is DE harmful if smoked? just wondering.
its fine to ingest/inhale for humans/pets... and i don't think the burning is gonna change anything... all fairly enert materials they're made of (its like 30% silica, but its so fine i don't think its gonna cause problems)
the 3lb's pointed me in this direction, and they swear by the stuff... and they'll fully into the wholeness of the plant... complete med. marijuana nuts, ya know?
from the site i bought it from...
In an article on DE in COMMON SENSE PEST CONTROL QUARTERLY, published by BIRC, Volume III, Number 1, Winter 1987, the matter of safety is explored.
“Both swimming pool grade and natural diatomaceous earth come from the same fossil sources but they are processed differently. The natural grades are mined, dried, ground, sled and bagged. The pool grade is chemically treated and partially melted and consequently contains crystalline silica which can be a respiratory hazard. Thus, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ONLY NATURAL DIATOMACEOUS EARTH BE USED FOR INSECT CONTROL. This non-crystalline silica is not a hazard as the human body apparently can dissolve it. “