Electricity Meter bypassed in our new flat

Have you ever had someone steal from you?

Bypass=Theft=BAD KARMA

Not a good combo. The thought of being found out will always be in the back of yer mind. That may cause a rise in paranoia levels also.

Call it what it is instead of "softening" it up with a word like "Bypass"

Stealing is stealing.

Nuff' said.
i think that he should be more worried about the previous tennant now knowing that the new tennant is interested in growing and calling the pig cus why not, than him actually breaking in and stealing a light and a few immature plants. only people i know of who go around stealing plants and equiptment are not waiting on phone calls and solid info, they grab bats and axes and such, troll the nieghbourhoods and batter in the door of any house giving off smells, IR, etc etc

oh, and none of my drug dealers have ever been robbed cus they don't run their mouth around people they don't trust.
Ill agree, i am paranoid about this shit, but the reason drug dealers get robbed so much is because theyre drug dealers. They cant call the cops and report their dope was stolen! [911 what is your emergency. Yes, there has been a break in at my home and they stole all my grow equipment, not to mention about 4 oz.] Any smart theif know this.

Any smart theif also knows that most growers would have pitbulls ready to attack and a loaded shotgun right next to the door..
"pitbulls ready to attack" Holy fucking shit that made me laugh! That's one of the last breeds I'd ever pick for guard dog duty. :D

There's a huge difference between being smart and being paranoid. Being smart will keep you out of jail and being paranoid will eventually get you caught. Neighbors, family members, and cops get really suspicious if they see you acting paranoid for no reason.
"pitbulls ready to attack" Holy fucking shit that made me laugh! That's one of the last breeds I'd ever pick for guard dog duty. :D

There's a huge difference between being smart and being paranoid. Being smart will keep you out of jail and being paranoid will eventually get you caught. Neighbors, family members, and cops get really suspicious if they see you acting paranoid for no reason.

got a rott that likes to sleep in front of the door to the *room* does that count :)
got a rott that likes to sleep in front of the door to the *room* does that count :)

I posted this sticker on my front door. Seems to be working.

First of all to go to prison for stealing electricity is going to suck. You know you will get caught because you missed the following class in life:

"The less said the better"

Although I wouldn't steal either way, just figure out a way to afford it, down size, go hike into the hills and plant the shit outside. Something, don't leave yourself open to lose your entire freedom. Sitting there on a serious Felony like an egg waiting to hatch.
:joint:Loose lips....I think you kind of fucked up when you spoke with the previous tenant/THIEF. Then he wouldn't have had any knowledge that you might use that room. And I agree, don't steal the electricity. Small grows pay for themselves when you consider the price per oz nowadays. Shit, not to mention the dispensary prices.:joint:
"pitbulls ready to attack" Holy fucking shit that made me laugh! That's one of the last breeds I'd ever pick for guard dog duty. :D

There's a huge difference between being smart and being paranoid. Being smart will keep you out of jail and being paranoid will eventually get you caught. Neighbors, family members, and cops get really suspicious if they see you acting paranoid for no reason.

I'm sure im the one who would laughing seeing you being chased by Mia :blsmoke:
i tell you what. it's a tough call. normally, noone advises to bypass electricity meter. why? because most of "e-stealers" get caught for the exact same reason - they steal electricity and on most systems used by e-distributors it's pretty easy to find out about electricity leaks and where do they come from. if you (somehow) manage to keep your grow small, with low wattage lights (dunno, 250w maybe) u can continiue. BUT, as I said:

first time someone will notice that electricity bill is bigger than was supposed to be, or god forbid, e-distributor of yours finds out about electricity leaks you will be busted in a split second.

i grow with next principles: dont tell anyone, pay your bills, kill the smell, lower your noises and never, NEVER fuck with the e-distributors. you shuld do that too.

Almost word for word, this would be my advice also. You steal electricity, IMO its only a matter of time before they trace it and find out who's stealing it.