still veggin under a 400 watt mh but the other plant is showing fine hairs in the inter I want to be sure...people are thinking I'm looking at the calnyx...I'm looking at the shorter stubbie that is growing out...these plants are almost two months ...they are about to go under a hpsI don't see any sign of sex. Is it under 12/12? What your looking at are the Stipules, there on every Cannabis plant.
yeah I told them about the ones that didn't quite make it up to "souvenir standards" and they told me to pay for postage and send back the damaged ones...I'm like what the ones that didn't germ? lolDefently if you cant decide whether it is or not, it shouldn't release pollen.
Email the seedbank demanding real feminized seeds....for free hahahahaha
I wish I could get some cuttings ...I really don't know anyone else growingI think you might be fine give it a week or so dont yake until you know for sure. next time try cloning if possible, saves the hassle.
lmao...I know right and I'll make sure to get that return addy to the white houseHaha, or just say hey US customs, can I send back my decent sized marijuana plant across borders, I payed good money for these.
And yea the seed souvenier thing always confused me.
Guess I need to use photo shop and circle the stubs I see !That pic is out of focus and it's too early to tell by what you're showing. If your cam has macro mode enable it for closeups. You could take a cutting off that plant and flower it, if you're really concerned. Like mentioned earlier, chances are that you would catch a male before it busts, since you check daily.