Drooping plants?


Active Member
First off, I'm using a power-grower under 600 watt hps hortilux. Temps shouldn't be a problem, they stay around 70-80 degrees night and day. I'm using Pure Blend Pro @ 1200ppm. The plants right now are almost four weeks old and they seem to droop during the dark cycle and the stretch straight up during the light cycle. There are no signs of nutrient burn and the leaves are a steady green color.

So I guess my question is, why are they drooping at night? Should I put the water dripper on a timer, too? That's the only thing I can think of.

-- Spooks


New Member
I'm no expert; but don't plants stretch only to the light? They'll also move and bend to follow it...

Maybe they are sleeping?

I'm going to check mine during the night now. No, second thought... I wouldn't want to disturb them.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Mine do the same thing. They are just resting. If the lights are on and they droop then I would think they were not happy.


Active Member
i know it's an old post but this is just for readers trying to gather info. Think of a normal flower. At night there is no sunlight so the flowers close. During the day there is lots of sun so the plants are reaching for the light. To be reaching all night with no sun light for uses up the plants energy. thats why they droop at night.


i know it's an old post but this is just for readers trying to gather info. Think of a normal flower. At night there is no sunlight so the flowers close. During the day there is lots of sun so the plants are reaching for the light. To be reaching all night with no sun light for uses up the plants energy. thats why they droop at night.
what about a hour or 2 before dark???


Well-Known Member
^^Was is after watering or feeding them? Is the soil close to getting totally dry? Those are reasons they could droop, but I know what your saying. Mine have done some weird stuff before too, and am still not sure what caused some of them.lol

As for the drooping at night.....mine do that too. I wake up in the morning and they are droopy when the lights come on, then perk up later. I read something today(another member's post. I should've + rep'ed him) that stated that water moves down to the root mass during the night, is stored, then moves back up into the plants as the lights come on the next day. There was also a brief explanation that made sense, but i can't remember all of it ATM, so that'll have to do.LOL


Active Member
^^Was is after watering or feeding them? Is the soil close to getting totally dry? Those are reasons they could droop, but I know what your saying. Mine have done some weird stuff before too, and am still not sure what caused some of them.lol

As for the drooping at night.....mine do that too. I wake up in the morning and they are droopy when the lights come on, then perk up later. I read something today(another member's post. I should've + rep'ed him) that stated that water moves down to the root mass during the night, is stored, then moves back up into the plants as the lights come on the next day. There was also a brief explanation that made sense, but i can't remember all of it ATM, so that'll have to do.LOL
Yea, maybe they are like sunflowers lol.. Not sure about the water moving down the roots. Water moves towards the leaves when the plant evaporates water from the leaves. For transpiration to occur the stomata need to be open, which is during the day(or when light is on). Therefore most of the water conducting is done during the light times.