Colorado Med Growers, Unite

i agree milehigh stay the fuck in florida this guy has been buggin for a couple months now i already told him to goto cali but he is scared hell get killed or robbed. Quit comming here to try and get rich your all screwin it up for us coloradoans who worked hard and voted for this and who lived here and loved it since before it was legal. maybe hes a dea agent or fed tryin to find people to bust
I liked things a lot better when it was illegal. I made a lot more money and didn't have to hear all the medical marijuana bs.

If I wanted to help people out I'd go work in a soup kitchen.

2400 a pound that should more then cover the cost to grow it this is why there is such a problem right now every one wants to get rich and charge out the wazzu this is supposed to be to help out the people that need it well when people want to charge 400 or more for an ounce this makes it impossible for some people to afford so they go back to pharmcies for pills because alot of insurances will pay for them or atleast give them a healthy brake on the price. If everyone would quit trying to "get rich" with this then they would leave it alone like they did for the first 7-8 years GROWERS NEED TO QUIT BEING SELFISH AND TRYING TO GET RICH. there is plenty of money in this buis. without ripping everyone off.
I liked things a lot better when it was illegal. I made a lot more money and didn't have to hear all the medical marijuana bs.

Iam sorry you are not making as much money.

Iam just starting to make money after
all these years of paying guys like you.
I always have great meds and some extra
to sell to other card holder's

This is GREAT!!

wah! goto a state that its not legal then philo. and watch out for charma hope you dont ever need someone to be compasaionit and help you out!
Typical Boulder hippie

I'm pretty sure "boulder hippie" is an oxymoron, all there are is patchouly covered
trust fund burnouts, but its easy to make a buck when you're surrounded by them.

Good luck with your amazing weed forum speeches, I'm sure you will really make a
difference out there. I can practically hear your little voice screaming "we must fight
for change" typical keyboard warrior.
I'm getting really tired of people just moving here for the opportunity to take advantage of's probably part of the reason we have to have so many regulations...stay in your own fucking state and grow fuckers i've lived here my whole life and only now are people flooding in trying to eat up this idea they can finally be free and able to do whatever they want with no problems...sorry people but im colorado proud and your fucking with my state and the people that were here first and screwing their dreams up too...there's a reason why we are legal and your state isn't WE THE COLORADO(emphasize the coloradan) voters took it upon ourselves for ourselves and now everyone thinks that its a good thing for them too...Im just tired of hearing about everyone moving here and trying to get a job as a bud trimmer or a grower or they just want to get their card Leave it to the locals and the people who made the law jesus and maybe if your lucky your lazy stoners in your state will vote this way too...

It's not the same for California Everyone and their grandma moves there to "Make it Big" so Cali is full of the dreamers and wannabes that come from all over and they are use to that...I love this state and I just get pissed seeing it being used like its a two dollar hooker for those that want to try and make a business out of marijuana out of it...before hand these people didn't give two shits about this state or coming here...and the only reason that they are is because they want to do this legally...sounds like your using my state as a tool and you can FUCK OFF!

The means may disturb and delay the ends, and certainly none of this is ideal, but everyone needs an incentive. If some or most of those people can make decent money doing this, and use some of that money to actively back further decriminalization and deregulation, I think it will certainly end up better than if a select number of individuals were allowed to have the power of caregiving.

Besides, not even half of the states have medical marijuana laws. If you want to make more money, just go from new state to new state and set up shop. I've been here my whole life and I love it. So do the plants :)
Seriously stop pissing and moaning your "we were here first!" that shit
is so do you think american indians feel jack ass....
The reason that different states are able to govern themselves
is so that people can have their own ways to live. Otherwise, people in
california would be able to tell people in new york how to live, of course
poeple are going to live or even migrate to where the rules lean towards them, it is natural,
which is why we have the legalization and other states don't. The states,
in my opinion are more important than the fed, and should be able to
overrule the fed. For instance if the states were to decide as a majority
that marijuana should be up to the states, then the fed shouldn't be able
to dick us around. Now of course we don't have an official majority, unofficial
is definitely a different story though, just wait 5 years until our generation is more
in control.
Seriously stop pissing and moaning your "we were here first!" that shit
is so do you think american indians feel jack ass....
The reason that different states are able to govern themselves
is so that people can have their own ways to live. Otherwise, people in
california would be able to tell people in new york how to live, of course
poeple are going to live or even migrate to where the rules lean towards them, it is natural,
which is why we have the legalization and other states don't. The states,
in my opinion are more important than the fed, and should be able to
overrule the fed. For instance if the states were to decide as a majority
that marijuana should be up to the states, then the fed shouldn't be able
to dick us around. Now of course we don't have an official majority, unofficial
is definitely a different story though, just wait 5 years until our generation is more
in control.

American Indians are quite a bit different than rules being set in a state that are for the people of the state and now other people think it's their right just because they move...ok i can deal with that but there is NOTHING NATURAL about the amount of people that have moved here or are planning on moving for the shear fact of marijuana....I can deal with people going to places because a job or housing but because they want what is illegal in their state to be legal for them because they move?

Now im not Knocking the medical reasons if you move here because you have serious problems (Not the 18-21 year old's I keep seeing taking advantage of the system) than yeah go for it and it's a positive for you

but it's the people that want a Legal living off of what is not legal where they are typically from, than man your doing what pisses me off and what i had previously explained.

your using this state(It's not like the gold rush and you stake your claim) It's a state that has found it justifiable through the democratic process that it should be ok for it's residence to medicate themselves....when did that change into HEY EVERYONE COME ON IN AND MAKE A TON
I look at it like this the more growers the more the supply and demand balances and we will see here the same thing that is happening in cali where no one can sell thier yields because everyone has plenty, fdd2blk had a thread about this a few months ago

what will then happen is the prices will come down benefiting patients while hurting growers, when this happens migraters will move to a new state or go back to black marketing, I see this as a win/win so have no problem with the so called green rush

it is also possible that this will create a higher quality product/med being produced as my experience has been everything I have seen from various disp's has been chopped to early which was why I went back to growing my own

I get where you're coming from, but how is moving here to grow MMJ any different the moving here to work for or start a business in any other industry? I remember when the Denver Metro area had boundaries of hampden to hwy 36 and wadsworth to peoria, and we sure as heck didn't fill up the rest of the monstrosity we have now with our own kids. Over the last 40 years we've had waves of immigration from both Texas and California, as well as quite a few from Eastern mountain states as the mining jobs there died out. MMJ is just spawning it's own wave, and it's actually fairly small in comparison to the others as far as I can tell.

I get where you're coming from, but how is moving here to grow MMJ any different the moving here to work for or start a business in any other industry? I remember when the Denver Metro area had boundaries of hampden to hwy 36 and wadsworth to peoria, and we sure as heck didn't fill up the rest of the monstrosity we have now with our own kids. Over the last 40 years we've had waves of immigration from both Texas and California, as well as quite a few from Eastern mountain states as the mining jobs there died out. MMJ is just spawning it's own wave, and it's actually fairly small in comparison to the others as
far as I can tell.

I guess my main problem is the fact that it's different than say just normal business. I could be wrong but what other type of business is illegal in one state and legal in's kinda one of a kind and has different stipulations that come with it. What i guess it gets down to is this is a constant renewable resource worth more per OZ than gold (maybe not anymore but damn close) so the idea of putting in a little a little capital to get a big out turn is what fuels these people i'm mad at the greed that it creates and its the greed i could do without.

So flood the market make it worthless and do away with what im really mad at and that's the idea that's made us a worthless nation that you can put in minimal effort for a huge hard for your money and stop looking for the easy way.
Just came in....Check it out

DEA :cuss:GO AWAY!

Patients Picket Obama: "Get the DEA Out of Colorado"

Thurs., Feb. 18

WHERE: Across from the Fillmore Auditorium, at the corner of Colfax and
Clarkson (1510 Clarkson) in Denver, CO


Sensible Colorado

Seriously...with the President you think they will even let you NEAR that area? I highly doubt it (pun, oops) ;)
Seriously...with the President you think they will even let you NEAR that area? I highly doubt it (pun, oops) ;)

Back when Carter was prez, I went to work like any day while he was gonna be talkin downtown, my job that day was to install an antena for a stock brokerage firm so they could monitor the dow, I went up on the roof of the downtown office building carrying my antenna in it's box, did not get 15 feet on to the roof when I had 12 snipers aimed at me and a loud command to freeze, drop the box and hit the ground. I was tied up for 9 hours while they checked everything out :bigjoint:

morale of the story,, don't even think your gonna get close to the prez!

better be applying for a permit too
I guess my main problem is the fact that it's different than say just normal business. I could be wrong but what other type of business is illegal in one state and legal in's kinda one of a kind and has different stipulations that come with it. What i guess it gets down to is this is a constant renewable resource worth more per OZ than gold (maybe not anymore but damn close) so the idea of putting in a little a little capital to get a big out turn is what fuels these people i'm mad at the greed that it creates and its the greed i could do without.

So flood the market make it worthless and do away with what im really mad at and that's the idea that's made us a worthless nation that you can put in minimal effort for a huge hard for your money and stop looking for the easy way.

Sorry bro, but your main problem is that you are letting your anger impose will over your thought process. This is situation is simple economics where a valuable commodity (not even close to the price of gold/oz, I have no idea where 2x the price or more = 'damn close'; plus, gold is on a standardized market whereas MJ prices obviously fluctuates greatly from seller to seller, market to market) is transitioning from the black market. There has to be a transition period, and that is exactly what you're experiencing now and in the near future. Individuals flooding into the state that are literally 'rushing' the opportunity, meaning they are coming here on pure whim without growing experience, without equipment, etc, will end up spending a bunch of $$$ in our state (living expenses and expenditures, equipment, etc, etc) and either: burning out and leaving w/in a couple years (33%), staying and becoming valuable CO citizens (ie, they pay taxes and HAVE a job; 45%), relocating for other reasons (10%), being a leech and exactly what we DON'T want for the state (less than 12%). Ultimately, the good outweighs the bad. The individuals that YOU don't want in the state come at a small percentage. In the meantime, as Ed and riddle previously stated, MMJ prices decrease due to increase in supply, quality increases theoretically based on the increase of growers, legislation is passed in our favor b/c of the number of individuals that are vested and hopefully fighting for their rights, etc. This basically brings money to the state at minimal 'cost' in the long run to its current citizens.

I'm originally from WY, and poeple that reside there have the same attitude about individuals that migrate there from other states.... They think they're going to come into the state and hold it hostage! When in reality, they should be jumping for f*&king joy b/c the population of the state just increased from 550K to 550,001. They should be happy b/c people move there to get jobs and become beneficial citizens of the community, but no, they're pessimists. On the other hand, they bitch about how some small town Wal-Mart is always dirty and needs mopped. Yeah, b/c the guy who just moved from CA that needed a job so damn bad that he picked up shop and moved to the least populated state in the US to get that janitors position in Riverton. Then he realized how shitty the state was, from his perspective (whatever his dislikes may be.... hmm, 70mph wind, whatever...), and dude picks up the kids and wife... And see ya! It's one similar concept, under a different set of circumstances, that could play out in a number of ways. Bottom line, it's good for the state's economy as a whole, just like it could be beneficial to the entire US if decrim/leg'd. And like I said previous, don't worry about them stepping on your toes because there will ALWAYS be a market for someone who can grow top notch QUALITY. We just don't know what the numbers will be...

Bring 'em on, Mile... And watch the majority of them fall, in one way or another. We have too many 'native' experienced growers. The ones that make it, hopefully make our culture better in the long run.

Stay safe, happy growing, and Cheers, dak :bigjoint:
Sorry bro, but your main problem is that you are letting your anger impose will over your thought process. This is situation is simple economics where a valuable commodity (not even close to the price of gold/oz, I have no idea where 2x the price or more = 'damn close'; plus, gold is on a standardized market whereas MJ prices obviously fluctuates greatly from seller to seller, market to market) is transitioning from the black market. There has to be a transition period, and that is exactly what you're experiencing now and in the near future. Individuals flooding into the state that are literally 'rushing' the opportunity, meaning they are coming here on pure whim without growing experience, without equipment, etc, will end up spending a bunch of $$$ in our state (living expenses and expenditures, equipment, etc, etc) and either: burning out and leaving w/in a couple years (33%), staying and becoming valuable CO citizens (ie, they pay taxes and HAVE a job; 45%), relocating for other reasons (10%), being a leech and exactly what we DON'T want for the state (less than 12%). Ultimately, the good outweighs the bad. The individuals that YOU don't want in the state come at a small percentage. In the meantime, as Ed and riddle previously stated, MMJ prices decrease due to increase in supply, quality increases theoretically based on the increase of growers, legislation is passed in our favor b/c of the number of individuals that are vested and hopefully fighting for their rights, etc. This basically brings money to the state at minimal 'cost' in the long run to its current citizens.

I'm originally from WY, and poeple that reside there have the same attitude about individuals that migrate there from other states.... They think they're going to come into the state and hold it hostage! When in reality, they should be jumping for f*&king joy b/c the population of the state just increased from 550K to 550,001. They should be happy b/c people move there to get jobs and become beneficial citizens of the community, but no, they're pessimists. On the other hand, they bitch about how some small town Wal-Mart is always dirty and needs mopped. Yeah, b/c the guy who just moved from CA that needed a job so damn bad that he picked up shop and moved to the least populated state in the US to get that janitors position in Riverton. Then he realized how shitty the state was, from his perspective (whatever his dislikes may be.... hmm, 70mph wind, whatever...), and dude picks up the kids and wife... And see ya! It's one similar concept, under a different set of circumstances, that could play out in a number of ways. Bottom line, it's good for the state's economy as a whole, just like it could be beneficial to the entire US if decrim/leg'd. And like I said previous, don't worry about them stepping on your toes because there will ALWAYS be a market for someone who can grow top notch QUALITY. We just don't know what the numbers will be...

Bring 'em on, Mile... And watch the majority of them fall, in one way or another. We have too many 'native' experienced growers. The ones that make it, hopefully make our culture better in the long run.

Stay safe, happy growing, and Cheers, dak :bigjoint:

Whole lot o' typing there...rep+ for taking the time to clarify your point. ;)
yes but it was actually a good read and well put. I think that even if other people from other states didn't come here, someone already in colorado would just be taking their place.
hey looks like they are at it agin. Just watchin fox 31 theres gonna be another huge growroom on the news because apparantly fox wants in on the action. It's on right now till 930

Apparantly they raided a dispensary growing their own marijuana. They got 536 plants and they said that everybody knew the building was being used to grow MJ.(they even pay taxes on their income from medcical marijuana) They said that neighboring business employees were getting sick...???? not sure what the hell they are trying to say are they saying they were sick of smelling weed or stoners comin through but saying it so it sounds like a dangerous thing? They also stated that medical marijuana is selling for 320$ to 420$ and it was driving up the price on the black market which in turn creates more crime...LOL what a bunch of shitheads! We all know that in fact the opposite of all these statements is true. Growing a plant doesn't make you sick they produce oxygen. Medical marijuana is eliminating much of the black market anmd driving the price down because the supply is becoming greater than the demand. The lawmakers want the dispensaries to grow 90% of their own product and than they want to question why these businesses have huge growrooms. They stated that they have a book of all the patients cards and then some guy says they haven't been verified these people are signing up multiple caregivers which is clearly bullshit they have to file these records with the state so any other caregivers wouldm't be legit and I would think the dispensaries send their paperwork in. They also stated that people are selling their caregiver rights to them trying to make them look like conartists.

Hey great reporting there fox. Way to misinform everybody I will never watch your newscasts ever again. Go fuck yourselves.
I can't believe they took down the Apothicary. Fuckheads. Those guys went to sooo many pains to make everything legal and above board ... for what? To be raided, harassed, and have you hard earned plants taken from you for no fucking reason whatsoever. :cuss:

This attitude of law enforcement to raid first and then count licenses later it total bullshit. I hope they sue the FUCK outta the state.
where's that money gonna come a sense are we always going to be paying for the fucked up things our judical system is doing and fucking up on (Tim Masters 4.1 coming from our pockets because they fucked up) seriously this is a cycle that is a cycle of fuck people put money into the legitimate grows not to mention and everyone knows the time i you get rid of all those plants thats like 6months down the tube...on top of that now they will recap their loses and in the form of tax payers money be reimbursed sounds like a lose lose fuckheads!!!