New Member
Ur a slow learner Hippie ... a VERY S-L-O-W learner.
Originally Posted by RickWhite![]()
You are talking out of your ass.
First, animals are not aware of their sexuality and can not therefore be "gay." The notion that this is possible comes from something called anthropomorphic fallacy. This is assigning human attributed to non-humans. Saying an animal is "gay" is like calling a dog that kills another dog a murderer. Animals have been seen mounting other animals but this has more to do with the animal simply being confused. Also, many animal behavior is triggered by pheromones. So, if I sprayed you with the pheromones of a female moose and sent you up north - well it's just say you wouldn't be happy. Or maybe you would, IDK.
Anyway, you are incorrect. There is no know genetic link to homosexuality, only speculation.
Wow, and you say I'm talking out of my ass.
Animals can be 'gay' without making an anthropromorphic fallacy. Show me an animal that prefers to have sex with same-sex partners, and I'll show you a gay animal. Don't have to look too far to find many, many examples of this in the animal kingdom. And the animals are not confused - they are quite aware they are having gay animal sex and seek it out purposefully. Perhaps you are the one who is confused, or too lazy to simply do a quick internet search about the heaps of evidence before talking out of your ass.
And by the way, there is no known genetic link to homosexuality in humans. They have already found a 'gay gene' in other animals, and are fairly certain they will find something similar in humans too. They base this prediction off the many twin studies that have been done that consistently hint at a genetic component, as well as research into physical differences and similarities between homosexuals and heterosexuals. To call all that speculation is fair enough, but to base your beliefs on an appeal to ignorance is pure logical fallacy. So indeed, you are incorrect. There is a known genetic basis for homosexuality already and it is very likely there is one for humans and that we simply have not identified it - yet.
Of course.When we can't come up with a rebuttal,we insult the person we disagree with.This is number one on the internet troll's code of conduct. We all should stand in awe of RickWhite-after all,his reviews speak for themselves!
"He's the most intelligent man I've ever known!" RickWhite,some office chair,U.S.A
"Nobody knows half as much as RickWhite,just ask him!" R.W, RIU politics forums
"He's a legend in his own mind!" R White, dumbass redneck lair,America
"He totally would know how to find the clitoris,if he could ever shut his mouth long enough for a woman to consider taking her pants off around him!" Mr.White,undisclosed location
Gee, so sorry you had to "bother" translating Neanderthal into English for me, Rick.Having to actually address a woman as an equal when she doesn't have the good sense to remain in the kitchen must be taxing for you,especially since you have the answers to absolutely everything and you can't find a pen to write it all down for us mortals. Of course disagreement has to equal a lack of intelligence on the part of your opponent-otherwise, you might have to rethink your position,and that would cause a tear in the fabric of the universe.Don't let me keep you any more with my silly nonsensical and Chuck Norris have to compare chest hair.![]()
Gee, Rick, ever heard of Wikipedia?
It is not impossible for animals to be gay, even if you put the word 'impossible' in caps and continue to believe it with all your might in the face of overwhelming evidence. And I'm sure the two gay penguins who cared for and hatched the egg they were given probably were just confused, and didn't know what they were doing.
And also, do a google search for 'making flies gay'.
And the dog does not bark at the black person because it is racist, it does so because it takes non verbal cues from its owner. If the owner is uncomfortable or racist, the dog might bark.
As long as we are asking questions, where do you get the notion that most animals can't comprehend gender? That has to be one of the most absurd notions I have ever heard, and you might want to back up your assertion with some facts.
I must not understand science at all. I thought if two animals preferred same-sex sexual relations, one would call them gay (or that they 'display homosexual behavior', if the shorthand of 'gay' is too much of an anthropromorphic fallacy for you).
By the way, wikipedia itself may be edited by anyone, but the various books referenced in those articles cannot be edited by anyone, and are valid.
You are way out in left field if you don't think animals can be gay. Or just willfully ignoring the tons and tons and tons of evidence that shows you are squarely wrong.
And you are clearly not going to grasp that animals that choose to have same-sex pair bonds and sexual relations despite the availability of opposite sex partners, are gay. The males know there are females out there, they fuck males. The females know there are males out there, they fuck females. How is that not homosexual?
Also, you stated....
"Because animals lack the ability to make choices.
And animals don't know anything because they lack the capacity of knowledge."
WTF? Do you seriously believe this? Do you have a shred of evidence to support this assertion? A huge assetion like this requires huge evidence to support it. And a lot of effort to willfully ignore all the evidence to the contrary.