Exactly my point...how can marijuana be illegal and these seeds not?
Can't say one is bad and the other isnt....when one actually has medical fuckin benefits...
Its not like you are going to ingest THC and have sideffects like our friends at Bristol Meyers Squibb, Pfizer, etc and their creations..... nosebleeds, stroke, woman over 35 shouldnt smoke for increased risk of heart attack, liver problems, kidney problems, dont take if you are alive and eat food as a chemical in the food could cause a serious reaction, don't operate machinery while on this until you are familiar with its effects, do not drive a car until you are familiar with its effects....
There, that should be the commercial for MJ no?
Or THC, the wonder drug...
I rest my case...oh and thanks to this kid in Indiana, if you have a good lawyer and have law issues around MJ. This article could help in defense PEOPLE....How could you get a sentence for marijuana and not for these seeds....so in court why dont you tell them you sell MG seeds to students....see what they say....if this gets enough public attention things will change people....how have laws in the past gotton overturned?
Rosa parks on the bus, civil rights , etc, enough people bitch and moan cause the flat out truth is in people's faces, the gov't can't deny it, if enough stink is made....
Damn, I think I am on the wrong site....is this all 16 year old bud smokers or are some of you actually activists?