HELP ASAP found spider-web but cant tell what it is


I cant get a good look to see if it has 8or 6 legs. But there is small webbing. Does any "pest" for our crops actually use webbing or do they just attach to the plant. I just found it now. Should I spray neem or Ed Rosenthal's Zero Tolerance. Or just cut the plant and spray everything else... So far it seems to be a small isolated incident but if you look at my very last post I have been having problems even thought O couldnt see any pests maybe related?
help please asap.

Im about to cut it down and just spray the rest. but should I use the NEem or the Zero Tolerance by Ed Rosenthal?

PLEASE HELP ME brothers and sisters.



thanks bro its a very lose only maybe like a brand new web. so I already chopped off the top where they where and gonna use zero tolerance. see how that works

any other help would be apreciated. My camera is not working and so I cant take photos but they looked like I almost counted more than 6 legs. which make them spider mites right? and is neem better or ed's concoction>?


Well-Known Member
spider mites.


neem oil works better, but dont spray if your late stage flowering. if thats the case just harvest now b4 anymor edamage is done.
mites will leave drying/curing bud Exodus style... if your early stage flowering or vegging mix 2 tbls of neem concentrate per one gal h2o, spray the fuck out of em, top, bottom, top of soil, and undersides of leaves. dont forget to do the trunk. basically you want to completely soak the entire plant from base of trunk to top of cola. neem is organic and harmless to mammals, so dont sweat it of you get some on you. repeat every 3 days for 2 weeks, and they should be gone. it doesnt hurt to spray down everything close to the plants as well, or something the plants might rub on while they sway in the fans breeze.
mites also dont like high humidity, they like dry RH with air movement (kinda why they like cannabis so much)

personally i add 1 tiny teeny little drop of dawn liquid dish detergent to act as a surfacant and make sure the neem penetrates every little crack and crevice.


Active Member
If it's a spider web you can leave it be, spiders are helpful and eat many harmful bugs. If it's caused by spider mites use the zero tolerance approach.

and the other advice is good for dealing with them. I would add too that along with humidity, temperature has a great affect at the rate the mites reproduce.
spider mites.


neem oil works better, but dont spray if your late stage flowering. if thats the case just harvest now b4 anymor edamage is done.
mites will leave drying/curing bud Exodus style... if your early stage flowering or vegging mix 2 tbls of neem concentrate per one gal h2o, spray the fuck out of em, top, bottom, top of soil, and undersides of leaves. dont forget to do the trunk. basically you want to completely soak the entire plant from base of trunk to top of cola. neem is organic and harmless to mammals, so dont sweat it of you get some on you. repeat every 3 days for 2 weeks, and they should be gone. it doesnt hurt to spray down everything close to the plants as well, or something the plants might rub on while they sway in the fans breeze.
mites also don't like high humidity, they like dry RH with air movement (kinda why they like cannabis so much)

personally i add 1 tiny teeny little drop of dawn liquid dish detergent to act as a surfacant and make sure the neem penetrates every little crack and crevice.


ok cool, so I did a mistake in my novice rush. I mixed up the wetting agent and the zero tolerance said for root problems then to mix it up in a solution and water the media, I watedered the media with a weting agent solution. I quickly saw my mistake and did a quick dip flush and re-watered the media. I only suspect that it will cause some bubbles in the aero system. It wasnt palmolive it was coco-wet and it wasn't more than 200ml mixed with 200 ml of water.

what can I expect as that problem. My isue now is I need more zero tolerance and I will spray the heck out of everything with neem. But if the neem gets into the water table hat will happen?

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
If mites, make a solution of ISO Alcohol / water at 1 to 1 ratio.

Spray on plants... They will die instantly.

Repeat every 2 days to kill of the young.
If mites, make a solution of ISO Alcohol / water at 1 to 1 ratio. yep yep Gonna have my Brother try this he found one web on one of his plants only but the oil is so messy I know it works well sence any growers I know all use it. Heads up on you all posting here I read your stuff daily and finnaly reg. So now I can post and I just want to thank you all for always being here with the answers Muahs everyone plz keep it up