Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
how's it going Integra?
Goin good. The girls are doing great. We didnt end up with any damage from flooding the basement, so all the hard work paid off. I cut clones yesterday so I could sex the new mango mom Im hoping is female. But if its male, I will try and flower it to collect some pollen to try some breeding out. Wana cross is with the widow and the Blue Kush. So no mater what it is it will have some purpose. Hows your setup been doing?


Active Member
Goin good. The girls are doing great. We didnt end up with any damage from flooding the basement, so all the hard work paid off. I cut clones yesterday so I could sex the new mango mom Im hoping is female. But if its male, I will try and flower it to collect some pollen to try some breeding out. Wana cross is with the widow and the Blue Kush. So no mater what it is it will have some purpose. Hows your setup been doing?
Sounds like a good plan either way:lol:. Always fun to play around, you never know what might come of it. I've seen some pretty excellent home crossed varieties before.

It's getting close. :leaf: Rookie mistake,:dunce: while waiting to get things ready I let the ladies get a little out of hand:leaf::leaf::leaf:. now I'm paying for it.:wall: I knew better too (I'm not a rookie). I asked but they didn't listen.:cuss: Oh well. I was going to do a sever cut back, then I was going to SCROG them, then I... just flipped the lights 12/12. said what the hell, how bad can it be. I guess my having grown outside for a while now and not having grown indoors for about 4years will be my excuse for this dilemma. I have about 3 weeks left and they have so much weight and the branches so long that I'm now running lines up to the ceiling to support stuff. I think it's to crazy to drop a screen over them now? Although I am thinking about it. Or tomato cages. shit with all those lines running to the ceiling... I'm painting myself into a corner:wall:. Other than that WOW it's great. Frosty as hell and it happens so fast indoors I totally forgot. Flipped the lights and two weeks later the show begins. I am doing this for family members with medical needs but personally I find this such a great hobby:lol:

after thought. I know everything is for a reason so in retrospect I have noticed, while I don't recommend letting them get as large as I did, and I'm NOT going to do it again. I have noticed the buds are much larger in length and weight than if I had kept them smaller. I just have to keep them happy for 3 more weeks and then the work starts (trimming & curing).

I even let this reply get to long... hum...I'll have to bongsmilie think this one over.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, its a little late to pt them into a screen, probly do more harm than good. Ind i didnt post about it, but the way the room is setup, I'm doing a side by side comparison of 3 18" plants against 6 8" plants to see how the yield, quality, and over all flower times compare.And they are literally identical conditions so it should really show what works better, at least with my Blue Kush strain. And buds so heavy you have to tie them up is never a bad thing.


Active Member
Yeah, its a little late to pt them into a screen, probly do more harm than good. Ind i didnt post about it, but the way the room is setup, I'm doing a side by side comparison of 3 18" plants against 6 8" plants to see how the yield, quality, and over all flower times compare.And they are literally identical conditions so it should really show what works better, at least with my Blue Kush strain. And buds so heavy you have to tie them up is never a bad thing.
That sounds interesting. I'll be curious to see what your impressions are when your done.

Ya, I'm not complaining about the buds, just the chaos I created.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear not much damage in the flood. So your pushing 1500 ppm and they want more eh? Sounds like a robust strain that Blue Kush. Also buds so heavy ya gotta tie them up is never a bad thing. lol
What bank did ya get the seeds from? Bud Depot?


Well-Known Member
Good to hear not much damage in the flood. So your pushing 1500 ppm and they want more eh? Sounds like a robust strain that Blue Kush. Also buds so heavy ya gotta tie them up is never a bad thing. lol
What bank did ya get the seeds from? Bud Depot?
1500ppm was the co2 ppm and they tying buds was something someone else said that I was comenting on. Blue Kush is a clone only strain like your green crack and I was lucky enough to get a clone. The nutrient ppms are running between 950-1100ppm. I'll be doing an update later tonight. They are developing nicely.


Well-Known Member
Ah, that makes sense. wasnt thinkin of the co2. I thought it was a clone only strain then I found this. link
Thought you might have got that.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing a side by side comparison of 3 18" plants against 6 8" plants to see how the yield, quality, and over all flower times compare.And they are literally identical conditions so it should really show what works better, at least with my Blue Kush strain.
Now that will be interesting. Sorry, might just me being stupid, are those the same strains on either side as well?
i.e 3 x 18" Blue Kush v. 6 x 8" Blue Kush...


Well-Known Member
Now that will be interesting. Sorry, might just me being stupid, are those the same strains on either side as well?
i.e 3 x 18" Blue Kush v. 6 x 8" Blue Kush...
Yeah, they are all the same strain with 3 big on one side and 6 small on the other side. There was a small oops though. On the 6 plant side I accidentally grabbed one of my White Widow clones and by the time I figured it out, I decided to just leave it. It shouldnt really affect the outcome though since the only thing that's different that matters is the flower time. Size and yield are very close with the Kush. And the little slip up gave me a chance to verify the genetics. I cut the clone off of the first plant I flowered 3 weeks into flower and it already had pistils and trichs, took it 2 months to revert back to veg and start new growth abover 3 tip leaves. So I just want to make sure it is still the power house it was on the first run.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. By far, my best looking set yet. Lets just hope it keeps looking this good., The next few weeks are where the problems alwyas start for me.


Well-Known Member
almost looks like a web of weed! lol, im gunna scrog soon tooo, u make me

want to integra. btw is ur name integra bcuz ur car?? if so wat ur run??
