More of a celebral high on my Master Bubba Kush - Pics attached!


Today, marks Day 52 on my Master Bubba Kush. I heard people are harvesting these around 56-60 days. I am aiming more of a cerebral high rather than the couch lock narcotic high. I read that to get more of the cerebral high, go for cloudy trichomes rather than amber. I just need another set of eyes to offer me some suggestions if my plant is ready. I was planning to cut her down tomorrow morning. Let me know what your thoughts are.





Well-Known Member
those look half clear half cloudy, id move the harvest day to monday or tuesday for a little more cloudiness


Active Member
Those are some tiny scrawny buds :( I don't think they're anywhere near done. I'd say you got like two - three more weeks. My Master Kush took a hair over 10wks and that was under HPS lights.. I'd wait till you see just a couple amber ones.. Just a couple here and there on each bud and you should be good. Good luck.


Wow 10 weeks? That puts in a Sativa-like flowering period, huh? I don't think I can do another a couple weeks on 'em, lol. I already started the flush and the leaves are already yellowing... The last photo doesn't show her good side at all, she stands around 3.5ft from the base, very bushy and has many many bud sites. I did hope for bigger buds but I'm pretty content how it turned out for my first grow. My next grow will definitely be better for sure. ;)


Active Member
What kind of light are they under? Trust me - you're going to want to wait! They're still growing. Those leaves are nowhere near yellowing to the point that indicates the fruit is ready. Here is my Master Kush when it was ready..

See how most of the fan leaves are gone, there's brown dead leaves on the buds, and most bud leaves are either yellow or new growth.. That is when the buds are ripe.

If you cut now, you wasted all that time. Do what you want to do - it's your plant - but it's not ready yet, and it won't be good.


Well-Known Member
I thought it looked pretty immature also, and looking at the last photo, looks like all seeds. I may be wrong, and it was only in the bottom photo, but damn that looks like a bunch of little beaners everywhere. And ten weeks would still be considered short for a sativa, mine typically go 14-18 weeks in flower, but I make sure they're done before I cut.


If I was going to push her a little bit longer, is it ok to put nutrients back in the water? She's been on distilled water since Thursday...

din'e medicine

Active Member
tHATS NICE!! i ALSO HAVE mASTER bUBBA CLONE. And im bout to flower next week at 1ft. and a half. Also i have super bubba, gods gift, and king kush, and snow cap.


Well-Known Member
What kind of light are they under? Trust me - you're going to want to wait! They're still growing. Those leaves are nowhere near yellowing to the point that indicates the fruit is ready. Here is my Master Kush when it was ready..

See how most of the fan leaves are gone, there's brown dead leaves on the buds, and most bud leaves are either yellow or new growth.. That is when the buds are ripe.

If you cut now, you wasted all that time. Do what you want to do - it's your plant - but it's not ready yet, and it won't be good.
This guy is right dog! I PROMISE that you will be SO much happier if you just wait another couple weeks! PROMISE! Why would you do all this work and waiting to get to this point, and then chop? I'd bet those buds can still almost double in size! What light's you got?

And to potberto, B-E-A-Utiful fucking plant man! So many different colors on them buds, I just got a hard on..... hahaha:blsmoke:



Active Member
niceee shit
though if you want heady high, KUSH is the complete opposite of what you want! would suggest a haze ;)


Active Member
From my experience, chopping a plant early may give you a more "cerebral" high, but it only lasts 40 minutes, then you want to smoke more.

Zeus has a post on here that says it best- if you want a body high, grow an indica until it is ripe. If you want a cerebral high, grow a sativa until it is ripe.


Well-Known Member
What kind of light are they under? Trust me - you're going to want to wait! They're still growing. Those leaves are nowhere near yellowing to the point that indicates the fruit is ready. Here is my Master Kush when it was ready..

See how most of the fan leaves are gone, there's brown dead leaves on the buds, and most bud leaves are either yellow or new growth.. That is when the buds are ripe.

If you cut now, you wasted all that time. Do what you want to do - it's your plant - but it's not ready yet, and it won't be good.
goin by fan leaves isnt smart..u can flush ur plants before ur trichs are amber and the fan leaves will start falling out..that doesnt mean its done tho it just means u flushed to early


Well-Known Member
goin by fan leaves isnt smart..u can flush ur plants before ur trichs are amber and the fan leaves will start falling out..that doesnt mean its done tho it just means u flushed to early

that plant looks ripe to me , amber trichs or not, you can kinda get a sense of when its ripe without breaking out a scope and examining trichs like a scientist :joint:


Well-Known Member
i wasnt saying it wasnt ripe, i was just sayin going by fan leaves isnt the best idea..i would let that plant go one more week or so if it were mine