Laceygirls Grow


Well-Known Member
Thankyou Don, and yes it is easy to see a plant turn, its very obvious... Everyone is always worried about overcooking the trichs, I don't care about that, it takes ages to overcook it... Like about a month...The plant wont lose potency if you grow it till its finished... I don't think many people are willing to take that chance or can wait that long...:-)

amen hallelluya


Well-Known Member
This will be one of my last vids... The next one will be harvesting...


Laceygirl... bongsmilie

This is taking forever...:-?

White Widow took 5 months of my life, and now I want it


Well-Known Member
This will be one of my last vids... The next one will be harvesting...


Laceygirl... bongsmilie

This is taking forever...:-?

White Widow took 5 months of my life, and now I want it
LG just get ready to spend 5 years on the couch. I am off to bed now. Watching your plants depresses me too much.


Well-Known Member
LG just get ready to spend 5 years on the couch. I am off to bed now. Watching your plants depresses me too much.
Hi Rock, checked in on your journal. You are doing fine.. I started somewhere too... My first crop in my big tent, 5 months ago FAILED and failed miserably... I used coco and I wasn't used to watering every other day and I killed all of them, drowned them... So depressing, so I went back to clayballs or hydroton and all is good again.. You have to find what you like...

Also my plants are that size because I am using HPS lights and MH lights... You could squeeze a dual spectrum 250 watt light in there and see ridiculous results... I also would recommend autopots for you... You fill them with vermiculite and perlite and it waters itself all you have to do it adjust the nutrients in the reservoir accordingly......:-)Excellent for the beginner or the lazy gardener...:bigjoint:

I can't really help you with your plant problems cause I am growing in A DWC with top feeder... I don't like soil, its too iffy... Like I mentioned before, you grow better in what you know...

Will keep checking in



Well-Known Member
Hi All Laceygirl again... :-)

Well I have had to do a bit of work on the mother tent today... I dragged my arse out to the Hydro Shop and replaced my fan... No longer is the pedestal fan inside my cupboard so there's heaps more room.

I also used an idea a friend gave me (thanks EightEnough :-) and put a cover over the top of the flood tray of my system... It works a treat... I bought $12 bucks worth of mylar coated coreflute and cut holes for the drainage pipe as its quite tall and holes for the pots... Really happy with the cheap fix... Its also a bonus reflector, until the plants get too big that is...:-)

Big tent, not much has changed yet... Still waiting... Wont take any more photos of it until they are done... Its boring looking at the same buds all the time...

Thanks for looking....



Well-Known Member
damn your widow mother is going spastic. i hope my widow grows nice and fast. i want to get it big enough to go outside soon. i m going to block off a corner of my patio for her to grow and flower in. a real nice spot where it gets sun light most of the day.


Well-Known Member
Well this sucks... I turned off my 1000watt light tonight to try and get some better pictures... Well it worked, and whilst on my travels in the big tent, I came across 2 buds infected with MOULD...Buds too big, not enough air flow, which is weird considering I am running an air conditioner and oscilating fans and a bloody big exhaust fan...

Goddammit.... Its always friggin something... So I have removed the offending buds immediately and increased the air flow in my tent by up to three times what is was...Going to leave the fan on when the lights are off now also....;-)

I have also checked the remainder of the plants and it seems to be an isolated incident... Christ I hope so...:-( :cuss:
Going to be watching them like hawks now... Getting close...:eyesmoke:


On the plus side, I did try the little branch that broke off last week... It has dried beautifully and I have had two cones and it nearly blew my head off my shoulders... So looking forward to this....:-)



Well-Known Member
mould oh no. keep an eye on that.
Yeah, can you believe it... Things have been going too well this grow, I had to have something go wrong...:-(

And no Rock you cannot smoke mould... Its very very bad for you... I only lost about 5 grams... Not very much in the scheme of things....:-)

Thanks guys....


Active Member
Yeah, can you believe it... Things have been going too well this grow, I had to have something go wrong...:-(

And no Rock you cannot smoke mould... Its very very bad for you... I only lost about 5 grams... Not very much in the scheme of things....:-)

Thanks guys....
Mold is no good :[ I have been away for a bit lacey, and to be honest I haven't gotten the chance to read back yet....did you run into some mold?

:finger: Mold


Well-Known Member
Mold is no good :[ I have been away for a bit lacey, and to be honest I haven't gotten the chance to read back yet....did you run into some mold?

:finger: Mold
Yeah High I did. Go back a page and you will see the photos.. :-(

I have isolated the problem but now I have to watch them like hawks.. Leaving the fan on during the lights off period now too.. Just to keep things dry and moving... Everything just switched off so I had to move a few things around on the powerboards, so now the oscilating fan is running with the exhaust fan, air pumps and water heater constantly.



Active Member
Yeah High I did. Go back a page and you will see the photos.. :-(

I have isolated the problem but now I have to watch them like hawks.. Leaving the fan on during the lights off period now too.. Just to keep things dry and moving... Everything just switched off so I had to move a few things around on the powerboards, so now the oscilating fan is running with the exhaust fan, air pumps and water heater constantly.

:wall: Damn that sucks!

yeah I would defiantly always keep my fans on, 24/7.....except if your administering Co2, in that case, I would have my fans turn off during the 15-30 min you have the co2 on....because that shit just floats in the air, you want it soaked up by the plants, not blown around by a fan. Just as a side note, cannabis can use 6x the amount of co2 than oxygen. Pretty interesting, and if you get some spare bucks, its defiantly the way to go ;)

ANYWAY, didnt mean to hijack your thread, keep up those pics for us, since the videos arent coming until harvest ;)


Well-Known Member
oh damn laceygirl that sucks i got a bit of mold my first runn i keep my fans on 24/7 (exaust and oscillating) i havent had anyother probs

u might want to look into a small ozone generator kills mold instantly and getting one for next harvest..thier great for mold and ODOR im also lookin into ozoneated water benefits for cannabis..i know it purifies water and the ozone turns into o2 and co2 after 15 mins so its kinda peaked my intrest...more o2 and co2 are never abad thing lol


Well-Known Member
oh damn laceygirl that sucks i got a bit of mold my first runn i keep my fans on 24/7 (exaust and oscillating) i havent had anyother probs

u might want to look into a small ozone generator kills mold instantly and getting one for next harvest..thier great for mold and ODOR im also lookin into ozoneated water benefits for cannabis..i know it purifies water and the ozone turns into o2 and co2 after 15 mins so its kinda peaked my intrest...more o2 and co2 are never abad thing lol
Hi Sol, yes I am going to buy a UV Ozone Generator after this harvest... Its only $250 and I reckon it will be money well spent... For the odour control and for the mould killing abilities....:-) It will do my whole double garage apparently... That's fine with me...

I went past B.O.C gases the other day, going to invest in cO2 for the next grow also, I just have to outlay the $300 or so for the pressure adapter thingy...:-(



Active Member
going to invest in cO2 for the next grow also, I just have to outlay the $300 or so for the pressure adapter thingy...:-(

:clap::clap::clap::clap: Yay :D You can use regular standard hosing....wrap it around your grow....and poke holes in the tubing,....thats how i did it a few years ago...



Active Member
Nice to see you got things in hand lacey.
I haven't started flowering but I'm concerned.
Anyway I just wanted to stop by and say High!


Well-Known Member
First Up High to you to Valhalla :-) Welcome back...

I am just tidying up a few last things, I have suspended another fan in the big tent to help combat stillness in the tent, so that's three fans now...including my a/c.... The buds are really beginning to change... I am so excited...:bigjoint: I have smoked bongsmiliethe little branch that broke off and its amazing... Can't wait to taste the mature things. Still giving them low pH water, until the day I chop.... The fans are on all the time now... Thanks Ninj... :-) Checked them again tonight for tell tale signs and all is good so far.. Whew...

I have posted pics of the big tent and the buds in all their glory. I hope you can see the difference between what they were 3 weeks ago and what they are now... ;-)

We are having a really hot day here today so I had to move the light in the mother tent further up the chain, and infront of the extractor fan, so it sucks the heat straight from the globe out of my tent into my shed...It works really well... The mothers are only getting watered 3 times a day now, ya gotta love vermiculite and perlite..:-) It absorbs and drains so well...;-) The Widow is the big plant and the second pot is the Rhino and the other two, I'm not sure, they keep changing...:eyesmoke:

Laceygirl... Still waiting...Cool as a cucumber...


Well-Known Member
What was the price on co2 bottles from boc and do you need a trade to get the gas or can anyone get it
I think those you brew it joints sell it too maybe check their prices