Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Home Depot and Target for the Rubbermaid roughnecks around me. Someone told me the Target ones are fake, but they work great.


Hey guys thanks, another question, Are people using the 4x4 or 5x5 fence posts? I'm having trouble finding end caps for the 5x5 but the 4x4 seemed to be no problem....

One more...is the Ecoplus 396 the goto pump with these systems? Has anyone used HydroFarms ActiveAqua 400?



Well-Known Member
The 5x5 posts would be better if you could find end caps. We have the 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 here at our Home Depot, no end caps though.

EcoPlus 396 is the goto pump for this system. I would just do searches on the other one to see if it has a high rate of failure. These pumps were really designed to always run, not 1 on 5 off. You need one tried and tested with 1 on 5 off


Well-Known Member
I have been using the same 396 in my cloner at 1/4 for about year now and it hasn't failed yet. I run my other units 24/7 and have had a pump get a little noisy but it was still pumping. I replaced it because the noise was getting on my nerves. At 20 bucks, you can afford to keep a spare or 2 on hand.


I am about to build my clone and veg system using stink's plans. I was just curious if I can move the plants from veg container to a ebb&gro system. I have the 12 pot ebb&gro system now and would like to use it with this system.


Well-Known Member
So I am going to stage my stinkbuddies system, I am thinking of using two vege units to flower in for the first round then build 3 flowering systems. I just want to get my feet wet to start with and get used to growing in air.

Any one had any experience on using the vege system to flower? I am thinking I should keep them small as 18 monsters could be a bit much for a small space.

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Cran- sure you can since there's no medium it would be very simple

Cliddy- is seen a couple people do it. Matter a fact look a few pages back txhomegrown has

pics of his


Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Cran- sure you can since there's no medium it would be very simple

Cliddy- I've seen a couple people do it. Matter a fact look a few pages back txhomegrown has pics of his.



Well-Known Member
I finished all 814 pages, Im a total newb and after reading this I feel so comfortable in my garden! Its a great grow education for sure, Thanks stink, I hope your riding better snow than me this winter bro! Its pretty bad this year. Anyway, thank you all, Im a SB now as well, checkout my stinkbud in the back of my tent, Its my fist run tru it and it works too good! The dirt plants you see were vegged while I took my cuttings and let them root, built the NFT and wow and ran out of room quick! Im around 21 days in 12/12. (that pic was 17 days in 12/12) Im new so any advice is helpful, thanks.



Well-Known Member
So I am going to stage my stinkbuddies system, I am thinking of using two vege units to flower in for the first round then build 3 flowering systems. I just want to get my feet wet to start with and get used to growing in air.

Any one had any experience on using the vege system to flower? I am thinking I should keep them small as 18 monsters could be a bit much for a small space.
Depending on what is ready to come out of the veg unit at the time, I have been flowering anywhere from 3 to 8 plants per unit. The yield has not been that much different no matter how many are being flowered at one time. I kind of like growing less bigger plants myself. I can tie them off and bend them any way I want to almost so that there are a lot of bud sites exposed to the lights. Here is a link to some early pics when I was first making the switch from soil to hydro.


I started doing it this way instead of the fence posts, because I am going to be moving soon and these units will break down and stack very easy. Just looks like a bunch of Rubbermaid totes in the back of the truck. Good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Whats up, all? I just wanted to take a poll to see if others are following Stinks nutrient regimen to the 'T'... So, if anyone has any variance that they would like to share, it would be much appreciated. Nutrient Co(s), Supplements, concentration in EC (PPM does nothing for me... or anyone else for that matter), pH fluctuation descriptions, etc.

Thanks in advance and happy growing! Cheers, dak :joint:


Well-Known Member
Unless you want to get raided by the D.E.A I would not do it because a pound every three weeks will take alot of work.
WTF is wrong with your head kid ?

This member takes time to post an ass kicking tutorial that shows everybody how to do things the right way & you offer up nonsensical posts saying not to do it beacuse it is alot of work & the usual fed paranoia.

Not everybody is growing in the bedroom closet in their parents home.

Great tutorial & bang on showing the right way to grow. Plus rep.


Well-Known Member
Might be a stupid question but I thought it best to ask.

I am going to buy some clones that have been rooted in rock-wool, can I put these into stinkbuddies system with out shocking/killing them? Will the rock wool be a problem?

Yes or No? Will ph be an issue? Or any other issues you can think of?

Thanks THXhomegrown for the info ill let you know how it goes



Well-Known Member
Rockwool is meant to be 30% wet, if you use it in aero it will be 100% wet. So I pull as much of that cube off there as possible. When I am done most of the roots are gone, but the balls i nice and clean.

If Stinkbuddies forum was up I would link you to a picture of how much I actually pull away.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is meant to be 30% wet, if you use it in aero it will be 100% wet. So I pull as much of that cube off there as possible. When I am done most of the roots are gone, but the balls i nice and clean.

If Stinkbuddies forum was up I would link you to a picture of how much I actually pull away.
Im a member on stink buds when the site is up ill grab that link from you.

So you pull off most of the rock wool and the roots with it? Then put it in the system. How badly does this shock them

If im going to spend 400 on clones I don't want to lose 1/2 of them.


Well-Known Member
I did it with 3 so far and I swear it didn't seem to shock them at all. I took a picture on there when I picked most the rockwool off then a picture 8 days later showing the roots exploded again. Plants are extremely healthy.

Man 400 on clones, that makes me nervous to give advice.. But I would worry to leave them in that rockwool and have stem rot.


Any Stinkbuddies here know the best bug cure for use with aeroponic systems? I heard azatrol sludges up in the aeroflo.. is that true? What products actually kill those demon bastard we call spider mites or aphids?

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member


Until they arrive grab some neem oil and do a lil research on the usage

Iam not going to advice you on that since I've personally never used it

You can also use straight water in a spray bottle set the spray to a stream so it comes out hard to knock them lil fuckers off

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
Floramite is the only thing that will kill those fuckers; it's good to attack them with a Hot Shot No Pest Strip as backup.