Hydro Closet Grow

heres an update on the 5th week of flower. almost there.
have to run the hydro store pretty soon for some more nutrients. I'm all out. any suggestions on if it would be a good or bad idea to switch the nutrients to a new brand? im on Dyna-Gro (Bloom)
and i want to go to General Hydroponics.


looking good. leaves are starting to yellow. I just flushed out the system on sunday so theres clean ph balanced water right now for the next 2 weeks till i harvest. I can tell that the buds keep putting on weight if I dont pay attention for a couple days at a time. temps are staying a consistant 80.8 F and water at 67.8 F and humidity at 36%. PH is at 6.0ish. I'm getting anxious and I can't wait to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Then I'll most likely be starting my next grow right after with some clones i'm getting from a friend. but im moving up to 400W HPS. Ill start a new journal for that one the time comes.

As of right now im on the fence about what i'd rather do with my clippings:
Hash or Cannabutter?

any suggestions?




MY NIGGA. those are lookin hott. just made some progress on my grow box. framed it up n whatnot. thinking about instead of mylar i would get space blanket from walmart. im pretty sure that could be mylar.
whoops.. so I was in the grow room right now and it was past the time when the timer for the lights should have been shut off and I couldn't figure out why. turns out either yesterday or the day before I had gone into the room like 15mins before it was lights on and turned the timer switch to "ON" so I could start working on some stuff and I must of forgot to switch it back once it was regular light time.. so the lights were on for at least 24-48 hours... How bad is this in very late flower? Im harvesting in a day or two anyway so I didn't think it was that catastrophic but will it affect flavor or potency or anything really at all?


Active Member
whoops.. so I was in the grow room right now and it was past the time when the timer for the lights should have been shut off and I couldn't figure out why. turns out either yesterday or the day before I had gone into the room like 15mins before it was lights on and turned the timer switch to "ON" so I could start working on some stuff and I must of forgot to switch it back once it was regular light time.. so the lights were on for at least 24-48 hours... How bad is this in very late flower? Im harvesting in a day or two anyway so I didn't think it was that catastrophic but will it affect flavor or potency or anything really at all?
the plant really only cares about the dark cycle being 12 hrs. you can do a 24/12 cycle, and infact some people do to maximize yield. shouldnt be and ill efects.
the plant really only cares about the dark cycle being 12 hrs. you can do a 24/12 cycle, and infact some people do to maximize yield. shouldnt be and ill efects.
Thanks really good to know. harvesting tonight and shooting some sick bud shots. I'm a photographer in my other day life haha so I'm going to shoot them tonight.
got done trimming and manicuring all 4 plants in about 6 hours.
my room mate helped me for like 3 hours too. pretty good amount, but since
this is my first grow i have no idea how much it will yield once its dry.

anyways, here's is a little more eye candy. i might keep posting more as i shoot more

oh yea and scissor hash was pretty smooth too.



Active Member
got done trimming and manicuring all 4 plants in about 6 hours.
my room mate helped me for like 3 hours too. pretty good amount, but since
this is my first grow i have no idea how much it will yield once its dry.

anyways, here's is a little more eye candy. i might keep posting more as i shoot more

oh yea and scissor hash was pretty smooth too.
well dude you did a great job recovering from plants that were so far behind from nute burn then deff. managed to come out with a sweet harvest.


that picture of the pot leaf buds is down right hilarious. +rep.
Heres the last update on how this grow and harvest went.
dried for about 8 days. cured for the past 6 days and is still in the process. ended with about 45gs give or take. and about 2 grams of bubble hash.
check the pics and lemme know whatchu think.

and theres also so pictures of my next set up. my diy ebb & flow thanks to http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=70262 im excited to start the next grow. just trying to get some money together to get the next batch of seeds and the new light and ill start another journal. check back in a couple weeks!!!

