Strawberries from seed


Active Member
Ok guys ive been on this forum for a bit trying to figure out why its so darn difficult to start strawberries from seeds? Almost every thread ive seen they started their plants from a plant not seed? Anyone know WHY? Someone has to figure out how its done.


New Member
Growing some plants from seed is hard. Strawberries being one, horseradish is another. I would just get the rootings, or the live plant and save yorself the trouble and time. They also can sometimes take a season to produce. I typed this before my baby went to sleep, so if someone has already posted this, I'm sorry.
Also strawberrys like the heat, so if you take a plane of glass you can sit it on top of them to make them bloom and ripen faster.
You can also build a strawberry pile. Like a long A frame. :mrgreen:


Active Member
im currently growing some strawberries indoors and I planted 16 but only two have sprouted i planted them 2 weeks ago but it can take up to a month


Active Member
yeah germination can take 20 - 40 days, but the strange thing is that the only two strawberry sprouts i have so far germed within 3 days which is very bizarre. If you can get cutting it will be a hell of alot easier im only bothering with seeds because I live in Canada so at this time of year its difficult to find anywhere thats has them


Well-Known Member
I don't believe strawberry seeds are fertile. Strawberries send out a runner which roots.


Active Member
of course their fertile, lol. Strawberries do throw out runners which is the easiest, most effective way of propagating them, but it is possible to grow from seed, it's just a real pain in the ass compared to rooting a runner.


Well-Known Member
Ah-hah, a question i feel like i can contribute to.

First thing you need to know bout strawberries seeds is their hella tiny
like the the top of a sewing pin. just a little fleck- so super fragile n can blow away n the wind

This is the sure fire way I would grow these @ work(Smith&Hawken) to sell as seedlings ( noone like starting these from seeds)

I would start out with a tiny cup size plastic square pot. (cheap nursery plastic design w/ drainage holes at bottom)**Party cups may work here 2
Fill it up with your dirt. (you can flatten or make a little mound, it's up 2 u)
Moisten your dirt

Take a pen , chop-stick , knife whatever and just make some random pokes &slits on top
for the seeds to fall into.

Pour some of the seeds out into your clean sanitized hands . (not directly on soil, it could all seep out)
And then sprinkle some sparsely across, no need to completely layers, just pretend your seasoning some food

Then add a quick sprinkle of water too, to welcome home the seeds.
Set this on a seedling heat mat. Put your dome on it. Let it sit for a day or so.

Than they'll start to grow , like little-bitty green hairs. Be uber-careful with them.
Even a fan can still blow these guys away in there first days.
Keep them in your dome till they get strong- You'll know when the time is right, motherbird

Basically they like it real humid and they're really ducking fragile .

Hope this helped someone


Well-Known Member
lol good deal man thanks alot. Ill do my reading up on how strawberries grow and all that, thx alot. And i guess they do fruit within one season? or year


Well-Known Member
It takes 2 years from plants or sprouts to get a start but once they root they will spread like a wildfire


Well-Known Member
This guy raises and sells exotic strawberries, among which a non hybrid, alpine strawberry. They sound interesting, I think I would Like to try them myself. And yes I know that the link is for red worm composting. What can I say hes a multi talented man.


Well-Known Member
Saw in an old lady gardening magazine that there are Strawberry trees now too.

And even a tree that produces 5 diff kinds of fruit wtf.


Oh well...there are just those people whom we call the "green thumbers"...:-) Growing plants need time and utmost attention..may it be for indoors or not.


Active Member
Saw in an old lady gardening magazine that there are Strawberry trees now too.

And even a tree that produces 5 diff kinds of fruit wtf.
Strawberry trees are not strawberrys. They are in the arbutis family. They fruit has no taste really more of an ornamental tree. I have several strawberry tree bonsais.