WHats the worst that has happend. DId you learn?


Well-Known Member
...I tried to make my own soilless mix using 75% petemoss. Things got yellow quick! The pH went straight to hell! The soilless stayed soked! The roots got strangled, they stopped taking in water and died of thirst! WTF! ....so, I bought some FFOF, and never attempted the homemade mix again. I fiqured since my prior grow's soil dried sooo quickly (1/3 pete,1/3 vermurclite,1/3 perlite), I'd get some more water retaining medium in there and 75% petemoss wasn't the best of ideas...LOL
You forgot to add the dolomite. The peat is very acidic. I always buy the 3.8 cubic feet of soilless called promix. 75 peat 10perlite some dolomite. Soils you just have to go light on them.


Well-Known Member
I tried to make self-watering pots for a grow. They actually worked--drawing up the solution from the reservoir that was under my plants.

My mistake became apparent when after adding nutes to my reservoir my plants started to discolor and crumble on the lower leaves. I thought "what the fuck!"

I read that this was a fad in the 80s and one should just do hydro right--I am using soil.

I removed the reservoirs to see a half-rotting/moldy gross water traveling up the wick. I am sure I had pH problems, lockout, nute burn, and deficiencies. I put my plants in regular pots with good drainage, flushed them, began to pH my water, and started over with nutes--being more careful this time. They just took off and the problem didn't get any worse. I guess I got lucky.
Oh so you gave them a full strenght food for hydro?? or did you use soil in hydro?


Well-Known Member
The worst I've done thus far - ok first grow, soaked a lot bagseed on a warm sunny windowsill, and next day, threw away all the "bad" seeds that sank, lol - and planted 50 of the rest - got 6 to sprout! They stretched like mad (on the damn windowsill again). Out of those, two got overwatered/underwatered to death, and one was eaten by a small caterpillar. The remaining three survived my loving attentions, only two of them, were male. That one sad girl left (out of probably 100 seeds or more) got stunted in clay-like soil, serious transplant shock after I decided to attempt to FIM her first, nute overdose, and she lost most of her leaves early on in flowering - after which point, the buds didn't really grow. I did get a meager 12 grams off the plant, lol. So I guess my entire first grow was the worst I've done! Definately learned a lot from it!
you just got bad seeds bro. Even the seed banks have bad batches. I stick to clones now unless i really want that strain.. Im sure we have all hacked our first outdoor by topping it haha memorys


Well-Known Member
I told a friend of 10 years about my grow and he told on me to get off a minor weed charge. He got busted with like a quarter sack and would have got 3 months probation and I already had 3 felonies which is now 4 and I was in some serious shit. I learned not to tell a single mother fucker about shit cuz most people are BITCHES!
Yea even your friend of that long? wow. He got cracked like a egg. Or he is softer then butter on a hott day?. You should get him stomped because he will rat you out again if you did haha.:eyesmoke:
no one ratts in canada. We are all hunters:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
^^^ thats fucked up! Violence, in that case, is always the answer..

I got another, let the truth fly, feel like im in confessional. I wanted to do White Widows, I knew to get em through Mr. Nice. But I was being cheap. I found some WW Max, at 420seeds.com. It said, faster, stronger, bigger yielder, blah blah..
I got my seeds. 10/10 germed. 9/10 were female. 9 of 10 were also different phenos. Not 1 resembled the next. I actually did everything right on the grow. 3-1000w Co2. Lets just say, i grew some Awesome lookin MIDS!
What did I learn, go wit the OG's. All these Breed-Thiefs care about is $$. If they keep seeds cheap enough, someone will buy em. You get what U pay for...
did you keep the best looking one?


Well-Known Member
^^^^ nope! Grew em out, and washed my hand with em. Ive done D.P. WW and Mr. Nices BW, since. Both were awesome smoke, Mr. Nices had PERFECT phenos...


Well-Known Member
This next one is really recent.

So I got my girls going. Everything is fine. My 3 gallon DWC is running SMOOTH. I for some reason, decide that "on this grow, lets try some new nute additions"

Since I have been using GH for nutes in hydro since day one, Off I go and I buy the rest of the GH line, floralicious, diamond nectar, etc

What is it they say about best of intentions???

Within 6 hours the smell started
Within 12 hours a clear snot had started to form on the roots
Within 18 hours the smell got even worse
Within 20 hours the girls started to show signs of stress
Within 24 hours the snot had changed color to brown
Within 36 hours the PH was at 6.8 and I was in panic mode

I was unaware of this at the time, but apparently its a BAD IDEA to use any organics with DWC. Further research showed that the cause of this entire issue, infestation, whatever, was the floralicious. Apparently, brown slime (not to be confused with root rot) LOVES organics. Even though my res are light proof, even though I have TONS of dissolved oxygen, this crap was thriving in my res.

It remains to be seen whether of not the grow can be salvaged. I am still fighting the slime, although so far, there has been no signs for 2 days of the ungodly SOB. My girls are showing many defs and are very unhappy at the moment.

I learned to stick to what works instead of trying some crap blindly.

Hopefully, I will learn that loving perseverance will pays off <crossesfingers>



Active Member
I left a dual florescent 48" on for three days in the main grow room, plants were in the 6th week of flower, when I came back and checked on the girls there was something very wrong? WTF next day I went and checked when the lights were off and found the problem. I turned it off and let the plants go back to 12/12 all 320 plants were crap. I put a timer on the light so it can't be left on.

i take it that the results were hermies? if not could you explain? thanks/


Well-Known Member
Yea even your friend of that long? wow. He got cracked like a egg. Or he is softer then butter on a hott day?. You should get him stomped because he will rat you out again if you did haha.:eyesmoke:
no one ratts in canada. We are all hunters:bigjoint:
Well we are gangsters and street fighters in America way more so than Canada and people still snitch!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i killed a plant first grow. i learnt that however appealing those ph/moisture/light 2 prong meters look on ebay, they're $4 for a damned good reason. ph meter my arse


Well-Known Member
Worst mistake I made was spraying my ladies with neem oil and not turning the lights off, I lost 20 4ft ladies and almost cried when I saw them. the leaves and buds were all fried extra crispy. So now I make sure to spray them 5mins before my lights go out.


Well-Known Member
Worst mistake I made was spraying my ladies with neem oil and not turning the lights off, I lost 20 4ft ladies and almost cried when I saw them. the leaves and buds were all fried extra crispy. So now I make sure to spray them 5mins before my lights go out.
How come that doesnt happen to me when i got a 1000w a foot away? just raise your lights when you spray. You should spray when they go off. In veg its ok but not in flower.


Well-Known Member
This happened yesterday. I go the wifey some flower/plant arraingment for Valentines day. It started dying, so I said, I can bring it back to life. Put it in my flowering room. Came home yesterday to a Spider Mite infestation. NEVER had em before, gotta be of the 'stranger plant'

Lesson: never bring strange plants into your home, without a proper inspection!


Active Member
just one loss of crop. I had 2 ladies 5 weeks into flower at a persons house and they got raided by police and busted.....i learned that i will always grow at somebody elses house if they ask me....


Well-Known Member
My worste so far was not noticing I was getting spider mites until they had managed to get fairly well established, then over reacting with the neem oil. Someone I shouldn't have listened to told me that you couldn't really over do it on neem oil as long as you rinsed the plants the next day, so i went heavier on the concentration then i should have and caused my girls all sorts of problems. Lost leaves left and right for about a week and pretty much shut down my plants growth for 10 days or so. Been about 4 weeks since then, and they never did really put back on enough new growth to replace what they lost. Hurts to think about all that lost potential, especially when my girls are at least a foot shorter then they should be at this point.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ok so my worst thing that has happened got beat this week.

I lost most of my flowering plants due to out apartment getting flooded. I was able to save my clones that were vegging and 1 Hashplant that was close to harvest. I'll never live in a basement type of place again. Sucks, lost furniture, clothes and most of my plants.


Well-Known Member
Ok so my worst thing that has happened got beat this week.

I lost most of my flowering plants due to out apartment getting flooded. I was able to save my clones that were vegging and 1 Hashplant that was close to harvest. I'll never live in a basement type of place again. Sucks, lost furniture, clothes and most of my plants.
ouch that must hurt


Well-Known Member
My worste so far was not noticing I was getting spider mites until they had managed to get fairly well established, then over reacting with the neem oil. Someone I shouldn't have listened to told me that you couldn't really over do it on neem oil as long as you rinsed the plants the next day, so i went heavier on the concentration then i should have and caused my girls all sorts of problems. Lost leaves left and right for about a week and pretty much shut down my plants growth for 10 days or so. Been about 4 weeks since then, and they never did really put back on enough new growth to replace what they lost. Hurts to think about all that lost potential, especially when my girls are at least a foot shorter then they should be at this point.
How much soap did you mix it with?