I am so American (your country)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
im so american... i'm black, i couldn't tell you where my greatgrandfather comes from and he couldn't either, other then saying somewhere down south -- we's just american sir - i am as completely bastered as this country and i love it


Well-Known Member
im so american... i'm black, i couldn't tell you where my greatgrandfather comes from and he couldn't either, other then saying somewhere down south -- we's just american sir - i am as completely bastered as this country and i love it
We are some some mutts aren't we.


Active Member
the op is so american that he created this thread..haha...cuz only an american would do something so self promoting lol

(btw im also american, thats why i know)


Active Member
I am so american that I do my work, compete with my peers, and built the best nation in the world.:-P

work hard, party harder


Well-Known Member
I am so American my parents used to beat me with a belt and tell me if I told anyone people would come and take me away...

Now I have a lot of guns.


Well-Known Member
The American governments hates us. They poison our water with fluoride and heavy metals. They steal our pennies and hand them over to the richest people and business in the country. They 'develop' the shitiest education systems for any child not in private school. They ship drugs over from other countries using the CIA and Army planes, then bust their own citizens for buying the drugs off the street, then re-sale the confiscated drugs to repeat the capital venture. They claim to love god and country but refuse to insist that everyone in the nation have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness with adequate life-saving health care. The demand justice for 9-11 with a bullshit war on the wrong countries, and then refuse to pay our soldiers well or even treat them for PTSD.

I love humans of any country. I wouldn't do any of these things to my fellowman. I guess I am no American. Fuck all those Americans.


Well-Known Member
i'm so Scottish that the only difference between me and groundskeeper willie is a penis and that he's a cartoon.

true story, i'm wearing a kilt and eating haggis right now.