Barney's Red Dragon Grow - Organic


Well-Known Member
Wow those plants are taking off like crazy, you could placate the damage to the planet done by logging with your closet !
Thanks quietguy! I've been trying to find that happy medium with the foliage on the plants and keep them trimmed while at the same time leaving enough leaves there to get the most out of my light and give them good foliar feedings as well. It's the middle of a cold winter here where I am, so I think the combination of fluctuating temps during the light cycles, along with having to use pH'd tap-water (as opposed to rain-water) has made a big difference from my last grow this past fall... At this point, i'm think i'll end up with about 3 ounces dry, but it's really too soon to start guessing finished My grow schedule for this year show allow for about 5 harvests if I can keep the veg room going and continue to rotate grows. From past experience, this rotation should give us enough to smoke between harvests for sure!


Well-Known Member
ive seen no bad effects from trimming some leves, even if theyre fan leaves. sometime to gotta prun to get the light in, some of the greatest do it. there's something about a one cola, natural plant indoor, that doesn't look appealing to me. i fimm after 6", lolly popp when thrown into bloom, and trim where necessary to let the light in, happy growing, your doing a great job brother!


Active Member
ive seen no bad effects from trimming some leves, even if theyre fan leaves. sometime to gotta prun to get the light in, some of the greatest do it. there's something about a one cola, natural plant indoor, that doesn't look appealing to me. i fimm after 6", lolly popp when thrown into bloom, and trim where necessary to let the light in, happy growing, your doing a great job brother!
Constantly trimming the plant throughout it's life cycle will slow growth. I've always noticed the less I interfere, the happier my plants seem to be but if millions of years of evolution put a leaf in the wrong place, snip it off!


Well-Known Member
Constantly trimming the plant throughout it's life cycle will slow growth. I've always noticed the less I interfere, the happier my plants seem to be but if millions of years of evolution put a leaf in the wrong place, snip it off!
great quote bro, im gonna have to use that one! "but if millions of years of evolution put a leaf in the wrong place, snip it off!" great quote!

yeah i dont know if i "constantly trim my plants" but wait, maybe i do. i only touch them three times in their whole life. fimm after 6" of growth, lollypopp before bloom, and trimming worthless undergrowth, and in the way fan leafs first two weeks of bloom, nothing after. i dont know if this constitutes as constantly trimming, but if it does, im guilty! this method works for my indoor, height restricted, wanting the best yield, needs.

really love the quote though potsticker, just great!


Well-Known Member
I took some pictures tonight right after their foliar watering. The next 'feeding' will likely be Thurs or Fri of this week depending on how light the pots are by then.

Notice in these pics how i've been thinning out the canopy a bit and spreading the plants out as much as I can to take advantage of the light as much as possible. I also tied back 4 of the branches on the topped Red Dragon in order to let more light into the center of the plant and force it to grow 'out' more and spread out as it grows up - note pics of the tied down branches.

Enjoy!! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
trimming to open canopy, a hard thing to do, but worth it, itll pay off in the end for sure! how far are you in bloom. are you foliar feeding in bloom? looking great bro, moving right along.


Active Member
Wonderful looking grow, Dayzt! I just ordered in some Red Dragon seeds from Barney's Farm. I'm going to be growing with CFLs, but I've been hearing great things about this strain. Looks like you'll be enjoying some well-deserved bud in the not-too-distant future:D Subscribed!


Well-Known Member
trimming to open canopy, a hard thing to do, but worth it, itll pay off in the end for sure! how far are you in bloom. are you foliar feeding in bloom? looking great bro, moving right along.
Thanks for bringing the foliar issue up Drella... I didn't research much before I started doing that but from what I've found, it's not recommended. I'm not using any nutes or additives in the spray, just water - but now that there are buds forming I think i'll stop doing that! lol... it was just nice to see the shiny green leaves and I guess I just got carried

Tonight marks the 3rd day of week 3 of flowering. Every day I see more and more pistils... I've been trying to guage how they look right now compared to other plants at the same day into flowering and they look to be about right I think. After week 4 i'll be expecting to see some nicely formed buds, much like I saw in my last grow.


Well-Known Member
no problem brother, ive been researching this stuff so much, anything i can do to help. i foliar spray during veg, whatever extra veg nutes that i dont need after watering, i feel they love it, and id throw the water away, any way, so why not? my extra bloom water i throw in my outdoor flower garden, im married and own a home, and i love to grow everything!

thats great that you are gauging you progress to prior grow, great way to find out how your doing!


Well-Known Member
Only a few more days left in week 3. I'll get some pics this weekend yet - likely Sunday night.

- All is well and looking great! I wasn't sure how they would respond to the largest amount of nutes they've had thus far, but no serious side-effects yet.
- A few leaves are showing some spots and a tiny bit of brown on a few leaf-tips but nothing serious.
- The bag-seed plant is looking like it will be done about 1-2 weeks before the others, as it has nicely developed buds already at this point!
- Fan leaves are noticably reaching up a lot more than before, so I take that as a good sign - I think the foliar spray was overwhelming them a bit and they seem thankful that I stopped
- We bought a volcano vaporizer today and are now enjoying some nice blue-cheese in a whole new way! The flavor is a lot more distinct when vaped... can't wait to try some other strains in the volcano!


Alright there Dayzt,

Just been having a scan through your little grow diary and im very impressed on how they are coming along! Very good work! I have 2x of Red Dragon currently on the last week of flowering and i will post some pictures up of the buds for you. It's currently off the nutrients and being flushed with plain water until the 26th; thought you may be interested in the bud formation. Im still a beginner with this growing stuff so i don't have a great setup to some of the guys on here. I have grown Blue-Cheese twice with good success and wanted to try a different strain. Currently my setup is:

2x 250w Envirolites (Veg/Flower) + Reflector;
Plagron Bat-Mix Soil;
BioBizz Organic Grow Nutrients;
BioBizz Organic Bloom Nutrients;
BioBizz Organic TopMax Nutrients;
4" Carbon Filter + 4" Inline-Fan.

The setup isn't great but it does the job for my own personal little grow. I will be looking to upgrade in the near future as i still regard myself as a beginner (even though i have done 2 grows already); have to start somewhere i guess. Im thinking of upgrading the lights to a HPS to get more yields sometime soon. The smell of the Red Dragon is fantastic has a very fruity undertone and is a lot different from the Blue-Cheese i grew. The buds seem more dense than the BC and overall im very impressed, seeing as it is regarded as a "newish" strain. Vegging was a little slow to begin with but it blossomed after 4-5 weeks into veg; was very surprised how fast it grew. Flowering has been great so far and it seems to have taken the nutrients onboard very well. I also got a friend who has grown before help me out explaining a "Sea of Green" method as my grow space is not exactly huge; i heard it helps you get that little bit extra with small spaces. Thats worked well for me the last two times and it should come out in the pictures.

During flowering the leaves were lush green until about 3 weeks ago when they started to turn brownish. Some of the leaves now have gone crispy and are falling off which i suspect was down to the buds taking all the nutrients? Buds so far look unscathed and most of the trichomes are now turning cloudy. I also stopped using the Grow bottle (rich in Nitrogen) about week 6 of Flower; probably another reason why the leaves turned. I read that when the plant is near the end of Flowering it doesn't need as much Nitrogen? Im unsure on that myself (help on this is welcome) but i thought i would give it a go to see what happens. Im up for doing a bit of experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. So far its all gravy and it should be a great smoke!

I will get those pics up sometimes tomorrow for you. Good luck with the RD! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Alright there Dayzt,

Just been having a scan through your little grow diary and im very impressed on how they are coming along! Very good work! I have 2x of Red Dragon currently on the last week of flowering and i will post some pictures up of the buds for you. It's currently off the nutrients and being flushed with plain water until the 26th; thought you may be interested in the bud formation. Im still a beginner with this growing stuff so i don't have a great setup to some of the guys on here. I have grown Blue-Cheese twice with good success and wanted to try a different strain. Currently my setup is:

2x 250w Envirolites (Veg/Flower) + Reflector;
Plagron Bat-Mix Soil;
BioBizz Organic Grow Nutrients;
BioBizz Organic Bloom Nutrients;
BioBizz Organic TopMax Nutrients;
4" Carbon Filter + 4" Inline-Fan.

The setup isn't great but it does the job for my own personal little grow. I will be looking to upgrade in the near future as i still regard myself as a beginner (even though i have done 2 grows already); have to start somewhere i guess. Im thinking of upgrading the lights to a HPS to get more yields sometime soon. The smell of the Red Dragon is fantastic has a very fruity undertone and is a lot different from the Blue-Cheese i grew. The buds seem more dense than the BC and overall im very impressed, seeing as it is regarded as a "newish" strain. Vegging was a little slow to begin with but it blossomed after 4-5 weeks into veg; was very surprised how fast it grew. Flowering has been great so far and it seems to have taken the nutrients onboard very well. I also got a friend who has grown before help me out explaining a "Sea of Green" method as my grow space is not exactly huge; i heard it helps you get that little bit extra with small spaces. Thats worked well for me the last two times and it should come out in the pictures.

During flowering the leaves were lush green until about 3 weeks ago when they started to turn brownish. Some of the leaves now have gone crispy and are falling off which i suspect was down to the buds taking all the nutrients? Buds so far look unscathed and most of the trichomes are now turning cloudy. I also stopped using the Grow bottle (rich in Nitrogen) about week 6 of Flower; probably another reason why the leaves turned. I read that when the plant is near the end of Flowering it doesn't need as much Nitrogen? Im unsure on that myself (help on this is welcome) but i thought i would give it a go to see what happens. Im up for doing a bit of experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. So far its all gravy and it should be a great smoke!

I will get those pics up sometimes tomorrow for you. Good luck with the RD! :bigjoint:
Sounds great sodar...can't wait to see the pics!


Sounds great sodar...can't wait to see the pics!
Its a bit weaker on the left due to the rediculous plastic bit on the end of the light. Did the best i could at the time to get it mostly on the right. Looking forward to seeing your finished product!



Well-Known Member
Its a bit weaker on the left due to the rediculous plastic bit on the end of the light. Did the best i could at the time to get it mostly on the right. Looking forward to seeing your finished product!
Awesome sodar - something to look forward to! Be sure to report on how they taste! What is their odor like at this point in your grow-room? Do they smell sweet?


Well-Known Member
Well, here's the latest on the Dragon ladies! Lots more white hairs coming in - the middle, most exotic looking one is the slowest one to burst it's hairs and is still not really taking off - something tells me she'll go the longest... :joint:

The bagseed plant and the Dreamtime plant are both coming along nicely but the others are much nicer looking at this point.

Here's the pic update! Enjoy! :weed:



Well-Known Member
really looking like these girls are gonna get dense as hell! good luck bro, i cant wait to see how this one turns out!


Awesome sodar - something to look forward to! Be sure to report on how they taste! What is their odor like at this point in your grow-room? Do they smell sweet?
Thanks Dayzt and they are deffo worth looking forward to! They smell superb right now, maybe not as pungent as the Blue Cheese but there is more 'fruitness' about the RD. Going from the smell this could be one great smoke and im hoping it's better than BC; i really loved that stuff as the taste was excellent. A little smoke report will be on the way once i have chopped, dried and cured some.

Those new pics look excellent, they are coming along very nicely indeed! Seeing as you have far better lights than myself, you should get some very dense buds and it will surprise you as it gets closer to finishing. It surpised me just how dense they got with my 250w Enviro's. Im over the moon with how well they have done and i have not had a single issue with them from germination to (almost) finish. I still have 3 more seeds and have already decided to grow it again.

Keep up the good work with your RD!


Well-Known Member
Forgot to post last night.... gave the girls a good helping of straight pH'd water on the evening of the 23rd (last night). Got some bottom leaves that were a little yellowed after the last nute feeding, so they will appreciate this mini-flush of straight water.

Still more and more white hairs every single day now on all of the plants. Looking back at when I started my previous journal, the pics I took at the end of week 4 are looking very similar this time around... that's encouraging!

note: my Vanilla Kush seeds were soaked in rain-water for 24hrs and they all cracked! I have them in moist paper-towel now for another 24hrs to get a good tap-root started and then they'll go into peat puck planters, most likely tomorrow evening! Also have a Crimea Blue seedling that will be joining the 5 VK for my next round which will begin at the end of this month...


Well-Known Member
perfect time for seed germinating! looks like you got it handeled bro! i just had my first harvest, one plant of four that'll get the chop! check it out when you get a chance!