SeeMoreBuds' "Marijuana Buds For Less:Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"


Sector 5 Moderator
Thats one of the many many books I have linked you can get for free, if you are tight on funds that is.. Also I did a search and found the Ultimate grow video from High Time by Jorge Cervantes on emule :D Right now its downloading at over 300 kbs!!
I posted links to all the grow book, and videos I could find above in the freebooks, and knowledge

Here is the torrent Jorge Cervantes torrent search
Oh, fricking great; that really encourages people to stick their necks out, invest huge sums of money, time and talent on making a DVD or writing a book to help you succeed. When you download someones intellectual property it's STEALING. I'm an artist and musician myself and it would royally piss me off to find my stuff on the net for download. First of all it's illegal, immoral and unethical; secondly, it serves only to discourage people who know WTF they are doing from sharing it with anyone. I bought Jorge's Ultimate Grow DVD, even tho I could have used a torrent to get it for free; I support my "friends" (even tho we've never met) and people that benefit me. It's just plain wrong to steal from your friends; it's call being a rip-off. Sorry for getting on the soapbox but I just couldn't let this pass.


Well-Known Member
Well too bad, thats the world we are living in.. Not all people can afford to purchase these things.. I didnt put it up there, and I didnt rip-off anyone..
Im not about to spend any money buying these videos, when its easily traced, and you leave a trail right to your doorstep.. Thats fucking stupid..
These videos are NOT something you can just go get at bestbuy, or your local blockbuster video.. Mail order is the only way..

If you live in the states, you'd have to have alot of balls to send away for this kinda video.. I happen to be living in Asia, they LAWS are extremly harsh, and IM NOT ABOUT TO BUY anything ILLEGAL, and have it sent to my doorstep...
You can pretend to be selfrighteous all you want..
Im sure you yourself have downloaded someones elses "intellectual property" at one time or another..
Downloading movies, music etc is NOT illegal everywhere, just as marijuana isnt illegal everywhere....

So I live where downloading things are legal, and the other is ILLEGAL... I didnt make the laws, or rules of the world.. Im just living in them, just like you..
Although I dont plan on being sober for too much longer, Im already pulling my fucking hair out as it is.. I sure dont need to be LECTURED about doing something that CANT be stopped, thats is simple, free, and EASY... AND LEGAL in my part of the globe

So just because you live where you can get all the high quality cannabis, and dont have to worry about mail ordering GROW videos to your house dont MEAN EVERYONE is SO FUCKING LUCKY.. Ya DIG?!?!

Why dont you take your "soapbox" to EVERY THREAD that has links to free books, and videos.. I have SEEN many in the forum..

Better yet GO tell UTUBE and GOOGLE VIDEO to take DOWN all the intellectual property from the 1000s of people that have their intellectual property there??

PS this was NOT a flame


Sector 5 Moderator
I understand your reasoning for why you did it yourself and I also understand that me being on my soapbox means about as much as a fart in a hurricane. But being a forum member I do have the right to have my say. You can be deluded all you want but stealing is a crime - in every country. So when you point your bony little finger at me and cry (like a spoiled little baby) "self righteous", it doesn't wash; it's still illegal. Being in a country that has extremely harsh laws against the things you believe in sucks but when has that ever stopped anyone? We do what we want to do most of the time - if we think we can get away with it - legal or not. You seem to get really bent out of shape because I live where I can order whatever I want. Get over it; where you live is a matter of choice; if you don't like it - move. Never complain about that which you allow. I'm not naive but I do encourage others to show a little respect and pay for something if it's good.

I'll give you an example of why I'm so adamant about this subject. I used to be in a "users group" for Amiga computers. The only reason we got together was to pirate software. The Amiga was so far ahead of it's time they are only barely catching up now and this was 15 years ago. Long story short - there were so many pirates, like me, that the companies developing the incredible software for this incredible platform either went broke or stopped developing for the Amiga. If we had realized that we were crapping in our own mess kits, we wouldn't have done it. Yeah I paid thru the nose for software that didn't work or didn't live up to it's claims but that's the risk you take sometimes and that's the rationale I used when I was stealing software. You talk about "the world we live in"; in the world we live in the gears of commerce are greased by money and if companies don't make money they go broke. Oh and be nice noob; it's against the RIU EULA to flame.


Well-Known Member
you must of missed my PS..
I didnt flame..
I didnt call you a single name, or down you as a person..
So there was no flame.
Still dont change the fact that its all out there for the taking. Just because I dont want to order illegal videos to a country that has MUCH more STRICT drug laws then MOST other countries, doesnt make me a bad person..

I here to make money, not go to jail for life for having illegal materials.. I can do whatever I want, when it come to attempting to grow my own..
Im surely NOT going to order ANY thing related to this subject right to my front door..

Oh and downloading ISNT against ANY laws here btw.. Just like cannabis isnt against your laws... You can download things at will, maybe you will get caught maybe you wont.. IF you do you sure are not going to jail over it.

I can download, and have no worries.. However if I choose to grow my own I could be imprisoned for a very very long time, possibly life... If Im willing to take that chance, I sure as hell DONT want to get caught..
By ordering such things to my doorstep as the videos Im telling "others" about, COULD just be something to draw suspicion my way which I dont want...

The reason Im telling others where, and how to get these same "illegal" videos is to also help save them from going under the radar.. At the same time being giving them a chance to get some great how to videos..
I dont see anything wrong with it, and will do so whenever, and however I feel its helpful.. That ok with you?
You going to attack the rest of the forum users with your selfrighteous "opinions", and the many threads offering free videos, and ebooks on this forum?..
Are you going to attack Utube, and google video, which many of these same videos are also already on their servers?
Im willing to let it go, are you?


Sector 5 Moderator
You just don't get it do you? This wasn't about you; it's about stealing from those that are of like minds that stick their necks out to provide you with the best information possible but they have to make money or else they won't provide anything anymore. If YOU need to steal (download copyrighted material) for your protection, that's your business; I don't think Jorge or SeeMoreBuds would want you getting caught, even if they didn't get their royalties but I can't speak for them. Yes I am going to keep "spamming my self righteous" opinions to the rest of the forum; I think somebody has to have the balls to say it; stealing from your friends is wrong. I'm willing to let it go but it wouldn't surprise me if one of the mods banned you.


Well-Known Member
Ok im also letting it go.. I DO see what you mean, but still man I been seeing free this and that in different parts of the forum, and this is the FIRST negative responce I have seen.. So my bad for taking it abit personally...
I would be pretty suprised if I was banned.. Im part of alot of forums, and this would be my first ban issue...

Plus I have read much worse "flames" on this board then what I have posted above.. I also didnt see "banned" under their names.. Im not by any means wanting to "test" anyone by "flaming" I picked my words very carefully as to avoid this very issue
On what grounds I have NO IDEA..
I didnt flame you..
I was only defending what I took as a personal attack..
I might add again, I didnt disrespect you,or call you one name.. So IDK what you concider a "flame" but unless those elements are present it cant be concidered a flame attack IMHO
I used some "adult language" but we are all adults here arent we.. After all this is an "adult" forum

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Will do. I got a line on the soil used. I have everything except some light bases and the proper bulbs. Hoping to go shopping tomorrow. I have a hood with some 100 watt replacement bulbs so I might hang that until I get the rig built. I am sure happy to have the person who wrote the book around to talk to. I was stoked to find the book chilling on the shelf at the bookstore. I don't want to step on GK's toes as far as giving away all the secrets. I almost feel like I would be cheating myself. I paid the money for the book. However I will document the entire grow and see how I fair with the same environment. I will be singing seemorebuds praises if it works out to be as simple and labor un-intensive as it looks on tv. If it is a viable method for what it claims then newbies and people who just want to get something cheap,easy and effective to supply themselves should be happy to pay for a dummies guide to marijuana horticulture.

Hi Akra.. I really look forward to your results.... keep us posted... and if you find any errors or have any concerns let me know.. tis is the first printing of the book.. and I have already found some errors....

Your input will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
And that folk's is class, not a class act. If any one wants to question GK's integrity you had better read this entire thread first. Get the book. VV


Well-Known Member
Hi Akra.. I really look forward to your results.... keep us posted... and if you find any errors or have any concerns let me know.. tis is the first printing of the book.. and I have already found some errors....

Your input will be greatly appreciated!

cool, I've only noticed a few spelling errors other than that nothing... are there any cool screw ups that we can know about... and than laugh about:P?

I really like the 4 facts, or sayings on each page, that sometimes have nothing to do with growing :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cool, I've only noticed a few spelling errors other than that nothing... are there any cool screw ups that we can know about... and than laugh about:P?

I really like the 4 facts, or sayings on each page, that sometimes have nothing to do with growing :mrgreen::blsmoke:
Few spelling errors and I think it's so cute how the colored boxes on each page was put in by hand, they move from page to page..:blsmoke:

I love that you put this quote in the book one of my favs..:

The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can
still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.
- Galileo


Well-Known Member
Few spelling errors and I think it's so cute how the colored boxes on each page was put in by hand, they move from page to page..:blsmoke:

I love that you put this quote in the book one of my favs..:

The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can
still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.
- Galileo
I never heard that quote, but I liked it alot... there were alot of great quotes, and good info... and some upseting quotes and info


Well-Known Member
Hi Akra.. I really look forward to your results.... keep us posted... and if you find any errors or have any concerns let me know.. tis is the first printing of the book.. and I have already found some errors....

Your input will be greatly appreciated!


Hey GK,

I have found enough bulbs I think. The right size are expensive here but I am building a bigger rig. I have all 5 going now under the hps. Will build the rig tomorrow. I planted three yesterday and 2 today. They were germed in under 2 days like they all have been. The ones planted last night are already through the soil and smiling.I can't wait to see how this goes. I will let ya know. Grow ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I got the light rig built up today. I need to secure the wiring. I have some sticky zip tie anchors so I will use those to clean it up a bit. I am happy with how it turned out. So now I have it all going . All seeds have popped the surface. They were actually stretching a little with the hps at 15 inches. At least more than my last batch did under the daylight cfl hood. Might be a good thing though. The last batch grew so compact and bushy that it was a pain to water properly. It would be nice to have a little room to fit my can spout in. I was very happy to smoke a bowl afterwards. It took me like 3 hours to get everything put together,wired and hung. I burned a nice one when I got all wrapped up. It was from my first real grow. I am one happy camper right now. I love this site and you guys and of course my own cheeba.:peace:


Well-Known Member
No, And Don't You Dare Support Anyone Doing This@! The Author Is A Celebrated Member Of This Board- Don't Cheat Him Of His Work, It's Absolutely Disrespectful. Instead Of Buying That Bag Of Weed, Order This Book, Start Your Own Grow, And On Top Of It Support Someone Who Has The Balls To Write A Book To Help All Of Us Out.


Well-Known Member
No, And Don't You Dare Support Anyone Doing This@! The Author Is A Celebrated Member Of This Board- Don't Cheat Him Of His Work, It's Absolutely Disrespectful. Instead Of Buying That Bag Of Weed, Order This Book, Start Your Own Grow, And On Top Of It Support Someone Who Has The Balls To Write A Book To Help All Of Us Out.

My thoughts exactly. This thread turned to shit didn't it?


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly. This thread turned to shit didn't it?
No, it didn't turn to shyt, the thread is still serving it's purpose, to let people know about this book so they can get it.... Plenty of people are reading this who don't plan on being disrespectful.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's time for some stat's. I know I have recommended it to several folks. I have an idea. Wtf, VV has an idea?? Uhoh. Start a thread in which you post a 'qoute for the day' whenever you feel like it, from the book. For dummies like me that dont link it would have to be simple, the source would have to be understood to be the book.
Example (there is already one posted here of course) Day Four, Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.
If anyone wants the source they can look at the book?? Maybe...??Uhh...I love you too woman. VV


Well-Known Member
It's time for some stat's. I know I have recommended it to several folks. I have an idea. Wtf, VV has an idea?? Uhoh. Start a thread in which you post a 'qoute for the day' whenever you feel like it, from the book. For dummies like me that dont link it would have to be simple, the source would have to be understood to be the book.
Example (there is already one posted here of course) Day Four, Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.
If anyone wants the source they can look at the book?? Maybe...??Uhh...I love you too woman. VV
Good idea, but anyone like me would just pop the quote in the google search bar.. :blsmoke: I think the lure of seeing 8 oz of bud grown from 3 plants with 6 cfls sells the book.. who doesn't want to see that?! :blsmoke: