Help getting started

GreenThumb Ent.

Active Member
I'd like to say first this site ROCKS and thanks to all of my fellow "gardeners" in advance. Heres my question after germination taproot hanging there time to go to the 1" cubes so root up or root down this is the question?
Now my reason is after everything I read on here everone says root down but I found the following Picture courtesy of
again thanks in advance and happy grows to you all
p.s. i've grown in soil and i just dopped them in the hole, they found there way from there.
Sorry for long question sometimes I talk to much
I'd like to say first this site ROCKS and thanks to all of my fellow "gardeners" in advance. Heres my question after germination taproot hanging there time to go to the 1" cubes so root up or root down this is the question?
Now my reason is after everything I read on here everone says root down but I found the following Picture courtesy of
again thanks in advance and happy grows to you all
p.s. i've grown in soil and i just dopped them in the hole, they found there way from there.
Sorry for long question sometimes I talk to much

yeah man tap root down for seeds the seed shell will come off at the top of the seedling when it starts to show its first two leaves


bud bootlegger
yah, im a taproot down kinda person myself, but saying this, i just got some ogkush from dr greenthumbs, and upon reading the directions that came with the beans, he says to germ in a paper towel, and then to plant with the taproot facing up.. i'm still gonna go taproot down anyway's, lol.. just thought that i would through that out there..

GreenThumb Ent.

Active Member
first few 8 to be exact tried that like 4 got stuck inside seed shell tried to pullem of but the were stuck smothered the plants poor babies 2 sheaded there shells but never fully opened ther leaves died kinda slumped over and depressed looking 2 survived that and came on up now its 4 days later and I have 1 healthy looking plant starting second set of blades, that site I stated before said the seed worked harder because of the roots natural motion of bending any way of the eight none came straight up they were all folded over and only to turned up toward the light, started 4 more last night at 11:15cst and peeked in one today seems to be turning up I'm no expert just want a clear understanding of what I'm doing I want to get this hydro thing right with my bagseed before I used my internet orders