WHats the worst that has happend. DId you learn?


Well-Known Member
What is the worst thing that has gone wrong in your show.
What did you learn? How did you fix your problem. Have you ever lost a crop?
I have lost two crops in my time. One was in the summer.. Major heat issue. I didnt have enough money for a chiller. Ac didnt do the job. it was only 10000 btu under 6 lights :o
Second i didnt really lose. But it got majorly messed up. The light timer failed its job and left the light on 4 consecutive nights. It week 4... Week 6 strolled around and i was in a room full of hermies. I was dissapointed with a whopping 2.5 pounds of hermie plants (150) wow off 5 lights!!!
three crop i had a small problem with mites but went and bought a 100 dollar bottle of azamax. Now i spray them early to avoid mites. The intake brought them in and now there is a screen over it.


Well-Known Member
I forgot a 4 day old and it died. Sucked so much.
And then I overwatered one then underwatered the same one.


New Member
Don't grow in townhouses built in the 40's. Don't grow in places with fuse boxes instead of circuit breakers. Power died...Lost a 48 site WW along with 5 grand...


Well-Known Member
Worst price of learning I have paid was to have lost some prime cuts due to trying Roots organic. The guy at the hysro store never warned me about using it with soil that has large amounts of bat and bird guano, so as soon as it went to work, BANG, all the girls died, 12 total cuts, 3 different elite strains. I had traveled a fair distance to get them too...it sucked.

I definitely learned my lesson.



Well-Known Member
Worst price of learning I have paid was to have lost some prime cuts due to trying Roots organic. The guy at the hysro store never warned me about using it with soil that has large amounts of bat and bird guano, so as soon as it went to work, BANG, all the girls died, 12 total cuts, 3 different elite strains. I had traveled a fair distance to get them too...it sucked.

I definitely learned my lesson.

Store owners always forget something:cuss:


Active Member
The worst thing that happened to me occured on Wednesday night when I opened my closet and saw my HPS light had fallen on my plants.

I was growing with CFLs before and expected short plants again- big mistake. The HPS grew my plants so large that I could no longer hang my HPS above them without burning them, so I decided to rig the light/reflector directly to the rod which I had been hanging it from. I usually use mass amounts of gorilla tape to secure anything that needs firm securing, but in my rush to go to work I didn't do as good of a job as I should, apparently.

I swear its a god damn miracle though. The HPS somehow landed -upside down-, and the massive plants pretty much caught it instead of it breaking. There are only 4 plants, 4 weeks into flower, each has 4 colas. Only one cola got completely burned, the others are all in amazing shape. One got bent slightly off to the side, but I've tied it back into place. About 8 or 9 lower branches between two different plants got snapped or burned off, and two plants got away without even a scratch. When I first saw the accident, the light had already turned off- my guess is that the lights turned off not long after the set-up fell, further reducing the damage.

With a dumbass mistake like letting my HID light fall on my plants, I should be starting all over again. But by the graces of the ganja gods I have 4 incredible looking plants still. The one may slow down a bit and need a bit of time to recover, but thats little price to pay.


Well-Known Member
killed my plants 2-3 weeks before harvest with molassas, fucking junk completelyl thru my ph out of wack. oh well, lesson learned.


Active Member
Last fall I brought 4 plants almost done inside to finish.Had never did it befor.Used a tarp to catch water run off and mold grew under tarp.And all over lost 2 plants that time.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I used bloodmeal and put in too much w/ my soil mix. In 2 days every plant that I transplanted using that soil was fried.
Lost a bunch of rooted clones and a Mom plant.


Well-Known Member
Years ago, I wanted to grow Chocolope, indoors. I had a table 3 feet off the ground, i grew these monstorus Sativas. Whoa! I was to lazy to move the table out. I could have gained 3 feet by doin so. Well, colas hit the ceiling. The light only penetrated the middles of the plant. I had the most staggered harvest ever. They should have been done around 13 weeks. We went 17. Causeing my plants that were in Veg to overgrow. That scenario screwed 2 grows really. Plus i had fluffy ass buds, from the light not shinin down on the canopy.

I have since moved. No more tables. That table was just a 4x8 plywood on sawhorses. Not like it would have killed me to take it down. No more Sativas inside either. Lesson learned..


Well-Known Member
If you need any electrical work done pay top dollar and let the experts handle it.
Good one.. I get chills when I hear about people busting into and jiggering ballasts and home circuitry on their own:fire: Or is it a "hot flash"?

Worst thing? Had four beautiful sativas going last year. Decided to follow "the Foxfarm schedule" and burned 'em up bad.

They perservered and came out great, but there was a lot of lost potential.

Lesson: never add anything according to "a schedule". The plants have their own schedule, not the least of which includes a very high nitrogen demand during stretch, which "bloom nutes" will fail utterly to provide.


Active Member
I live in south Orange County CA. Our tap water was always 6.2 for years. Then suddenly our water source is changed and the PH goes to over 8 and the water is at least 2X harder now. So being lazy (maybe stoned at the time??), I made the lazy mistake of not checking my PH when I filled my resivior with water and nutrients. At the time I was running an Aeroponics set up and didn't realize how sensitive the entire system was to any change or pathogen that showed up. So I go into my room resivor to check water level, maybe 5 days after filling last and as soon as I opened the lid, i got hit with the smell of stagnant water.. I noticed that my air-stones weren't producing any oxygen at all. This was also into flowering 2 huge Green Crack bushes. I had about 2 weeks left before they were ready. So I pull the stones and see they have been caked in what appears to be salt or some other mineral build up. So long story short, Stagnant water poisons plant and totally shuts them down. I wound up harvesting anyway about 10 days early. I was able to save most of the crop and luckily it didn't turn out to be a total loss. Morale of the story for me was......Always check your basics..... Including PH on a regular basis. Even if you are a fool like I was and just assumed that after a few years of constant PH and EC in the tap water that I didn't need to check anymore. Check it.... Please check it...


Well-Known Member
The worst thing that happened to me occured on Wednesday night when I opened my closet and saw my HPS light had fallen on my plants.

I was growing with CFLs before and expected short plants again- big mistake. The HPS grew my plants so large that I could no longer hang my HPS above them without burning them, so I decided to rig the light/reflector directly to the rod which I had been hanging it from. I usually use mass amounts of gorilla tape to secure anything that needs firm securing, but in my rush to go to work I didn't do as good of a job as I should, apparently.

I swear its a god damn miracle though. The HPS somehow landed -upside down-, and the massive plants pretty much caught it instead of it breaking. There are only 4 plants, 4 weeks into flower, each has 4 colas. Only one cola got completely burned, the others are all in amazing shape. One got bent slightly off to the side, but I've tied it back into place. About 8 or 9 lower branches between two different plants got snapped or burned off, and two plants got away without even a scratch. When I first saw the accident, the light had already turned off- my guess is that the lights turned off not long after the set-up fell, further reducing the damage.

With a dumbass mistake like letting my HID light fall on my plants, I should be starting all over again. But by the graces of the ganja gods I have 4 incredible looking plants still. The one may slow down a bit and need a bit of time to recover, but thats little price to pay.
I screw my bat wing shades to a piece of 2x4. That way they arent so shakey.
I hang the 2x4 off another 2x4 bolted to the joyces.


Well-Known Member
I live in south Orange County CA. Our tap water was always 6.2 for years. Then suddenly our water source is changed and the PH goes to over 8 and the water is at least 2X harder now. So being lazy (maybe stoned at the time??), I made the lazy mistake of not checking my PH when I filled my resivior with water and nutrients. At the time I was running an Aeroponics set up and didn't realize how sensitive the entire system was to any change or pathogen that showed up. So I go into my room resivor to check water level, maybe 5 days after filling last and as soon as I opened the lid, i got hit with the smell of stagnant water.. I noticed that my air-stones weren't producing any oxygen at all. This was also into flowering 2 huge Green Crack bushes. I had about 2 weeks left before they were ready. So I pull the stones and see they have been caked in what appears to be salt or some other mineral build up. So long story short, Stagnant water poisons plant and totally shuts them down. I wound up harvesting anyway about 10 days early. I was able to save most of the crop and luckily it didn't turn out to be a total loss. Morale of the story for me was......Always check your basics..... Including PH on a regular basis. Even if you are a fool like I was and just assumed that after a few years of constant PH and EC in the tap water that I didn't need to check anymore. Check it.... Please check it...
Really i never check my PH in soilless. I checked the water in the taps and it was 6.2. If you have a PH balanced medium its fine. But if you have no medium the pH has to be good. Usaully 5.5 to 7


Active Member
A freakish early October storm caked over 5 6' sativas with snow. About 2 hours into the storm I managed to get out to the plants only to find every single branch torn off the main stem under the weight of the snow. I left the scene to go get some boxes, went back and picked it all up. Was a total loss. I was rushing around trying to salvage the shit and the ground wasn't frozen so the snow was just melting and I was making mud all over the place.
That same season, I found 2 Blue Cheese plants had been attacked by rabbits. It was funny tho. I guess they didn't like the resin cuz the stems were completely gone, but the bud was left on the ground in a pretty neat little pile. Didnt complain about that, it was finished anyway.


Well-Known Member
A freakish early October storm caked over 5 6' sativas with snow. About 2 hours into the storm I managed to get out to the plants only to find every single branch torn off the main stem under the weight of the snow. I left the scene to go get some boxes, went back and picked it all up. Was a total loss. I was rushing around trying to salvage the shit and the ground wasn't frozen so the snow was just melting and I was making mud all over the place.
That same season, I found 2 Blue Cheese plants had been attacked by rabbits. It was funny tho. I guess they didn't like the resin cuz the stems were completely gone, but the bud was left on the ground in a pretty neat little pile. Didnt complain about that, it was finished anyway.
i bet you paniked when you saw what happend to them. i piss around my outdoor. My father had four outdoors that he choped down and hung dry, He finally put them in bags to bring back and overnight the deer got to them:spew:They must have been high as a kite. deers dont like the smell of blood.