I am so American (your country)


Well-Known Member
weey big up the 25%! aye it's alright, poor weather at the minute and ya know, there's a lot of shit here just like everywhere else, but yeah it's ace man!
if you ever fancy coming over make it august and go to edinburgh. them's some good party nights haha how's <your country> ?


Active Member
America? I don't know about everyone else but she treats me right. Shit happens no matter what part of the world you're in. I do want to visit scottland though, a few summers ago I toured europe but never got a chance to go there. My sister did however and she loved it.


Well-Known Member
The American governments hates us. They poison our water with fluoride and heavy metals. They steal our pennies and hand them over to the richest people and business in the country. They 'develop' the shitiest education systems for any child not in private school. They ship drugs over from other countries using the CIA and Army planes, then bust their own citizens for buying the drugs off the street, then re-sale the confiscated drugs to repeat the capital venture. They claim to love god and country but refuse to insist that everyone in the nation have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness with adequate life-saving health care. The demand justice for 9-11 with a bullshit war on the wrong countries, and then refuse to pay our soldiers well or even treat them for PTSD.

I love humans of any country. I wouldn't do any of these things to my fellowman. I guess I am no American. Fuck all those Americans.

you try tellin that to all the families of those innocent people that died that day u fucktard!!! you should lay on the ground , open your mouth and bite the curb so i can mudstomp yor face!! And I AM SO AMERICAN THAT I"D DO IT!!!!


Well-Known Member
you try tellin that to all the families of those innocent people that died that day u fucktard!!! you should lay on the ground , open your mouth and bite the curb so i can mudstomp yor face!! And I AM SO AMERICAN THAT I"D DO IT!!!![/QUOTEhahahahhhaah! Right on bro! Fuck that ungreatfull bitch!


Well-Known Member
I'm so American that I have to display my beliefs through crudely fashioned stickers placed on the bumper of my car.


Well-Known Member
Yea I saved that to my computer when I saw that and reped it as well it was so fucking funny! Damn I cant believe anyone responded to this old ass thread.