadn't. They were still talking about fem' seed. He couldn't understand this, because to him fem' seed is definitely a female, when it isn't.


Too many brownies
I am not trying to argue with you, just stateing something. If a plant isnt a sex until it shows flower, then why is it, that we see the same traits with male plants, and the same traits with female plants? Male plants growing faster, and taller, female plants growing a bit slower and bushier.
Who is to say that is completely true?

Different strains i.e. White widow Has two distinct phenos One being a taller lankier more sativa leaning pheno and theres also the more indica leaning pheno which gives you a shorter bushier plant. Both Phenos can be either sex and this is usually the case for most strains. :peace: