sad droopy leaves?

hey all, my plants are vegging right now day 24 I believe. I've been growing indoors, been watering about every 4 days, using soil from the back yard. I woke up today to find that the leaves became incredibly droopy. Is this due to overwatering? or something to do with nutrients or lighting? Help is appreciated!



Active Member
get it out of the soil from the back yard and get some good potting soil. Replant. Water once very well and don't rewater til almost dry again.
Good luck


looks very well like nute burn. its a shame because that looks like it was a nice plant before that happened :\ R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question it looks like overwatering

but I agree you should get in better soil!

I disagree that it is nute burn looks more like a def, prolly from the unknown soil not having much in the way of nutes?


Active Member
thanks guys, I'll run and get some better soil. It doesnt look too bad so I think I can save it.
You can definitely save it. Get better soil and replant ASAP. and she'll be happy:peace: Your looking for a good soil with Great aeration and drainage while still good water holding abilities.


Active Member
ok, what should I be looking for brandwise and NPK wise?
most quality brand potting soils will do. I would get one without much in the way of ferts (NPK). Just looking for a light-weight indoor potting soil. Pro-mix, Sunshine, down to earth pro-organic mix,...... many out there not sure what you have in your area. I'd stay away from the time release stuff unless your blending your own. And don't get an "ACID" mix for acid loving plants.
most quality brand potting soils will do. I would get one without much in the way of ferts (NPK). Just looking for a light-weight indoor potting soil. Pro-mix, Sunshine, down to earth pro-organic mix,...... many out there not sure what you have in your area. I'd stay away from the time release stuff unless your blending your own. And don't get an "ACID" mix for acid loving plants.
thanks man, I appreciate it.