Simple?Need An Answer?


Well-Known Member
hi everybody

ok so i've decided to take a 12 week long t-break to clean my system all the way out after smoking just bout every day the last 6 mon's or so. after my t-break is ova i plan to cut down on my tooking of the great bud to about once every 8 weeks or so to get the most enjoyment out of my session's when i do smoke. my ? is how long do you guy's/girl's think it'll take for my system to get clean on this kind of smoking schedule (smoking a 1/2 gram-1 gram of dank once every 8 weeks or so)? thanks 4 all the help


Well-Known Member
Don't much mater how much or how long you smoke it's gone in about 30 days. If you stay clean for a week you'll be back to getting the most out of your buzz


Active Member
i dont get it you just want to be trippin baked every 2 months for a day? if you took a 3 month break id think you could get ripped once a night off a good snap of hq bud and it would be awhile before your tollerance would be back if you only smoked what you needed
i hear that people who smoke all the time will get ripped like that off eating enough of it


Well-Known Member
I've smoked all most daily for 30 years. If I lay off for a few days. The dank will kick my ass the first time. then back to normal.


Well-Known Member
yea im sure that after about a week off or so that i'll get super ripped off of any good bud bt mostly what im trying to fig out is that after being clean for 2 months or so/only smoking one day every 2 months (about a gram of dank) how long will it take to be clean (as in pass a piss test for a job) oh yea and im about 5'9'' 140-145lb's (slim) and i work out about 3 days a week some times more.


Well-Known Member
so does everybody think i'll still be around 30 days to clean out? evn only smoking one gram of dank one day every 8 weeks or so? i was thinkng maybe like 2 weeks or less. so am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
Depends on the test. For most all tests 30 days for one hit your clean. also depends on your body. what you eat how much water and stuff you drink.


Well-Known Member
type of test matters. piss test hair piss or blood, also weight is even more a factor. thc stores itself on fat. the fatter u r, the more thc u retain


Well-Known Member
my wife passed a test for a job two weeks after smoking with me.
yea i was thinking if you didnt smoke that offten every 8-10 weeks or so it would only take 2 weeks or less to clear out. got a few ?'s if you dont mind. how often does she smoke/ how much did you guys/she smoke the 2 weeks b4 the test? was it a piss test? did she use anything to detox at all? does she work out/ how big is she? thanks 4 all the help :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Don't know if I said I passed my last pee test after a 4 day weekend of heavy use. ate a bunch of crab and had a case of the shits. so I was drinking lots of water. It's the only reason I could come up with I passed.
I had a random exactly 16 days after smoking. Since I'm still employed I guess I passed. I believe that my excessive coffee addiction and all the water I drink had alot to do with the negative test results.


Well-Known Member
how often would any of you say that a person could took up (being a slim person such as i) and be clean for a piss test in say 2 weeks? every other month? every 3rd month? longer?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I would say it gets out of your system quicker probably like 2 weeks or less if your helpin it along. Drink cranberry juice it's very good at cleansing your body and exercise and drink water. The first bowl of the day usually gets you the highest especially if you wait till late in the afternoon or evening. If you just smoke less often you will get higher from it. It's just kinda of weird that it works that way.


Well-Known Member
so dose anybody think i'd be clean in 2 weeks if i only smoked about a 1/2 gram of dank around every 8 weeks. would that be far enuff time apart for me to get clean in 2 weeks or less?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
To be honest...smoking .5 every 8 weeks with your body weight...drinking water and some cranberry here and there...I'd say you'd be clean in 5 days after smoking. You don't have a lot of fat to store thc and after 30 days mostly if not all is out of your system. Unless they do hair then your 90 days kind of fucked. So the lack of fat and how often your not smoking is going to cut the 30 days down to about a week. This is all only based off of what I have read and learned about.


Well-Known Member
thinks soooo much that's just the kinda answer i was looking for. i hope your not bs'n me tho :-) anybody else agree w/ kodank?


Well-Known Member
oh and im on a 12 week t-break right now bt i plan to only toke about every 8-10 weeks and only .5 of dank per sess once i start back.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Honestly I'm not. I had the same question and googled it and I read about how thc is stored etc. I am not saying its a guarantee it'll be 5 days but I can PROMISE you will be clean within 14. I can guarantee that. Such a little amount over such a long time should be virtually gone in 3 days but 5-7 to be safe and if your totally sketched out about it just wait a full 14. Good luck bro. Rep is always appreciated :D if not for advice at least for my sexy avatar :D