WTF is THIS?! ***URGENT***


Soil: Compo
Fertilizer: Compo Guano & A bit of Rose Fert
Containers: 3 gallon
Strain: Super Lemon Haze
Age: 30 days old
Fertilized: Once with a ltd amout of Compo Guano and some Rose Bush Fert.
Temp: 22-28 C'

It began after I fertilized with Compo Guano. The Rose Fert was alright, I guess, but I think I kind of gave it the full dose of Guano fert, instead of 1/2 or 1/4. During the span of 4-5 days, these symptoms occured and are getting worse. SLH is reacting worse than Strawberry Haze, for instance, even though all plants have the same symptoms. The brownish tips on leaves which quietly spread around as shown on the pic.

Is that what these symptoms are about? Should I flush them?



Well-Known Member
Soil: Compo
Fertilizer: Compo Guano & A bit of Rose Fert
Containers: 3 gallon
Strain: Super Lemon Haze
Age: 30 days old
Fertilized: Once with a ltd amout of Compo Guano and some Rose Bush Fert.
Temp: 22-28 C'

It began after I fertilized with Compo Guano. The Rose Fert was alright, I guess, but I think I kind of gave it the full dose of Guano fert, instead of 1/2 or 1/4. During the span of 4-5 days, these symptoms occured and are getting worse. SLH is reacting worse than Strawberry Haze, for instance, even though all plants have the same symptoms. The brownish tips on leaves which quietly spread around as shown on the pic.

Is that what these symptoms are about? Should I flush them?
Yes I would flush now. It never hurts. I always have to end up flushing while learning new nutes. Just keep lowering the amount until she looks pretty. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Definately nute burn. I would just feed it plain h20 for the next few feedings. Your burnt leaves will not recover but you will notice the new growth is looking better. Back off the nutes a touch when you start adding them again. Also its good to feed fresh water in between nute feedings. Say every other watering. Hope this helps.


Also make sure your using good ph water. RO is the best to me.
Cheers to both of you. One question though, is it absolutely necessary to flush? Since if I flush I will use some soil.

The thing is Im out of soil atm, so what happens if I dont flush and just continue to water it regularly?

Btw. there is no ventilation in the closet and humidity is also questionable since i have no way of measuring it. Could this add to the problem or actually be the problem?


Active Member
you dont need to replace your soil for a flush, just use tons of clear water. flushing means using no nutes in your solution to rinse out what is left behind from past feedings.


Im aware of the fact that I dont have to replace all of the soil within a pot. I thought I'll flush some out along with the nutes when the actual flushing takes part. However, thats not the case. Flushed it yesterday with 6 gallons of water, then added a couple of drops of lemon to the final gallon. Today she looks perky as hell! Will flush rest of the plants today and probably wont fertilize until the 2nd week of flower.

Cheers for the tips, guys!


Well-Known Member
Basically you have to learn to let the plants tell you what they need in the way of fertilizing rather than sometimes panic sets in when plants don't respond the way we expect them to and then in the rush to 'fix' it, we do damage to the plants. Fan leaves will drop off pretty much from now till the end of the plants life, even more during budding. Its not a beauty contest, the best time to pull of dying fan leaves is when they are pretty much almost falling off.

Fortunately you are still in veg phase and I am assuming you are growing from seed not cuttings, so you have time to let the plants recover completely. One of the secrets to good growing is very little and very few shocks to your plants. They've had a couple so far in the last week, now they need a good run from now till their end to give you good bud. That means be slow to react, you are growing in soil so there is no rush to fix or correct anything until you are absolutely sure that is the correct approach.

Sorry to sound a little preachy, and good luck with the rest of your grow.


i agree with jonus as well as if you dont flush and cont using that soil its prob full of salts that are settled from the nuts after you flush try not to go so aggressive on the nuts go up by 1/2 or dwn ,the plants look good but those tips that are brown tell you " lockout" ,im not sayin thats the prob. but its better to flush now then trash them after what 4 months..


i agree with jonus as well as if you dont flush and cont using that soil its prob full of salts that are settled from the nuts after you flush try not to go so aggressive on the nuts go up by 1/2 or dwn ,the plants look good but those tips that are brown tell you " lockout" ,im not sayin thats the prob. but its better to flush now then trash them after what 4 months..
I agree with both of you. Well, its my first grow so I learn as I go along. So far, this has been the only mistake I've made. It could've been a disaster though. I flushed one SLH last night, cut off two fan leaves and did some topping just to get it all done in one go. Needless to say, she's looking gorgeous today, almost like nothing happened.

Im flushing one more SLH today and 2 Strawberry Haze's, all in their 4th week. Everything will be fine, and basically, as Jonus said, I wont fert them before that I actually ask for it themselves, if you know what I mean.


Btw. there is no ventilation in the closet and humidity is also questionable since i have no way of measuring it. Could this add to the problem or actually be the problem?[/QUOTE]

You need to get ventilation in there ASAP. A plant cannot thrive without a constant supply of fresh air. Also important is to get a fan blowing on them, when the leaves twitch from air movement they photosynthesis better and release toxins.


Well, there is a somewhat constant supply of fresh air during the day but no motion of air so to speak. During the night, not that much. Im putting a fan in today, a big motherfucker, it'll blow the Jesus out of them :) Seriously though, it will keep them in a state of perpetual motion so I guess - toxins gallore.

Anyway, flushed both Super Lemon Hazes and both Strawberry Hazes. Added some lemon te regulate PH and all are looking well. Did some topping on one SLH, for experiments sake. Didnt use Uncle Bens method but just topped it after the 5th node. I've seen a shitload of people do it and they all got either 2 or 4 colas. Uncle Ben says thats a no-no but I guess will have to see. I see two colas are spreading quite nicely.

Whats your feeding schedule? I had a similar problem during veg that I never completely figured out. I now think it was cal/mg deficiency. I was so worried about over feeding them that I did the complete opposite. I transplanted into larger pots and increased my nutes a bit. They have all bounced back im now into a couple days of flowering. Well here are a few things I ran down while I was trying to figure out what was going on w/ my plants.

1. PH Fluctuation
2. Nute Burn
3. Nute deficiency
3. Bugs (Spider Mites)
4. Temperature Fluctuation


Well, I overfertilized them once. Flushed them propperly. All looked good. Now, about a week after flushing this occured. Temp does fluctuate since the fans are on during the day, but during the night, there is no real air fluctuation. What amazes me is that this turned up a week after the flush. Any other ideas? They are looking pretty good though, aside from that.


it may possibly be a mag deficiency, how do the leaves feel, do they feel a little crispy perhaps papery?


Actually, they do feel papery. I always wondered what caused it cause they looked pretty healthy. So, a mag deficiency then? The brown spots also mag deficiency then?

Could it have something to do with calcium or boron deficiency?


Actually, they do feel papery. I always wondered what caused it cause they looked pretty healthy. So, a mag deficiency then? The brown spots also mag deficiency then?

Could it have something to do with calcium or boron deficiency?
Bumps all around!


Active Member
Check for spider mites...On mine, I noticed that almost every time the leaves looked like that, I found a mite...