would this idea solve most of the worlds problems??


Active Member
No not really but I have definitely read a little on this. Its just interesting to me, i was just standing on the fact they did practice this in the holocaust. + rep though for the knowledge


Well-Known Member
i dont know where your at or where your from, but here in america we're free to choose to have one child, no child, or many child. maybe you should get snipped if u feel so strongly about it. the problem isnt overpopulation, the problem is greed. and i must say you are very greedy if you want %90 of the population to be sterilized and only have certain people breed. your not talkin about the holocaust but you sound pretty hitler to me.


Well-Known Member
not advocating it...yes its a crazy idea but im not sure if whatever has happened or will happen is any better or worse. im not greedy this wouldnt benifit me but could benifit future generations. like i said i was thinking thanks for your thoughts........SO instead of turning our corn into corn surup why dont we turn it all into alcohol and run our cars on it do it all here it could be a huge industry with some possible enviornmental benifit and could greatly reduce our dependence on forign oil...and yes i allready know we use some alcohol gas blends but im talking about large scale replacement


Well-Known Member
alcohol is one way. weed can be used as a fuel too. or magnets. we have plenty of options to choose from, but not enough gall to do it. i think this medical marijuana thing is kind of silly. if people were pushing for legalization just on a industry stand point it would get a better reputation. but when u war with oil companies, you lose.


Well-Known Member
not advocating it...yes its a crazy idea but im not sure if whatever has happened or will happen is any better or worse. im not greedy this wouldnt benifit me but could benifit future generations. like i said i was thinking thanks for your thoughts........SO instead of turning our corn into corn surup why dont we turn it all into alcohol and run our cars on it do it all here it could be a huge industry with some possible enviornmental benifit and could greatly reduce our dependence on forign oil...and yes i allready know we use some alcohol gas blends but im talking about large scale replacement
Because it's crap. We can't grow enough fuel corn without fucking ourselves for food.


Well-Known Member
We have the technology and resources to feed and house everyone on the planet, we just have to get rid of the greedy fucks at the top of the foodchain.

For instance i just calculated the CEO of GM's salary anounced in the news this week to be equal to my current income for the next 1686 years or 20233 months at today's exchange rate.


Well-Known Member
We have the technology and resources to feed and house everyone on the planet, we just have to get rid of the greedy fucks at the top of the foodchain.

For instance i just calculated the CEO of GM's salary anounced in the news this week to be equal to my current income for the next 1686 years or 20233 months at today's exchange rate.
thats a lot of double cheese burgers 4 sure....no one needs to have that much money


Well-Known Member
Only a complete retard would have to ask if this kind of crap could solve any kind of problems.
and your better idea is.......??? what a rebutal.!!! Rember this one next time you have nothing to add-It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.. thats an awsome quote im not sure who said it....if you have brilliant ideas id love to hear them...otherwise lets keep the trash talk to ourselves i refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent


Well-Known Member
just watch that movie the Children of Men.

then you'll understand why that idea is a monumental disaster at best.


Well-Known Member
so i was thinking about all of the problems in the world and what the world will be like for future generations. what if their were a way to make things better without wars and i was thinking about world population and how i heard china is limiting families to one child and i thought....What if the entire world would agree to sterilisation what if we could sterilise 9 out of every 10 children born in a way that would not harm them but let them lead normal lives. like a visectomy or tube tieing so that the chances of a fertile man and woman coupleing and having a child would be very small. after a few generations population would be grately reduced their would be plenty of natural resourcs and then they could reevaluate the situation. imagine the reforestation the resurgance of wildlife the reduction in polution and the improvement in quality of life RANDOM 9 out of 10 like every hospital 123456789fertile no prefrances
as long as we start by sterilizing you


Well-Known Member
No the holocaust was the systematic removal of certain populations, this is an attempt to slow the growth of our species so we don't reach a point beyond natural stability.

The problem with this is that you really wouldn't be able to guarantee the future populations would be as ambitious, as more people are sterilized the population drops, meaning less sterilization would be needed, resulting in an ever fluxing relationship. And lets face it people like concrete regulations, we would wipe ourselves out a long time before we controlled our outrageous growths.

speaking as someone who had family members perish in the holocaust, i will inform you that the nazis also sterilized undesirables. a different slice of the same final solution sandwich.


Well-Known Member
yeah the nazi's sterilized people they got the idea from america and a lot of the stuff we as americans asociate with the nazi scfientists was actually started by our Eugenics movement