The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ive gone for Greenhouse seeds Big Bang... Pretty much chose this one as my mate loves a smoke but tends to get a bit para, n from what ive read this one is supposed to "help" the para people lol
hahah ill make a mental note, i get a bit edgy meself at times

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Soup, soup, a tasty
Soup, soup, a spicy
Carrot and coriander
Crouton, crouton
Crunchy friends in a liquid broth.
I am gazbachio. Oh!
I am a summer soup. Mmm.
Miso! Miso!
Fighting in the dojo.
Miso! Miso!
Oriental prince in the land of soup!


Active Member
Soup, soup, a tasty
Soup, soup, a spicy
Carrot and coriander
Crouton, crouton
Crunchy friends in a liquid broth.
I am gazbachio. Oh!
I am a summer soup. Mmm.
Miso! Miso!
Fighting in the dojo.
Miso! Miso!
Oriental prince in the land of soup!

Eels up inside ya
Findin an entrance where they can
Eels up inside ya
Findin an entrance where they can

Boring through your mind, through your tummy, through your anus, eels!


Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels Eels

Give it up now!


Eels, eels, give it up now!
Eels, eels, give it up now!

I was obselete
I couldn't hear the beat
Staggerin about on me old mans feet
I had one foot in the grave
But now I'm nu rave!
But now I'm nu rave!

It's a mash up!
Pie and mash up!

Elements of the past
And elements of the future
Comin atcha
I'm the hitcher
Let me put you in the picture!

Eels up inside ya
Findin an entrance where they can
Eels up inside ya
Findin an entrance where they can

Elements of the past and the future combining to make something not quite as good as either...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
One time, I saw a man looking at me, yes, with his eyes. And then, he, he picked up a tube. And he looked, in the tube, and he made the moon big, inside the tube. The moon big inside a tube!


Active Member
He's so bright and mikly white, Shining down upon the ground, He's so bright, milky white, Shining down upon the ground

Everybody look at the moon, Everybody seeing the moon, The moon is bright, he's milky white, Everybody look at the moon

Hey! I did a song. Jupiter, I did a song. You ain't got one. Yeeah! Oh, I feel sick.


Active Member
Morning/Afternoon people... off work this week with a 'cold' lol, should be doin coursework but decided id try n scam some money from the 'access to learning grant' people, trying to explain away the odd £100's goin into my bank account is proving tricky though... alas

Frankjob... How many plants you get caught growing, and how did they catch you ?


Active Member
harsh when your second post is i got nabbed :(

I wonder if his first post was "I think i can hear someone kicking the door down"

Shouldnt mock that is pure bad luck, feel for ya mate, hope you get it sorted, and i hope it wasnt a large grow, 1 for the loss of plants and 2 well i think u know that 1... Good luck mate.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys hows evey1 doing? frankjob sorry to hear bout the old bill coming a knocking mate just sucks when there's so many real crimes and criminals they could be investing their time and money in

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How do you post youtube vids... all i manage to post is a shit load of code...
type youtube in side a pair of square brackets, then /youtube inside a second set, and then inbetween you paste the youtube code which is as an example, iYmmh9zkpQM

that comes from directly after in the url

(i'm really not making this very clear :lol:)

so you'd just highlight everything after v= and paste that inbetween the youtube tags

love that song :P