oil, butter, or hash?


Active Member
so im workin with 14 grams of heavily triched out stems some seeds. i got 7 grams of regular bud. i love smoking but do i got enough all together to make an oil, some butter or maybe blender hash? any opinions on what i should do? lol or should i just keep saving and just smoke my dime? :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hmm personally I'm grind that stuff up to powder and get a can of 5X butane and make some Honey :)

I haven't posted in a long time but in the couple years I've been around that has to be the most fun thing I learned about on this site. a half ounce won't yield a bunch but you should get enough to treat yourself and some friends to a nice time. Look up a DIY solution in the FAQ and be careful, blow it outside (dont be smoking while doing it) and blow it into a FLAT glass dish you will need a single edged razor blade to scrap out your happy ending!


Active Member
Hmm personally I'm grind that stuff up to powder and get a can of 5X butane and make some Honey :)

I haven't posted in a long time but in the couple years I've been around that has to be the most fun thing I learned about on this site. a half ounce won't yield a bunch but you should get enough to treat yourself and some friends to a nice time. Look up a DIY solution in the FAQ and be careful, blow it outside (dont be smoking while doing it) and blow it into a FLAT glass dish you will need a single edged razor blade to scrap out your happy ending!
WORD!! that sounds good too! bro if i got a gram id be happy. simply cause that gram would be better smoke than my entire dime lol. so i could find info on making this in the FAQ section? ive never used butane before. ppl friendly? i dont wanna ruin/waste what i got. ya dig?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I followed the FFD blk tutorial.

it's easy as hell yopu just have to be careful butane is highly flammable. I've made honey more times than I can count. It was simple the first time I did it, and I probably got 4 grams the first try. There's a estimated yield chart in the FAQ as well.


Well-Known Member
you can make a small amount of butter w/the 14grams, just adjust the recipes accordingly and i wouldnt bother putting the seeds in at all, just more shit to filter out.


Active Member
everclear works to but this method takes about 4 to 5 days .... Take a one liter bottle fill it about a quatrer way up with your trimmings(not fan leaves) from your harvest. Then, pour the everclear into the bottle just covering the trimmings. put top on bottle store in dark place giveing it a gentle stir every 6 hours this will help seperate the tricombs from the plant matter. do this for 3 days next open it up useing a cheese cloth to strain the liquid into a bowl squeeze the plant mater in cheese cloth to get most of the liquid out now you are left with a bowl full of everclear laced with THC you could drink shots or set it out in the open air till it evaporates and you will be left with hash oil