Budding Problems.. HELP!

So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very pale green and yellow and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now... also, as you can see in the pics, there are dark patches down the center of some of the leaves.
Note: the leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant are still a healthy green

So i'm wondering if this is a big problem and if so, what could be causing the problem?? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks. :leaf:

Additional Info: I'm growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, using Fox Farm Big Bloom nutes & a 400W HPS

It seems to be getting worse, HELP!!!



Active Member
So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very pale green and yellow and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now... also, as you can see in the pics, there are dark patches down the center of some of the leaves.
Note: the leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant are still a healthy green

So i'm wondering if this is a big problem and if so, what could be causing the problem?? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks. :leaf:

Additional Info: I'm growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, using Fox Farm Big Bloom nutes & a 400W HPS

It seems to be getting worse, HELP!!!
Looks like a Iron or Sulfur problem.
Used this as a guideline:


Active Member
So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very pale green and yellow and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now... also, as you can see in the pics, there are dark patches down the center of some of the leaves.
Note: the leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant are still a healthy green

So i'm wondering if this is a big problem and if so, what could be causing the problem?? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks. :leaf:

Additional Info: I'm growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, using Fox Farm Big Bloom nutes & a 400W HPS

It seems to be getting worse, HELP!!!
Hi 1st a few questions...How often do you water? When you water are you applying nutrients every watering? How close are your lights to the tops? How is your soils pH? Are you drying the root zone half way out before applying more water? Are you using an Ozone generator?
Watering is the #1 place growers mess up. Usually it's keeping the soil too moist too long by too frequent a watering pattern. When in doubt dry them out! You ought to dry the top half of the root zone between each watering, not just the top of the soil. A good quality water meter can give you X-ray vision into your soil & root zone.
I use Fox farms too and found they have pretty high/hot-ish recommendations for their nute mixes. I cut their recipes in half and worked up from there. Like wise the Big Bloom has almost no nitrogen in it so I add a tich of Grow Big for healthier leaves and photosynthesis. Feeding every time in soils (especially ocean forest which is already pretty high in nitrogen) seems to build up salts in the soil. It can look like the leaf in your pics.
Lights are hot if not vent cooled so if your light is closer than 12 inches you're too close & can scorch top leaves.
It's common for plants in flower (3 weeks or more) and getting mostly Phos. & Potass. to have some yellowing.
Similarly, pH that's off the scale can lead to nutrient lock out and in turn symptoms showing a deficiency. Look into getting Jorge Cervantes latest indoor growing book, lots of good pics showing various deficiencies. Hope some of this helps. Happy gardening GrowIT!:weed:


Well-Known Member
FLUSH them. could be lots of things, I grow lots of edible vegetables outside in the soil during the summer and never have problems. The one time i tried to grow tomatoes indoors, and times I've grown basil in the window sil, I always F the plants up by over fertilizing, which is very easy to do to a contained/potted plant. Once the water dries/evaporates from the soil it leaves behind nutes that the plant didnt/couldnt absorb in the form of toxic salts. Only way I fixed my tomatoe plants last fall (and they kinda looked similar to your pot plant) was flushing it with mass amounts of water. 3 to 1. I grew a plant in a gal. pot and flushed with 3 gallons of pure water. I've read that was supposed to work and it worked for me. after waiting for soil to dry compoletely, I watered, again, waited til dry then nuted at half strength every other watering. Plants survived in the wild to be able to store energy/food during droughts and in places with poor climate and soil, but over ferting them F's them up big time cause they were not made to survive like we do, with food, water and climate at their abundant disposal. Even organic nutes can be problematic.
Yeah good advice guys, thanks a lot. I'm going to flush them thoroughly first then let the soil dry out a bit, and then flush some more. Nitrogen deficiency crossed my mind but i didn't want to add anything and make the problem worse.. If the yellowing parsists do you guys think I should slowly add nitrogen in any form?