Dmt the spirit molecule!


Active Member
Im very interested in getting into extracting my own personal dmt. I have learned so much about it thru terrance mckenna and joe rogan as well as others. I dont feel safe looking for it on the streets.....

Guidance will be greatly appreciated....

I need to have a one on one with our source!
you really cant have learnt that much from joe rogan -_-

and go onto the website 'erowid' if u have never heard of it before google it and find DMT and theres loads of extractions there.
just extract it. Save yourself the bullshit from dealers who do not know shit about shit.
JOE ROGAN has struck a bIG cord BECAUSE he is the regal star or link as you will to THE GREAT ufc fights and FEAR COMBUSTIBLE show FEAR FACTOR... and he voyages in sensory deprivation tanks... AHHHHH can he be the revitalizing source to all psychedelics :lol:
but how ?? im down like the ground to extract myself......

I'm about to embark on this journey myself.... just google "dmt extraction" and you should find all you need to know....

once you go that far, there are a few people here that can help you with the actual process.
JOE ROGAN has struck a bIG cord BECAUSE he is the regal star or link as you will to THE GREAT ufc fights and FEAR COMBUSTIBLE show FEAR FACTOR... and he voyages in sensory deprivation tanks... AHHHHH can he be the revitalizing source to all psychedelics :lol:

i like that.......go joe!!!!! we love ur tight t shirts lmao
Im very interested in getting into extracting my own personal dmt. I have learned so much about it thru terrance mckenna and joe rogan as well as others. I dont feel safe looking for it on the streets.....

Guidance will be greatly appreciated....

I need to have a one on one with our source!

Start by takeing anything those gentlemen said, and throw it out of your memory. Also throw out Spirit molecule, it does not relate to normal dose normal setting experiences even remotely.

Then search here for the Lighter form of DMT thread for the extraction....
LIGHTER FORM OF DMT thread... hmmm have I perused those grounds before...?

Must see, I bet I have but its always best to search then go array in ignorance!
I like what Joe Rogan has done, think it's a good thing to have people out in public saying drugs aren't "ZOMG ONE PUFF AND YOO IS DEAD!" and he does at least mention that it might not be suitable for everyone.

As for making DMT, its silly easy to do...the hardest part I found was the waiting!
I have ventured down DMT-NEXUS road and it has a cornocopia of DE-mi-TRi knowledge ;)

hmmmmmmmm all this sounds very interesting....would u have time to break down some basics (if that even makes sense) about dmt. i kno what joe rogan told me..and it sparked my interest....any knowledge u think one should obtain before heading down the dmt path??? or even after havin dmt experiences.

let me kno..thanks yo!
There is nothing that can prepare you , it a is a brain modality you have not used before unless you are certifiably insane.
Its like describing a golden sunset on a tropical beach of white sand to a person who was born blind...
i was enlightened before. definately agree with the name spirit molecule. aweful taste and smell kind of like burnt styrofoam. by far my favorite trip ever. it seems like time slows down for you. i used the marsofold extraction method. I know this was prolly stupid but I advise against burning preground mimosa hostilis root bark. i followed the tek exactly but only got half of what i should. thinking it was poor quality bark. best of luck